At 33.30 he is putting in $25 to win $20, he is in position and you will go to the flop with a capped range. I don't think you can call any two profitably here vs a min 3bet any more than you can defend any 2 in the big blind vs a min open. My guess would be that you can fold around half of your opening range without being exploited here.
it really depends on his cbet strategy
if hes potting flop then i agree with you
atc you open does have equity to call just your ability to realize it is the factor
19minute 2nd table do you have any guidance about cold4betting from blinds? Yeah using linear range make sense but any other thing like bluff:value ratio and so on?
35min 2nd table with 77. I think you have to call this, 77s seems better than Kc9c and so on, and if vs 1/4 we will start folding our PP we are doomed and giving away way too much.
most preflop range solutions will have cold 4B ranges to follow as a guideline.
77 i think it can be a call at frequency, but i rolled low and i dont think its pure. it does block badly in this spot as a decent chunk of opponents bluffs preflop come from 76s/87s and even some T7s/J7s/75s etc. im going to have a lot of broadways, Ax, and flush draws to continue.
Jeff_ for cold 4 bet from the blinds did you find anything? One spot I seen Gary say folding KTs BB vs co 2.5 and btn 8bb. But would mix cold 4 with K9s. Are we polarizing cold 4 bets here?
A lot of coaches say check your own solutions or refer to monker and don't wanna share their preflop frequencies or ranges. Little bit annoying on responses like this. I think something like 4 bet polar with 8% of hands would suffice as an answer. Polar being bottom of linear range. So AJs K9s. Guess mixing some cold calls AQs KQs? Then value JJ+ AK. Maybe some A5s A4s. Thinking cold 4 is bottom and top of what a SB 3 bet range looks like vs btn minus some smaller pairs.
1) I didn't say K9s, i said KJs!.
2) I don't like giving too much advice on ranges and what people should play because there are many different strategies out there and it all depends on what style the player wants to play relative to their games, poker philosophy and what suits their personality. So I prefer to just say what I do from my own study/strategy/understanding of 'GTO'.
Apologies Gary Chappell , was listening on my phone and I actually did the 15 seconds back 3x just to make sure I heard it correctly. I guess watching on 1.5x compared to normal can really mess up the hearing. I just listened again to the 23min mark and now I can hear the KJs.
well I haven't got ranges for cold 4betting but I have rough idea based on math. We want 3bettor not be able to shove any 2 vs our cold 4bet and make money.
So will have some ratio bluffs/value according to 4bet size, stack sizes (pot sizes etc).
Going linear with bluffs is must
For example we dont want villian to 3bet A5s for example and jam ~ printing money vs our cold 4bet
4:50 KQo SB vs MP 2.5 at what frequency are you 3 betting here? I'm usually close to call or 3bet, but almost never fold unless I face like 3.5x. Around 7:30-7:40 mark 3bet KJo BTN vs CO (low frequency?) and KQo CO vs MP. Is this just more of an exploit from playing IP compared to playing SB? Also later in the video 3bet K9s btn vs MP 2.5x. I don't have monker, so if you can just elaborate a little bit on how you are choosing these 3bets. Thank you.
23min co rfi. Btn 3bet..fold KTs BB. You say fold KTs but will start to 4 bet K9s. Why K9s and not KTs?
37:15 table 2 said interesting river you get to value bet your Ax4s on the AK8JTssss board and expect to get looked up by two pair. Then said will be turning AX into a bluff to get two pairs to fold. Seems to be on both sides of the fence here with 2 pair calling when you have value and folding when you have a bluff?
KQo SBvMP is a fold for my stategy/ranges. I know some include it low frequency. I dont have a calling range in SB. 3-Betting more linear in SB so suited hands are preferred with more postflop playability.
We obv can 3B more ip and offsuit hands can be used that block 4-Betting ranges - KJo BTNvCO is a fine hand, not pure though. KQo BTNvMP is close to pure in most ranges i think.
I said I'd start to cold 4B KJs, not K9s. Sorry if that wasn't clear in the video.
A4 - our bluffs aren't always going to work, but that doesn't mean we dont bluff. There's plenty of spots where we need to bluff to try and win the hand, and also for balance otherwise opponents will exploit us.
@22min you say when its six handed and EP and MP fold their crappy cards ranges are stronger in later positions with those cards gone. When its 4 handed can open CO wider because those crappy cards are still in play. Very useful piece of information. Curious how much wider hero should open in the CO. If 25-28% is standard, maybe 35% when its 4 handed?
@ 10min the ATo in BB vs SB is a weird spot on the JJ4xxc 7c 8c run out because the only other worse hand you might have has got to be something like A9o... T9 float would river straight same has 65 and any other combination of a hand you might peel flop or turn with at least hit a pair. That being said, you still beat a lot of his bluffs, but maybe he folds hands like T8/98/99/TT on the river to a bet? Don't know.
yeh i was tempted to bluff it, but i just felt there was enough giveups that i beat. as for worse hands in this spot, you're right i dont think i have many!
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At 33.30 he is putting in $25 to win $20, he is in position and you will go to the flop with a capped range. I don't think you can call any two profitably here vs a min 3bet any more than you can defend any 2 in the big blind vs a min open. My guess would be that you can fold around half of your opening range without being exploited here.
I will run it in Monker.
I ran it in monker for 7 hours. I was pretty far off base with my guess - monker is coming up with a 24% fold against this sizing.
A6o is a reasonably clear fold here, losing 0.13 BB as a call.
it really depends on his cbet strategy
if hes potting flop then i agree with you
atc you open does have equity to call just your ability to realize it is the factor
19minute 2nd table do you have any guidance about cold4betting from blinds? Yeah using linear range make sense but any other thing like bluff:value ratio and so on?
35min 2nd table with 77. I think you have to call this, 77s seems better than Kc9c and so on, and if vs 1/4 we will start folding our PP we are doomed and giving away way too much.
most preflop range solutions will have cold 4B ranges to follow as a guideline.
77 i think it can be a call at frequency, but i rolled low and i dont think its pure. it does block badly in this spot as a decent chunk of opponents bluffs preflop come from 76s/87s and even some T7s/J7s/75s etc. im going to have a lot of broadways, Ax, and flush draws to continue.
Jeff_ for cold 4 bet from the blinds did you find anything? One spot I seen Gary say folding KTs BB vs co 2.5 and btn 8bb. But would mix cold 4 with K9s. Are we polarizing cold 4 bets here?
A lot of coaches say check your own solutions or refer to monker and don't wanna share their preflop frequencies or ranges. Little bit annoying on responses like this. I think something like 4 bet polar with 8% of hands would suffice as an answer. Polar being bottom of linear range. So AJs K9s. Guess mixing some cold calls AQs KQs? Then value JJ+ AK. Maybe some A5s A4s. Thinking cold 4 is bottom and top of what a SB 3 bet range looks like vs btn minus some smaller pairs.
1) I didn't say K9s, i said KJs!.
2) I don't like giving too much advice on ranges and what people should play because there are many different strategies out there and it all depends on what style the player wants to play relative to their games, poker philosophy and what suits their personality. So I prefer to just say what I do from my own study/strategy/understanding of 'GTO'.
Apologies Gary Chappell , was listening on my phone and I actually did the 15 seconds back 3x just to make sure I heard it correctly. I guess watching on 1.5x compared to normal can really mess up the hearing. I just listened again to the 23min mark and now I can hear the KJs.
well I haven't got ranges for cold 4betting but I have rough idea based on math. We want 3bettor not be able to shove any 2 vs our cold 4bet and make money.
So will have some ratio bluffs/value according to 4bet size, stack sizes (pot sizes etc).
Going linear with bluffs is must
For example we dont want villian to 3bet A5s for example and jam ~ printing money vs our cold 4bet
What software are you using for RNG number that is auto generated for you?
'starshelper', but i dont think that works anymore with new software so 'stars caption' is your best option
4:50 KQo SB vs MP 2.5 at what frequency are you 3 betting here? I'm usually close to call or 3bet, but almost never fold unless I face like 3.5x. Around 7:30-7:40 mark 3bet KJo BTN vs CO (low frequency?) and KQo CO vs MP. Is this just more of an exploit from playing IP compared to playing SB? Also later in the video 3bet K9s btn vs MP 2.5x. I don't have monker, so if you can just elaborate a little bit on how you are choosing these 3bets. Thank you.
23min co rfi. Btn 3bet..fold KTs BB. You say fold KTs but will start to 4 bet K9s. Why K9s and not KTs?
37:15 table 2 said interesting river you get to value bet your Ax4s on the AK8JTssss board and expect to get looked up by two pair. Then said will be turning AX into a bluff to get two pairs to fold. Seems to be on both sides of the fence here with 2 pair calling when you have value and folding when you have a bluff?
KQo SBvMP is a fold for my stategy/ranges. I know some include it low frequency. I dont have a calling range in SB. 3-Betting more linear in SB so suited hands are preferred with more postflop playability.
We obv can 3B more ip and offsuit hands can be used that block 4-Betting ranges - KJo BTNvCO is a fine hand, not pure though. KQo BTNvMP is close to pure in most ranges i think.
I said I'd start to cold 4B KJs, not K9s. Sorry if that wasn't clear in the video.
A4 - our bluffs aren't always going to work, but that doesn't mean we dont bluff. There's plenty of spots where we need to bluff to try and win the hand, and also for balance otherwise opponents will exploit us.
Video should be titled "fold KQo in the SB"
@22min you say when its six handed and EP and MP fold their crappy cards ranges are stronger in later positions with those cards gone. When its 4 handed can open CO wider because those crappy cards are still in play. Very useful piece of information. Curious how much wider hero should open in the CO. If 25-28% is standard, maybe 35% when its 4 handed?
No not that much. It'll only be around 2% more hands.
@ 10min the ATo in BB vs SB is a weird spot on the JJ4xxc 7c 8c run out because the only other worse hand you might have has got to be something like A9o... T9 float would river straight same has 65 and any other combination of a hand you might peel flop or turn with at least hit a pair. That being said, you still beat a lot of his bluffs, but maybe he folds hands like T8/98/99/TT on the river to a bet? Don't know.
yeh i was tempted to bluff it, but i just felt there was enough giveups that i beat. as for worse hands in this spot, you're right i dont think i have many!
Maybe bluff the combos with a club I guess
Hi Gary, which software do you use for betsizings?
thats starshelper, but that wont work with new aurora graphics on stars. so stars caption is best i think.
Thank you.
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