First of all, thanks for the vids. I'm learning HU PLO and am often going on monkey tilt because of the variance and so many tough situations, but these kinds of videos bring back some sense to my brain.
25:15 you 3bet AAK5 and cbet QJ5r and then fold when you get raised.
My question is, what would make you consider to rather check this hand on the flop? And what advantages do you see in cbetting versus checking?
If the villain would call the flop and turn comes a ten, what is the plan? On which turns would you give up an why?
Now in hindsight, I would prefer a check/call as I think its maybe a little bit too strong to fold to a raise after cbetting and it has enough of good turns to continue if the opponent decides to bet flop and barrell turn. Overpair+gutshot+bottom pair+potential blockers is just too strong to bet/fold and strong enough to check/call.
Make it overpair without gutshot, double backdoor flushdraw or any board pair (AA72, AA86, KK83 etc) and I think its entirely fine to go ahead and bet/fold, feeling more confident were folding less equity when facing the raise.
If I cbet a hand Im fine to bet/fold flop, I have to barrell close to 100% just to fold out certain parts of his range that he might turn into a bluff if I check and Im not avaible to check/call.
I hope my comments shed some lights on your thoughts!
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First of all, thanks for the vids. I'm learning HU PLO and am often going on monkey tilt because of the variance and so many tough situations, but these kinds of videos bring back some sense to my brain.
25:15 you 3bet AAK5 and cbet QJ5r and then fold when you get raised.
My question is, what would make you consider to rather check this hand on the flop? And what advantages do you see in cbetting versus checking?
If the villain would call the flop and turn comes a ten, what is the plan? On which turns would you give up an why?
Thank you for your answer.
Thanks for the positive feedback!
Now in hindsight, I would prefer a check/call as I think its maybe a little bit too strong to fold to a raise after cbetting and it has enough of good turns to continue if the opponent decides to bet flop and barrell turn. Overpair+gutshot+bottom pair+potential blockers is just too strong to bet/fold and strong enough to check/call.
Make it overpair without gutshot, double backdoor flushdraw or any board pair (AA72, AA86, KK83 etc) and I think its entirely fine to go ahead and bet/fold, feeling more confident were folding less equity when facing the raise.
If I cbet a hand Im fine to bet/fold flop, I have to barrell close to 100% just to fold out certain parts of his range that he might turn into a bluff if I check and Im not avaible to check/call.
I hope my comments shed some lights on your thoughts!
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