Hi Francesco, great vid and great topic ! Always appreciated
Poker players are far behind professional athlete routine and discipline . Maybe it’s poker is played motionless in front of a computer
I don’t really agree here.
Holidays and week ends were creat to rest ourselves for the job we do from Monday to Friday.
Yes’, doing some breaks from time to time is helpful’ especially to search some conscious and inconscious responses about our issues.
I didn’t take one single day off since I started poker . Learning poker all the day. I don’t say it in a sense of « I’m proud to work all the time blabla » I’m saying it in a sense of : I love Poker. When your job is your passion are you really working ?
Poker is very unique, and of course breaks are important, but I wouldn’t say holidays. Doing what I love all days in the life is like holidays for me. Instead of Doing something boring (like school) needs holidays and breaks.
Confusius said « Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.«
29:00 The book you have mentioned is « Productive argument » ?
39:00 « focus on smart work, efficiency , not hard work »
We are in a society where hard work are constantly promoted all the time. At school, student are rewarded only of their « hard work » , but why we are not rewarded this guy who has he best time spend/result ratio ?
Thanks to brings this point to the light, as humain and even as poker player, I think we tend to forget that.
LlinusLlove doesn’t became one the best by dumbly work on solver 10h a day...
I don't know how long you have been playing, but I've seen tons of players with a no break approach consumed by the grind. Sure in the first months/year it's fine, but it gets tough, especially when facing downswings or if there are some IRL problems that might interfere with bringing the A-game to the tables.
Taking a break is also useful to focus on other important aspects of life (family, social life, hobbies) and is an eccellent opportunity for personal growth. I don't agree with people that think taking breaks/holidays = being lazy; you choose how to spend your time and you can be pretty productive.
The book I was trying to mention is Why Are We Yelling: The Art of Productive Disagreement, I don't know why I glitched while shooting the video :)
I agree with all of what you said.
I’m 18 and had started ~2,3 years ago.
I also totally disagree with adage : holidays = lazy, that wasn’t my point. (And I think you understood it) .
We can’t focus 10h days on poker all the time, when I say holidays, (I’m French and I think our perception of the word differs here), I talk about holidays you take because your job is not something you like, and when you love poker , you don’t need to do those kind of « break ». That why I only had couple of days where I want reflecting/learning about the game.
There is not only poker in life, and switch your mental on an other activity is a skill to develop.
Thanks for the name of the book. In already started to read it ! ;)
Excelente! Great video, I was really needing to hear some of those things to keep my self disciplined.
Btw, I just came back from a 1month holiday. And im felly pretty "rusty" as you mentioned, but I might be just running bad and feeling guilty about that. Do you have any tips for that? It was my first big vacation since I started playing professionally 3 years ago.
It can be a great chance to try to spot some areas of your game that need some improvement. Maybe you were trying to implement new strategies or concepts you've been studying and they're not yet consolidated, therefore you have some doubts and need to spend some study time to fix these areas.
If it's not the case, and you feel a little boost of self-confidence might help, you can try to play a couple of sessions at a lower stake: this is going to help you not be rusty (you will put in some volume and train your "concentration muscles") and at the same time you're not going to feel guilty for potential mistakes, as they're going to be less expensive -plus the field is softer-.
Ciao Francesco, un altro bel video.
Mi e’ venuto un flash, potrei sbagliarmi eh, ma forse avevo letto su cbet che sei un player presuntuoso o altri aggettivi non lusinghieri. Bhe, dai video non si direbbe, anzi, e sono contento che un italiano sia coach elite su RIO.
Alla fine, quello che conta sono i risultati, e se un player gioca sempre, vs tutti e vince, ha ragione lui.
On vacations
I’ve structured my life really bad, basically I’ve been grinding for a very long time, with good results but I’ve stuck in the micros due some unfortunate real life reasons. Well, that’s not completely true, I’ve made a ton of mistakes but life circumstances were on my side.
Anyway, I feel the burden on my shoulders and this affects my game, so I’ve scheduled a day off per week and things are better.
What’s your schedule regarding poker? Do you have days off, not vacations, just days off in the week
Regarding have enough money aside
You are def right, I find myself always on shortage of money and I feel the huge pressure on me, when I take shots I’m always very scared. When I had a good bankroll I’ve never felt the same feeling.
Unfortunately I’m in a different spot now.
May I ask you how do you manage the money?
Since I’ve find myself always cashing out, now I got a rule where basically I will cash out only 30% of my winnings, 70% will be use for my bankroll. It’s a shame that I’ve never moved up because I’ve managed the money in the wrong way. Probably is far worse than not being able to beat the game.
This is my graph for the past years… and yet, I don’t have any savings and a very small bankroll. Now I realize how much I fucked up
Non ho mai scritto su CBet e non ho mai frequentato forum di poker italiani, quindi non so chi possa avermi menzionato e cosa abbia potuto dire. Probabilmente qualcuno con problemi di autostima sarà rimasto offeso dal trash talking ai tavoli e l'avrà scambiato con presunzione :) ho sempre vinto (parecchio bene, aggiungerei) e giocato contro chiunque mi abbia dato azione in HU e sono una delle poche persone corrette ai tavoli (non ho nemmeno comprato una mano in datamining). Tra condivisione dei database tra chi fa parte di stable o cricche varie, collusion più o meno esplicite fatte su people's o ipoker, gente che usa VPN per evadere il fisco dello stato in cui risiede, il .it è un po' una fogna a livello umano anche per quanto concerne il cash game e non mi sono mai fatto problemi a manifestare antipatie nei confronti degli appartenenti alle suddette categorie :)
On vacations
Right now I don't really have a schedule for playing, I managed to reach a perfectly balanced physical and mental state that allows me to play my A-game 80%+ of the time I play. If I don't feel at my best, but still feel like playing, I play a 200 NL session where, even if I play my B or C-game, I'm able to make a consinstent profit and to work on the low end of my game, making it better (instead of working only on A-game). I always take 1 or two days off per week from playing, but it's random.
Regarding have enough money aside
I've never cashed out before reaching 100 NL, it's important to reinvest money in your bankroll when you're playing the micros. If you play on .it sites you don't need a huge bankroll to play 200 NL (30 buy ins are more than enough), variance at that stake is pretty low. If you happen to run really bad during your first shot you can level down and try again once you get to 30 buy ins.
Grazie della risposta, ti auguro veramente il meglio
(Ora che menzioni il trash talking, confermo che parlavano di te. Chiaramente, fottesega. Quando ti siedi, costantemente e giochi vs tutti, nel rispetto delle regole, puoi fare cio' che vuoi)
Great video! Although I'm far from a professional and don't play for a living but this video is very helpful for how to make the most out of every session!
Loading 10 Comments...
Hi Francesco, great vid and great topic ! Always appreciated
Poker players are far behind professional athlete routine and discipline . Maybe it’s poker is played motionless in front of a computer
I don’t really agree here.
Holidays and week ends were creat to rest ourselves for the job we do from Monday to Friday.
Yes’, doing some breaks from time to time is helpful’ especially to search some conscious and inconscious responses about our issues.
I didn’t take one single day off since I started poker . Learning poker all the day. I don’t say it in a sense of « I’m proud to work all the time blabla » I’m saying it in a sense of : I love Poker. When your job is your passion are you really working ?
Poker is very unique, and of course breaks are important, but I wouldn’t say holidays. Doing what I love all days in the life is like holidays for me. Instead of Doing something boring (like school) needs holidays and breaks.
Confusius said « Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.«
29:00 The book you have mentioned is « Productive argument » ?
39:00 « focus on smart work, efficiency , not hard work »
We are in a society where hard work are constantly promoted all the time. At school, student are rewarded only of their « hard work » , but why we are not rewarded this guy who has he best time spend/result ratio ?
Thanks to brings this point to the light, as humain and even as poker player, I think we tend to forget that.
LlinusLlove doesn’t became one the best by dumbly work on solver 10h a day...
I don't know how long you have been playing, but I've seen tons of players with a no break approach consumed by the grind. Sure in the first months/year it's fine, but it gets tough, especially when facing downswings or if there are some IRL problems that might interfere with bringing the A-game to the tables.
Taking a break is also useful to focus on other important aspects of life (family, social life, hobbies) and is an eccellent opportunity for personal growth. I don't agree with people that think taking breaks/holidays = being lazy; you choose how to spend your time and you can be pretty productive.
The book I was trying to mention is Why Are We Yelling: The Art of Productive Disagreement, I don't know why I glitched while shooting the video :)
Thanks for your answer.
I agree with all of what you said.
I’m 18 and had started ~2,3 years ago.
I also totally disagree with adage : holidays = lazy, that wasn’t my point. (And I think you understood it) .
We can’t focus 10h days on poker all the time, when I say holidays, (I’m French and I think our perception of the word differs here), I talk about holidays you take because your job is not something you like, and when you love poker , you don’t need to do those kind of « break ». That why I only had couple of days where I want reflecting/learning about the game.
There is not only poker in life, and switch your mental on an other activity is a skill to develop.
Thanks for the name of the book. In already started to read it ! ;)
Grazie Mille Francesco! Much wisdom thanks for this!
Excelente! Great video, I was really needing to hear some of those things to keep my self disciplined.
Btw, I just came back from a 1month holiday. And im felly pretty "rusty" as you mentioned, but I might be just running bad and feeling guilty about that. Do you have any tips for that? It was my first big vacation since I started playing professionally 3 years ago.
It can be a great chance to try to spot some areas of your game that need some improvement. Maybe you were trying to implement new strategies or concepts you've been studying and they're not yet consolidated, therefore you have some doubts and need to spend some study time to fix these areas.
If it's not the case, and you feel a little boost of self-confidence might help, you can try to play a couple of sessions at a lower stake: this is going to help you not be rusty (you will put in some volume and train your "concentration muscles") and at the same time you're not going to feel guilty for potential mistakes, as they're going to be less expensive -plus the field is softer-.
Ciao Francesco, un altro bel video.
Mi e’ venuto un flash, potrei sbagliarmi eh, ma forse avevo letto su cbet che sei un player presuntuoso o altri aggettivi non lusinghieri. Bhe, dai video non si direbbe, anzi, e sono contento che un italiano sia coach elite su RIO.
Alla fine, quello che conta sono i risultati, e se un player gioca sempre, vs tutti e vince, ha ragione lui.
On vacations
I’ve structured my life really bad, basically I’ve been grinding for a very long time, with good results but I’ve stuck in the micros due some unfortunate real life reasons. Well, that’s not completely true, I’ve made a ton of mistakes but life circumstances were on my side.
Anyway, I feel the burden on my shoulders and this affects my game, so I’ve scheduled a day off per week and things are better.
What’s your schedule regarding poker? Do you have days off, not vacations, just days off in the week
Regarding have enough money aside
You are def right, I find myself always on shortage of money and I feel the huge pressure on me, when I take shots I’m always very scared. When I had a good bankroll I’ve never felt the same feeling.
Unfortunately I’m in a different spot now.
May I ask you how do you manage the money?
Since I’ve find myself always cashing out, now I got a rule where basically I will cash out only 30% of my winnings, 70% will be use for my bankroll. It’s a shame that I’ve never moved up because I’ve managed the money in the wrong way. Probably is far worse than not being able to beat the game.
This is my graph for the past years… and yet, I don’t have any savings and a very small bankroll. Now I realize how much I fucked up
Ciao, grazie!
Non ho mai scritto su CBet e non ho mai frequentato forum di poker italiani, quindi non so chi possa avermi menzionato e cosa abbia potuto dire. Probabilmente qualcuno con problemi di autostima sarà rimasto offeso dal trash talking ai tavoli e l'avrà scambiato con presunzione :) ho sempre vinto (parecchio bene, aggiungerei) e giocato contro chiunque mi abbia dato azione in HU e sono una delle poche persone corrette ai tavoli (non ho nemmeno comprato una mano in datamining). Tra condivisione dei database tra chi fa parte di stable o cricche varie, collusion più o meno esplicite fatte su people's o ipoker, gente che usa VPN per evadere il fisco dello stato in cui risiede, il .it è un po' una fogna a livello umano anche per quanto concerne il cash game e non mi sono mai fatto problemi a manifestare antipatie nei confronti degli appartenenti alle suddette categorie :)
On vacations
Right now I don't really have a schedule for playing, I managed to reach a perfectly balanced physical and mental state that allows me to play my A-game 80%+ of the time I play. If I don't feel at my best, but still feel like playing, I play a 200 NL session where, even if I play my B or C-game, I'm able to make a consinstent profit and to work on the low end of my game, making it better (instead of working only on A-game). I always take 1 or two days off per week from playing, but it's random.
Regarding have enough money aside
I've never cashed out before reaching 100 NL, it's important to reinvest money in your bankroll when you're playing the micros. If you play on .it sites you don't need a huge bankroll to play 200 NL (30 buy ins are more than enough), variance at that stake is pretty low. If you happen to run really bad during your first shot you can level down and try again once you get to 30 buy ins.
Grazie della risposta, ti auguro veramente il meglio
(Ora che menzioni il trash talking, confermo che parlavano di te. Chiaramente, fottesega. Quando ti siedi, costantemente e giochi vs tutti, nel rispetto delle regole, puoi fare cio' che vuoi)
Great video! Although I'm far from a professional and don't play for a living but this video is very helpful for how to make the most out of every session!
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