great video as always. I love how deep and detailed your analysis is. Thanks.
One question about the last hand with AKhh vs fish. Why not bet bigger on the river? I've rarely seen a fish fold an ace top pair and he doesn't rep stronger than that.
My main problem with betting bigger is that he bet super small on the turn, so I cannot exclude him protection betting a ten. I would definitely bet bigger on a blank river (any non broadway, non flush). If you clearly have a read that your opponents only represents a small Ace with that size on the turn, then you can try to go for a 2/3rds, 3/4th of the pot bet.
Hand before last w KQ, what about checking turn? Yeah this turn is pretty high EV for us, but this hand is worth 1 more street for value.
Average villain won't have any bluffs on the river so you'll end up facing Jx/or boat(as played), looks like funny spot to be in.
I agree that the hand is worth 1 more street for value, however how to extract this street really depends on how the ranges interact with the runout. When the turn is really +EV for our range we're supposed to bet and put our oppoent in a tough spot (this also allows us to bluff more). When the turn is not amazing, we can check more hands of this type. Our opponents are not going to start bluffing on turns that are good for our range, therefore it's better to put money in ourselves by betting than by check-calling.
Also it's more credible to represent a bluff by betting the turn and not with a bet-check-bet line on such runout, checking turns tend to really give away the strength of your actual holding in such scenarios.
I made a mistake on the river, as you mentioned their range is very strong there and I couldn't extract any more value (maybe a blocking bet is possible against weak opponents). It's true we're up against a strong range, but players are going to be happy to take a showdown with a Jx type of hand and they will not turn it into a bluff, so we can confidently fold if we face further aggression and slowplay some boats not to always check-fold.
great stuff!
on the first hand (BVB with T8s), as played, on the river - which hands do you think we should bluff? would like to also hear which you prefer to put into the blocking bet, which for the shove, and which hands you want to check-shove
Blocking bet would be mostly one paired 7x+ hands and few traps (2p, sets, straights). As for shove we can use my hand, some sets, and some combinations that block the most likely straights in the opponent's range.
Check shove with value hands is pretty intuitive, we have some traps and we use those. With bluffs it really depends on how thin the IP player bets there, if they are super polarized bluffing as a check-shove is not a very effective play, so you'd better off consider the other lines.
Ciao Francesco, grazie del video.
Mi soprende vedere Kingeras al NL1000 considerando che fino a poco tempo fa giocava il 50. Venduto l'account? Extreme good run o cosa? Vabbe' a parte questo passiamo alle domande (1)
Discaimer: I play nl50 so I'm pretty much clueless
I'm not sure about your opponent having a boat here, at least not that super often. I guess he would call wider vs your open given the fish on the SB.
So yes, he could have 33 and 22, but also a lot of JTs, QTs, QKs or other hands with a backdoor. He should be incentived to continue vs your range given the fact you rep a pretty thin value hand OTF, so his calling range vs a x/r should be larger.
This isn't a HU pot, but we have a fish which changes completely all the dynanics. You are incentivized to bet the flop with sets with the fish in the pot, when you don't, it feels pretty strange
What do you think? Beside that I'm a fish
You've said a ton of draws missed and when you look at his range, he will have more missed draws than Ax. Why don't you x/c then?
The block bet seems ambitious and incredibly thin when your opponent range contains nutted hands. So if you block and he shoves with a bluff you lose.
In these spots I look at my HUD and if he got a high stab vs missed cbet or other similar stat I would check. Dunno whether I would call, but I wouldn't block.
But yeah, I'm a fish so I'm looking for someone to highlight my flaws
KQ is already super thin on the river, that's why I said it's a mistake to try to valuebet for my size. I'm representing boats+ so I wouldn't be happy to face a shove even if I x/raised 22 OTF. When you represent a superstrong range none tries to scare you off a pot in which you've invested most of your stack to try to fold the bottom of your range (trips, bottom boat).
I expect most of his range to be Ax when he goes for a small bet on the turn (and some Txs are also there), I can represent missed draws, while it's not very likely my oppoent will bet small with a draw, it tends to be either a top pair, a second pair or some slowplay like he had.
You say BB has range advantage on low connected flop, then you go for a XR just because you have a couple back door draws. To me this seems too wide, when all your outs are not clean. Just seems like fancy play and small bets seem to induce you to raise similar to the last hand with AK, once again, 25% sizing seems to make you spazz out.
It's a very good flop for the BB, but we still have very strong hands, strong draws and strong hands that really benefit from protection. I would play this board as a range check, so I'm allowed to have x/raises. This hand is a perfect candidate, we have 2 overcard to top pairs (most of BB's value range is going to be 6x, 4x type of hands), backdoor straight draw to the nuts, and bdoor fd, Plus we unblock all the 3x 5x gutshots and tons of stabs with Kx Qx Jx off with a heart, which should be common stabs here. So yeah, it's a good hand to check raise, and no, we still have clean outs as sometimes even making top pair is a good out with wide ranges :)
27 min mark, you said you used smaller 7.5bb size so you can 3 bet a wider range of some SCs, medium pairs, and Axs. However, on your pio, you basically just show a standard value range.
Seems like a lot of your analysis says I should block bet here, then you use larger sizing or check. Your actions keep doing pretty much opposite of what you say. Would like to see what size PIO prefers with this AA hand because you talked about block betting, but went with a half pot bet. Then only show one size in pio. I would be surprised to see "pio prefers to bet this board less than half the time with a block bet."
Then be surprised :) 200x overpairs can be pretty "thin valuebets" as to be polarized we need a way stronger range (sets, etc).
I used some range I had saved there, we can add a couple t9s 98s, it's not going to change the strat as they would be mixed strats anyways and it's very few suited combinations (also we're supposed to 3bet less AQoff 200x than I put in the sim, that benefits our range).
I ran the simulation with half pot, cause while I played the hand I thought it would be the best size, I was wrong and in the hands I show I also show mistakes I made which can be pretty intuitive and common ones.
you get almost 4:1 but you're good 0% of the times. I would call also 33, hoping my opponents value owns himself with 22. My river play is a mistake there, my bet is way too thin given ranges in play.
Hand with KQ , I like your fold on the river.
However, it’s true that you have a few amount of set x flop because of the fish in the pot. Against a competent vilain who can exploit that you will be in trouble on the river.
Does he really flats (considering fish in the small blind)22,33 here ?
Tough spot river, tend to fold because MDA shows this kind of moove is under bluffed by population, but I’m not sure it’s the good way to reasonnate here.
Nice video, Thanks you , and looking for the next one !
I think the main mistake is to bet on the river there, as there are no offsuited AJ type hands to target (it would be different if the reg coldcalled from the BTN).
All the times I thought it's super bad to flat 22/33 in similar situations and ended up making similar calls they always showed up with those hands :) So I tend to assume that my opponents play bad in some previous street and they will show up with value hands that they shouldn't have (22 is too thin to jam here, but I expect a person that calls 22 to think it would be a +EV jam here).
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great video as always. I love how deep and detailed your analysis is. Thanks.
One question about the last hand with AKhh vs fish. Why not bet bigger on the river? I've rarely seen a fish fold an ace top pair and he doesn't rep stronger than that.
My main problem with betting bigger is that he bet super small on the turn, so I cannot exclude him protection betting a ten. I would definitely bet bigger on a blank river (any non broadway, non flush). If you clearly have a read that your opponents only represents a small Ace with that size on the turn, then you can try to go for a 2/3rds, 3/4th of the pot bet.
Hand before last w KQ, what about checking turn? Yeah this turn is pretty high EV for us, but this hand is worth 1 more street for value.
Average villain won't have any bluffs on the river so you'll end up facing Jx/or boat(as played), looks like funny spot to be in.
I agree that the hand is worth 1 more street for value, however how to extract this street really depends on how the ranges interact with the runout. When the turn is really +EV for our range we're supposed to bet and put our oppoent in a tough spot (this also allows us to bluff more). When the turn is not amazing, we can check more hands of this type. Our opponents are not going to start bluffing on turns that are good for our range, therefore it's better to put money in ourselves by betting than by check-calling.
Also it's more credible to represent a bluff by betting the turn and not with a bet-check-bet line on such runout, checking turns tend to really give away the strength of your actual holding in such scenarios.
I made a mistake on the river, as you mentioned their range is very strong there and I couldn't extract any more value (maybe a blocking bet is possible against weak opponents). It's true we're up against a strong range, but players are going to be happy to take a showdown with a Jx type of hand and they will not turn it into a bluff, so we can confidently fold if we face further aggression and slowplay some boats not to always check-fold.
great stuff!
on the first hand (BVB with T8s), as played, on the river - which hands do you think we should bluff? would like to also hear which you prefer to put into the blocking bet, which for the shove, and which hands you want to check-shove
Blocking bet would be mostly one paired 7x+ hands and few traps (2p, sets, straights). As for shove we can use my hand, some sets, and some combinations that block the most likely straights in the opponent's range.
Check shove with value hands is pretty intuitive, we have some traps and we use those. With bluffs it really depends on how thin the IP player bets there, if they are super polarized bluffing as a check-shove is not a very effective play, so you'd better off consider the other lines.
Ciao Francesco, grazie del video.
Mi soprende vedere Kingeras al NL1000 considerando che fino a poco tempo fa giocava il 50. Venduto l'account? Extreme good run o cosa? Vabbe' a parte questo passiamo alle domande (1)
Discaimer: I play nl50 so I'm pretty much clueless
I'm not sure about your opponent having a boat here, at least not that super often. I guess he would call wider vs your open given the fish on the SB.
So yes, he could have 33 and 22, but also a lot of JTs, QTs, QKs or other hands with a backdoor. He should be incentived to continue vs your range given the fact you rep a pretty thin value hand OTF, so his calling range vs a x/r should be larger.
This isn't a HU pot, but we have a fish which changes completely all the dynanics. You are incentivized to bet the flop with sets with the fish in the pot, when you don't, it feels pretty strange
What do you think? Beside that I'm a fish
You've said a ton of draws missed and when you look at his range, he will have more missed draws than Ax. Why don't you x/c then?
The block bet seems ambitious and incredibly thin when your opponent range contains nutted hands. So if you block and he shoves with a bluff you lose.
In these spots I look at my HUD and if he got a high stab vs missed cbet or other similar stat I would check. Dunno whether I would call, but I wouldn't block.
But yeah, I'm a fish so I'm looking for someone to highlight my flaws
Buona fortuna Francesco e grazie ancora
KQ is already super thin on the river, that's why I said it's a mistake to try to valuebet for my size. I'm representing boats+ so I wouldn't be happy to face a shove even if I x/raised 22 OTF. When you represent a superstrong range none tries to scare you off a pot in which you've invested most of your stack to try to fold the bottom of your range (trips, bottom boat).
I expect most of his range to be Ax when he goes for a small bet on the turn (and some Txs are also there), I can represent missed draws, while it's not very likely my oppoent will bet small with a draw, it tends to be either a top pair, a second pair or some slowplay like he had.
You say BB has range advantage on low connected flop, then you go for a XR just because you have a couple back door draws. To me this seems too wide, when all your outs are not clean. Just seems like fancy play and small bets seem to induce you to raise similar to the last hand with AK, once again, 25% sizing seems to make you spazz out.
It's a very good flop for the BB, but we still have very strong hands, strong draws and strong hands that really benefit from protection. I would play this board as a range check, so I'm allowed to have x/raises. This hand is a perfect candidate, we have 2 overcard to top pairs (most of BB's value range is going to be 6x, 4x type of hands), backdoor straight draw to the nuts, and bdoor fd, Plus we unblock all the 3x 5x gutshots and tons of stabs with Kx Qx Jx off with a heart, which should be common stabs here. So yeah, it's a good hand to check raise, and no, we still have clean outs as sometimes even making top pair is a good out with wide ranges :)
27 min mark, you said you used smaller 7.5bb size so you can 3 bet a wider range of some SCs, medium pairs, and Axs. However, on your pio, you basically just show a standard value range.
Seems like a lot of your analysis says I should block bet here, then you use larger sizing or check. Your actions keep doing pretty much opposite of what you say. Would like to see what size PIO prefers with this AA hand because you talked about block betting, but went with a half pot bet. Then only show one size in pio. I would be surprised to see "pio prefers to bet this board less than half the time with a block bet."
Then be surprised :) 200x overpairs can be pretty "thin valuebets" as to be polarized we need a way stronger range (sets, etc).
I used some range I had saved there, we can add a couple t9s 98s, it's not going to change the strat as they would be mixed strats anyways and it's very few suited combinations (also we're supposed to 3bet less AQoff 200x than I put in the sim, that benefits our range).
I ran the simulation with half pot, cause while I played the hand I thought it would be the best size, I was wrong and in the hands I show I also show mistakes I made which can be pretty intuitive and common ones.
You chose to fold here, getting almost 4:1, what hands are you calling besides JJ & QQ?
you get almost 4:1 but you're good 0% of the times. I would call also 33, hoping my opponents value owns himself with 22. My river play is a mistake there, my bet is way too thin given ranges in play.
Hand with KQ , I like your fold on the river.
However, it’s true that you have a few amount of set x flop because of the fish in the pot. Against a competent vilain who can exploit that you will be in trouble on the river.
Does he really flats (considering fish in the small blind)22,33 here ?
Tough spot river, tend to fold because MDA shows this kind of moove is under bluffed by population, but I’m not sure it’s the good way to reasonnate here.
Nice video, Thanks you , and looking for the next one !
I think the main mistake is to bet on the river there, as there are no offsuited AJ type hands to target (it would be different if the reg coldcalled from the BTN).
All the times I thought it's super bad to flat 22/33 in similar situations and ended up making similar calls they always showed up with those hands :) So I tend to assume that my opponents play bad in some previous street and they will show up with value hands that they shouldn't have (22 is too thin to jam here, but I expect a person that calls 22 to think it would be a +EV jam here).
Can't wait for more!! You and ben are my favorites.
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