I mess around with opening sizes a bit. Doesn't make much difference. Do whatever you're comfortable with with the understanding of the basic principle :
bigger size = open less hands
smaller size = open more hands.
35min table #1 JTo on the river 9936A board. This is also a spot I usually give up but feels like on a non ace card it should be a triple. A lot of 9X in SB range will bet flop or XR turn. Where they can have some ace high floats you mainly rep 9x if you triple and opponent should find lot of folds. This is a spot Kanu talks about in his course. BvB in SRP where you just triple barrel 100%. Results are surprisingly profitable! Results are from 500z as well.
I know your give up is solver approved but no one is calling or slow playing enough at the right frequency. Had a similar hand with 98o on a 743r-Tcc-Ax board two days ago, I double checked solver and it is giving up on the river with 9x8c. However solver land vs human land are played very differently. Recommend checking your fold equity on the river when you triple barrel after SB checks flop. Should be very profitable.
33-30 (AQ hands SBvsBB) 1st table I had exactly spot like that today. I bluffed K2hh as IP, and OOP called A3 (flop, turn played exactly)
I think IP can have plenty KJ/QJ/KQ and flush draws so even though Qx feels not great there Ax is pretty good as IP betting all 2 pairs for sure (A6,A7,A8)
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How come you play 2,5 x from all positions except sb? 2,1-2,3x and 2,5 from the btn seems like the open size most regs use,
I mess around with opening sizes a bit. Doesn't make much difference. Do whatever you're comfortable with with the understanding of the basic principle :
bigger size = open less hands
smaller size = open more hands.
sick call with aq mate
i put the hand in gto wizard and yeah he should ob mainly and that size isn't really used
35min table #1 JTo on the river 9936A board. This is also a spot I usually give up but feels like on a non ace card it should be a triple. A lot of 9X in SB range will bet flop or XR turn. Where they can have some ace high floats you mainly rep 9x if you triple and opponent should find lot of folds. This is a spot Kanu talks about in his course. BvB in SRP where you just triple barrel 100%. Results are surprisingly profitable! Results are from 500z as well.
I know your give up is solver approved but no one is calling or slow playing enough at the right frequency. Had a similar hand with 98o on a 743r-Tcc-Ax board two days ago, I double checked solver and it is giving up on the river with 9x8c. However solver land vs human land are played very differently. Recommend checking your fold equity on the river when you triple barrel after SB checks flop. Should be very profitable.
interesting feedback this mate, thanks. I haven't seen the Kanu course.
"Can really punish nit fish without being rude" love it!
''Call it last round''
Reminded me great movie '' Last round'' xD
33-30 (AQ hands SBvsBB) 1st table I had exactly spot like that today. I bluffed K2hh as IP, and OOP called A3 (flop, turn played exactly)
I think IP can have plenty KJ/QJ/KQ and flush draws so even though Qx feels not great there Ax is pretty good as IP betting all 2 pairs for sure (A6,A7,A8)
yeh it might be a call, just think there's sooo many 2pr+ in his range compared to bluffs, i'd rather call here without the Q blocker.
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