16:50 - Great point with KJo. upon first glance, with two recs behind it would've seemed a line up where you should be widening your opening range, but I like your reasoning for folding. In that particular spot, would you be opening low pocket pairs at a much higher frequency given that they play much better in squeezed pots with recs?
Another great video! Also I really enjoyed your elite call there were some nuggets in there for me. especially when you talked about turn sizing heuristics for simplification.
Thanks. I felt I didn't articulate what I meant or what I tried to get across particularly well in the elite call, so I’m glad you found it useful.
Poker is a complex game, so simplifying where possible without much EV loss is always a good idea. Start simple, and then add complexity as you improve. Don’t try and start with 4 sizes.
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16:50 - Great point with KJo. upon first glance, with two recs behind it would've seemed a line up where you should be widening your opening range, but I like your reasoning for folding. In that particular spot, would you be opening low pocket pairs at a much higher frequency given that they play much better in squeezed pots with recs?
I’d basically open hands that can continue vs 3Bs and/or play well multi-way (so suited hands over offsuit blocking hands)
Another great video! Also I really enjoyed your elite call there were some nuggets in there for me. especially when you talked about turn sizing heuristics for simplification.
Thanks. I felt I didn't articulate what I meant or what I tried to get across particularly well in the elite call, so I’m glad you found it useful.
Poker is a complex game, so simplifying where possible without much EV loss is always a good idea. Start simple, and then add complexity as you improve. Don’t try and start with 4 sizes.
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