26minute AQo high frequency 4bet bluff? Isn't it too strong to 4bet bluff, vs some regs you might need to call it vs 5bet because their range towards wheel aces as main bluff/JJ/TT (If they start to use PP as bluffs, yeah folding is reasonable). Interesting one, but I do agree at low frequency seems nice
Hi Gary, nice video, ty for that.
My question will be somewhat dumb since I play micros so I hope you don’t mind reply to them anyway
Since I’m pretty new and I play much lower I don’t recognize NL500 zoom players, can you tell me what your color coding means?
Why do you 3bet 5x OOP? I thought std size is 4x or somehting like that. I know as you go bigger your range should be more polarized, so maybe it’s that. But at the same time a 4x 3bet can be polar as well. Can you elaborate a bit further? Is now a 5x the standard in these games?
76s @ 38min (against an opponent who just lost a pot vs you, he 3barrells K4s and you call him off)
OTT, I would raise probably small, hope to induce something.
There aren’t many value hands OTF, but as you said, opponent is pretty aggressive. He can take this line with flush draws and some Qx. Yeah sets are in his range but meh a lot of air also. I recognize I have an issue here since I would raise even if opponent has bluffs which wouldn’t accomplish much beside make him folding correctly.
I’m so confused… anyway would you raise the turn ever?
56s @ 51min
I guess you called give the fact you are deep right, 100BB is a std fold?
Loved your further explanation
A quick question though… Your absolute hand strength is high and it is somewhat comparable with two pair. I mean, if villain is crazy, TPTK becomes a monster… so why would you valuebet 2p+ and not AJ? With 2p+ aren’t you looking to get value from his bluffs?
colour coding: wont be saying, but basically yellow & orange are regs.
3B size: generally whats happening in the MSNL atm. this video may help you - https://www.runitonce.com/poker-training/videos/3betting-from-the-bb/
76s: dont think im ever raising this, maybe some sets. my hand is a bluffcatcher really.
65s: think its a call @ 100bbs as his x/r is small, and SPR is still big.
AJ: i'd value bet 2pr cos i can get value from Jx, whereas going for value with AJ here is a bit thin cos worse Jx probably should fold, and i block them anyway. and obviously 2pr is better cos it blocks opponent having 2pr/set. therefore i think this is better to let him go crazy with random floats/combos.
thanks for the questions/feedback, hope this helps (y)
haha @58:00 i folded AA in that spot when i checked the flop. pretty frustrating when you xr there cos IP was float betting close to 100% iirc and was playing an insanely wide range. think i somehow lost like 10 buy ins to that Juro guy in that one session, playing a ton of massive pots vs him when we were very deep and losing them all lol. definitely one of the most aggressive recs i've every played against.
imo he was playing pretty tough though. if he decides to jam 3x pot (or whatever the spr was in the AJ vs 74 hand) then you are in an awful spot. thankfully for you though he just bets small and you can snap him with AJ.
Really nice video - reminds me why live plays became so popular in the 1st place - what do you know if you don't mail it in a live play can be a very good format.
I realize this is an old video but I hope you can help me out anyway
Why the times we get 4bet is a negative? I mean, we still 3bet premium hands that want to get action, so we won’t fold 100% vs 4bets. But in your model you assume that… why?
It is very surprising that the solver advice is to 3bet a more linear range even when you 3bet on the bigger side.
I read last Janda’s book and he advocates that your 3bets should be more polarized as you increase the size. Does your findings completely invalidates his theory?
As I progress trough the video it seems that the only reason while choosing between 3bet a linear or a polar range, depends on how much we expect to get 4bet. In fact when we 3bet vs BTN, we should expect him to take advantage of his position so we should call more. While when we 3bet vs SB, SB should 4bet more to fight his potential postflop positional disadvantage
Looks like you posted this on the wrong video thread, but I'll just reply here :)
The formula is for EV of 3bet "bluffs". It applies to any hand that is 0EV vs 4bet.
BB 3betting range is not strictly linear, as you can tell from the presence of hands like 75s and K6s. There are 2 opposing factors at play here. The fact that BTN defends by mostly calling makes us want to 3bet linear, and the fact that we are closing allows us to flat lots of hands, which has the effect of polarising our 3betting range. So what we end up with is a semi-polarised range.
If you compare BB and SB 3bet vs BTN, you'll see that BB range is much more polar. Therefore he usually goes for a bigger size (~5x) than SB (~4x).
Last hand w Q9off; looks like that's best turn card for you and therefore(depending what size you are choosing) I don't think we checking much. As well as 2 pairs shouldn't raise flop vs 1/2 size much + you have decent nut advantage so nothing much IP can do there (more 7x and possible 97o, which he doesn't have)
yeh i agree its a good bluffing card. as said in video i rolled low so did check as im going to check some 2prs/sets/straights as well with the RNG. the 9h is a bad card to hold as it blocks a decent amount of ip floats & turn/river folds.
Hey, Gary Chappell - Thanks for the video. One thing I just want to quick point out is that I find it immensely beneficial when you say things like, "This is the bottom of my 3-betting range here," or "I'd open this hand at some frequency, or with a weaker lineup," etc. That stuff is super helpful for me, so thank you.
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26minute AQo high frequency 4bet bluff? Isn't it too strong to 4bet bluff, vs some regs you might need to call it vs 5bet because their range towards wheel aces as main bluff/JJ/TT (If they start to use PP as bluffs, yeah folding is reasonable). Interesting one, but I do agree at low frequency seems nice
Want to hear your reason choosing this combo?
Ranges I have/constructed make AQo a good 4B bluff in this spot. Some people may prefer calling it, either is fine.
Hi Gary, nice video, ty for that.
My question will be somewhat dumb since I play micros so I hope you don’t mind reply to them anyway
Since I’m pretty new and I play much lower I don’t recognize NL500 zoom players, can you tell me what your color coding means?
Why do you 3bet 5x OOP? I thought std size is 4x or somehting like that. I know as you go bigger your range should be more polarized, so maybe it’s that. But at the same time a 4x 3bet can be polar as well. Can you elaborate a bit further? Is now a 5x the standard in these games?
76s @ 38min (against an opponent who just lost a pot vs you, he 3barrells K4s and you call him off)
OTT, I would raise probably small, hope to induce something.
There aren’t many value hands OTF, but as you said, opponent is pretty aggressive. He can take this line with flush draws and some Qx. Yeah sets are in his range but meh a lot of air also. I recognize I have an issue here since I would raise even if opponent has bluffs which wouldn’t accomplish much beside make him folding correctly.
I’m so confused… anyway would you raise the turn ever?
56s @ 51min
I guess you called give the fact you are deep right, 100BB is a std fold?
Loved your further explanation
A quick question though… Your absolute hand strength is high and it is somewhat comparable with two pair. I mean, if villain is crazy, TPTK becomes a monster… so why would you valuebet 2p+ and not AJ? With 2p+ aren’t you looking to get value from his bluffs?
colour coding: wont be saying, but basically yellow & orange are regs.
3B size: generally whats happening in the MSNL atm. this video may help you - https://www.runitonce.com/poker-training/videos/3betting-from-the-bb/
76s: dont think im ever raising this, maybe some sets. my hand is a bluffcatcher really.
65s: think its a call @ 100bbs as his x/r is small, and SPR is still big.
AJ: i'd value bet 2pr cos i can get value from Jx, whereas going for value with AJ here is a bit thin cos worse Jx probably should fold, and i block them anyway. and obviously 2pr is better cos it blocks opponent having 2pr/set. therefore i think this is better to let him go crazy with random floats/combos.
thanks for the questions/feedback, hope this helps (y)
haha @58:00 i folded AA in that spot when i checked the flop. pretty frustrating when you xr there cos IP was float betting close to 100% iirc and was playing an insanely wide range. think i somehow lost like 10 buy ins to that Juro guy in that one session, playing a ton of massive pots vs him when we were very deep and losing them all lol. definitely one of the most aggressive recs i've every played against.
imo he was playing pretty tough though. if he decides to jam 3x pot (or whatever the spr was in the AJ vs 74 hand) then you are in an awful spot. thankfully for you though he just bets small and you can snap him with AJ.
nice video and hope you done well in 2019!
yeh he was a crazy opponent. think i'd really struggle to fold AJ vs him there lol.
thanks mate, you too.
Really nice video - reminds me why live plays became so popular in the 1st place - what do you know if you don't mail it in a live play can be a very good format.
I realize this is an old video but I hope you can help me out anyway
Why the times we get 4bet is a negative? I mean, we still 3bet premium hands that want to get action, so we won’t fold 100% vs 4bets. But in your model you assume that… why?
It is very surprising that the solver advice is to 3bet a more linear range even when you 3bet on the bigger side.
I read last Janda’s book and he advocates that your 3bets should be more polarized as you increase the size. Does your findings completely invalidates his theory?
As I progress trough the video it seems that the only reason while choosing between 3bet a linear or a polar range, depends on how much we expect to get 4bet. In fact when we 3bet vs BTN, we should expect him to take advantage of his position so we should call more. While when we 3bet vs SB, SB should 4bet more to fight his potential postflop positional disadvantage
Looks like you posted this on the wrong video thread, but I'll just reply here :)
The formula is for EV of 3bet "bluffs". It applies to any hand that is 0EV vs 4bet.
BB 3betting range is not strictly linear, as you can tell from the presence of hands like 75s and K6s. There are 2 opposing factors at play here. The fact that BTN defends by mostly calling makes us want to 3bet linear, and the fact that we are closing allows us to flat lots of hands, which has the effect of polarising our 3betting range. So what we end up with is a semi-polarised range.
If you compare BB and SB 3bet vs BTN, you'll see that BB range is much more polar. Therefore he usually goes for a bigger size (~5x) than SB (~4x).
Ops... :D sorry Gary Chappell and ty Qing Yang for reply me in another thread in regard of a 6 month old video
Last hand w Q9off; looks like that's best turn card for you and therefore(depending what size you are choosing) I don't think we checking much. As well as 2 pairs shouldn't raise flop vs 1/2 size much + you have decent nut advantage so nothing much IP can do there (more 7x and possible 97o, which he doesn't have)
yeh i agree its a good bluffing card. as said in video i rolled low so did check as im going to check some 2prs/sets/straights as well with the RNG. the 9h is a bad card to hold as it blocks a decent amount of ip floats & turn/river folds.
Gary, what is a decent bb/100 when filter for : hero call river =true?
sorry i cant help with this, you'd have to find a stats guru for that or someone with experience.
Hey, Gary Chappell - Thanks for the video. One thing I just want to quick point out is that I find it immensely beneficial when you say things like, "This is the bottom of my 3-betting range here," or "I'd open this hand at some frequency, or with a weaker lineup," etc. That stuff is super helpful for me, so thank you.
ok thanks for the feedback, i'll make sure i continue to do this!
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