I'm glad you covered this topic. I will end up in spots where I am going back and forth on whether to turn a hand into a bluff and this helps. I have also had the fortunate circumstance of turning sdv into a bluff only to get bluff caught by a slightly worse hand for a very unintentional value bet haha.
Great video, would like to see a video on the topic of when we get to overfold compared to MDF. I know it can have something to do with the EV of checks being high so we have to make their bluffs profitable and also as mentioned in this video when we bet ourselves and hence some folds act as "give ups". None the less I find it to be quite confusing and would be interested in seeing a breakdown similiar to this video
Your video quality is absolutely insane. When I watch your video, there are many situations where I have to screen capture.
Shoving Kc4c here we block SB's folding ranges quite a lot with Kc .But still we shove for bluff because we are so much ahead on this river runouts so that's the reason right? plus we don't have a lot of natural bluffs?
Yes. Essentially when our range becomes that strong vs our opponents blockers and unblockers aren't really important anymore because the tide of EV rises so high on every hand in our range. It's important for me to preference that these spots aren't commonplace so just try to be aware of the situation before unloading the clip.
Good video, I am a big fan of your theory videos! Am I right in saying that we are more likely to turn weak showdown value hands into bluffs when we are OOP compared to when we are IP? I know that we are less likely to realise that small amount of showdown value as we can still face a bet if we are OOP. Also we value bet thinner when OOP so we should have more bluff allowance.
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I'm glad you covered this topic. I will end up in spots where I am going back and forth on whether to turn a hand into a bluff and this helps. I have also had the fortunate circumstance of turning sdv into a bluff only to get bluff caught by a slightly worse hand for a very unintentional value bet haha.
Great video, would like to see a video on the topic of when we get to overfold compared to MDF. I know it can have something to do with the EV of checks being high so we have to make their bluffs profitable and also as mentioned in this video when we bet ourselves and hence some folds act as "give ups". None the less I find it to be quite confusing and would be interested in seeing a breakdown similiar to this video
Your video quality is absolutely insane. When I watch your video, there are many situations where I have to screen capture.
Shoving Kc4c here we block SB's folding ranges quite a lot with Kc .But still we shove for bluff because we are so much ahead on this river runouts so that's the reason right? plus we don't have a lot of natural bluffs?
Thanks so much Catch!
Yes. Essentially when our range becomes that strong vs our opponents blockers and unblockers aren't really important anymore because the tide of EV rises so high on every hand in our range. It's important for me to preference that these spots aren't commonplace so just try to be aware of the situation before unloading the clip.
Good video, I am a big fan of your theory videos! Am I right in saying that we are more likely to turn weak showdown value hands into bluffs when we are OOP compared to when we are IP? I know that we are less likely to realise that small amount of showdown value as we can still face a bet if we are OOP. Also we value bet thinner when OOP so we should have more bluff allowance.
Thanks matlittle! Yes. IP as less incentive to reopen the action when has equity all else equal vs OP.
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