I think Peter Clarke doesn't show HUD in his videos but is still able to see players HUD stats. Might want to ask how he does it. I think Clanty did something like this before as well.
7:35 T#2 64c on Jd-5c-2c when you get 3bet on the flop when are you 4betting? Some times I like to rip these combo draws here. There have been a few times where I would flat and opponents rips the turn and now forced to fold.
mostly IP doesn't 3B their NFD a lot vs X/R but if they do so in some frequencies then we have to stack off dominated draw OTF.
Even in the original simulation (PIOvsPIO) 64s when we did 4B in BB and IP 5B Shoved, 64s had a 1/3 fold frequency, but if we bring this to the actual game, the stack off range of IP will be tighter than PIO, so we'll be dominated very often.
and second important thing is there's no fold equity in real world when we 4B.
PIO has folding range after 3B OTF
Should I call this random 2X OB of rec at 50-100NL? I know my opponent's betting line doesn't make sense, but I often just fold my medium "decent" holding, so I'm using a strategy that doesn't respond to random punts until I have a read on fish.
It's okay to do it like this?
and I love to see 500z vid than gg reg tables
Thanks for great vid!
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I think Peter Clarke doesn't show HUD in his videos but is still able to see players HUD stats. Might want to ask how he does it. I think Clanty did something like this before as well.
7:35 T#2 64c on Jd-5c-2c when you get 3bet on the flop when are you 4betting? Some times I like to rip these combo draws here. There have been a few times where I would flat and opponents rips the turn and now forced to fold.
mostly IP doesn't 3B their NFD a lot vs X/R but if they do so in some frequencies then we have to stack off dominated draw OTF.
Even in the original simulation (PIOvsPIO) 64s when we did 4B in BB and IP 5B Shoved, 64s had a 1/3 fold frequency, but if we bring this to the actual game, the stack off range of IP will be tighter than PIO, so we'll be dominated very often.
and second important thing is there's no fold equity in real world when we 4B.
PIO has folding range after 3B OTF
Oh I'm sorry if you play 500nl+ then I think we have fold equity when we 4B OTF
I’d rip 43s so have more equity vs sets and bigger flush draws.
Should I call this random 2X OB of rec at 50-100NL? I know my opponent's betting line doesn't make sense, but I often just fold my medium "decent" holding, so I'm using a strategy that doesn't respond to random punts until I have a read on fish.
It's okay to do it like this?
and I love to see 500z vid than gg reg tables
Thanks for great vid!
Yeh I think fish OBs are value heavy
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