Interesting line on the Td8d at ~5:30 on board of 4dQs8c turn Tc after calling flop bet in 3 bet pot, leading with an over bet. This is obviously an exploitative bet sizing on the turn lead, but I am curious the reasoning behind the over bet vs 1/3 or 2/3 pot lead and what hands you are taking this sizing with. Also, are you using other bet sizes on your leads here? I imagine you are probably under bluffing this spot but curious what your bluffs would be here.
5:48 you call small 3bet CO vs BTN - XC 1/3 flop. Then donk OB the turn Q84Tcc with T8d. Just to continue the discussion that 777TripSevens777 brought up above. I was curious if we should lead for a smaller 3/4 size on the turn give the small cbet size indicating the weaker player likely has a weaker range?
There was an old video somewhere here on Rio that talked about Donk betting turn bet size depends on the flop cbet size. Where if a person is range betting flop Q84 and the turn comes 8 or 4 we don't really have a trips advantage. Where if they cbet B50 or bigger and the turn comes 8 or 4 we get to do a lot of Donk betting even for a larger size because IP is capped to QX+ or draw. They shouldn't be using B50+ with 8x or 4x very often with their flop cbet size.
Thank you for sharing this video btw! Love all the exploits. I'm surprised you made this public because it seems very powerful! Even little stuff like 8:23 where you open J6o on the button because BB is a nitty player. Where you just open ATC and range bet small size I assume?
10:55 4betting BvB AJo 8.5 to 21bb (2.47x) What do you think about using a small 2.1x 4bet size? I was watching Pete Clarks youtube video (58:55) where James Shea recommended a smaller 4bet size because you don't want to make it easy for IP to fold KXs or SCs etc.
18:15 T#2 with QTo are you not thinking about the stack size when 3 betting off suit broadways and just attacking the purple tag players with 25% 3bet range?
32:32 another QTo hand CO vs HJ 2bb open (purple tag) but this time you folded. Are you only 3 betting these hands when you are on the button with 2 players behind?
4B sizes - I've just always used 2.3-2.5x roughly based on 3B size and stack size. Its worked well. Don't think it matters much what size you use. I think players are also quite inelastic as to what hand classes they fold.
QTo - yeh just 3betting these weak hands on the BTN vs whales. in CO it becomes far too optimistic i think.
19:20 calling small 3bet IP with QXs and floating the flop to get AK/AQ hands to fold the turn vs B50. You are going very hard in this video! I feel like the pool pissed you off and now you are exploiting them to the max! Well done sir!
What are your yearly results if you don't mind sharing?
28:15 Any merit to cold calling here with a purple tag in the BB? I usually cold call this spot a bunch of T9s-54s, 88-22, AJo, KQo, QTs etc to play MW IP with a fish in the blinds. Do you think cold call here is losing money?
44:55 3 betting K5s btn vs CO vs a "weak player." When they have 15 vpip what classifies them as weak? I have trouble finding these 3bets vs what I would classify as nits. Just avoid giving them action.
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Interesting line on the Td8d at ~5:30 on board of 4dQs8c turn Tc after calling flop bet in 3 bet pot, leading with an over bet. This is obviously an exploitative bet sizing on the turn lead, but I am curious the reasoning behind the over bet vs 1/3 or 2/3 pot lead and what hands you are taking this sizing with. Also, are you using other bet sizes on your leads here? I imagine you are probably under bluffing this spot but curious what your bluffs would be here.
Thanks Gary.
the hand was vs a whale. wanted max value and get stacks in. no need to worry about balance, sizing schemes or anything.
5:05 Are you doing this ATC? X-X-XR
5:48 you call small 3bet CO vs BTN - XC 1/3 flop. Then donk OB the turn Q84Tcc with T8d. Just to continue the discussion that 777TripSevens777 brought up above. I was curious if we should lead for a smaller 3/4 size on the turn give the small cbet size indicating the weaker player likely has a weaker range?
There was an old video somewhere here on Rio that talked about Donk betting turn bet size depends on the flop cbet size. Where if a person is range betting flop Q84 and the turn comes 8 or 4 we don't really have a trips advantage. Where if they cbet B50 or bigger and the turn comes 8 or 4 we get to do a lot of Donk betting even for a larger size because IP is capped to QX+ or draw. They shouldn't be using B50+ with 8x or 4x very often with their flop cbet size.
Thank you for sharing this video btw! Love all the exploits. I'm surprised you made this public because it seems very powerful! Even little stuff like 8:23 where you open J6o on the button because BB is a nitty player. Where you just open ATC and range bet small size I assume?

10:55 4betting BvB AJo 8.5 to 21bb (2.47x) What do you think about using a small 2.1x 4bet size? I was watching Pete Clarks youtube video (58:55) where James Shea recommended a smaller 4bet size because you don't want to make it easy for IP to fold KXs or SCs etc.
18:15 T#2 with QTo are you not thinking about the stack size when 3 betting off suit broadways and just attacking the purple tag players with 25% 3bet range?
32:32 another QTo hand CO vs HJ 2bb open (purple tag) but this time you folded. Are you only 3 betting these hands when you are on the button with 2 players behind?
4B sizes - I've just always used 2.3-2.5x roughly based on 3B size and stack size. Its worked well. Don't think it matters much what size you use. I think players are also quite inelastic as to what hand classes they fold.
QTo - yeh just 3betting these weak hands on the BTN vs whales. in CO it becomes far too optimistic i think.
19:20 calling small 3bet IP with QXs and floating the flop to get AK/AQ hands to fold the turn vs B50. You are going very hard in this video! I feel like the pool pissed you off and now you are exploiting them to the max! Well done sir!
What are your yearly results if you don't mind sharing?
haha yeh some players play very faceup postflop so we can defend very wide. obviously would be folding for any normal 3B size.
results - i'll be showing all that in the first video of my next contract, sometime in november probably
28:15 Any merit to cold calling here with a purple tag in the BB? I usually cold call this spot a bunch of T9s-54s, 88-22, AJo, KQo, QTs etc to play MW IP with a fish in the blinds. Do you think cold call here is losing money?
its pretty marginal, and i prefer choosing hands to do this that play better multiway / dominate ranges (mid pairs, AJs/KQs stuff).
44:55 3 betting K5s btn vs CO vs a "weak player." When they have 15 vpip what classifies them as weak? I have trouble finding these 3bets vs what I would classify as nits. Just avoid giving them action.
they will under 4Bet, so we get to see the flop, and they will overfold/underbluff postflop. so we just get to realise so much.
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