Loved the video format and analysis of exploitative adjustments that each of the players were making. It would be great to see future parts of this series analyzing Super High Roller Cash Game Episodes 6-9 from PokerGo. These episodes had lineups comprised mostly of elite pros, and would lend themselves to more technical analysis of the players' strategies.
oh boy, last hand of Antonio with K5cc is fascinating!
preflop - i have my doubts about it .. i think it could be possible to get away with this 3b IF Cutoff is opening very loose (lets say 40%+) AND also not 4betting that much (but he did insta 4bet with J8s!), AND people behind playing extremely conservative (i think i saw one of the blinds snap folding a pocket pair). Lots of large assumptions, probably not +ev with 3 blinds .. I dont think id take that risk without more information, it would feel like gambling a bit.
I think it will also depend on how hard BTN can deny posflop equity when get called, but as we saw Antonio was uncapable of leverage his entire stack on the river when facing a capped range.
For me the most fascinating part of the hand was the river, i closed the video with the feeling that if Antonio would shove the river would get most of Klein bluffcatchers to fold.. What do you think about this play? Would you split your river size? Would you run a bluff of that many big blinds against unknown players where you have no idea how the will take a bet like that? i mean, you know a player like Klein either will overcall like a lot this river, or just exactly the opposite.. but he´s not thinking in how wide his defense frecquency should be. How would you try to exploit/approach the river?
thanks for the video Ben! I really liked this format.. Lots of exploits to talk.
Ben, I am a super big fan of all of ur videos, especially this kind, focus on how to play deep live straddle game! very different from online 6m.
From my experience of playing this kind of game, seems all the player are playing quite loose preflop, and just 3 barrel way too much just like Antonio did in the video.
Is it a good strategy to play a 3 barrel a ton in the 300+bb game?
I think the easiest style to beat this game is to play tight. Tightness will passively crush LAG play because every time the nit enters the pot there’s a bunch of money out there for him to pick up.
When players r likely to run more creative bluffs than optimal it’s good to strengthen our checking range and to play tighter preflop
Hey Ben, I really liked this video and think I can gain a lot from it as I am mainly playing life cash games. Great to hear theoretically sound thoughts on these very special and unusual spots. Would love for you to continue the series
Min 31:30, the K5o barrel vs AK. Sometimes in online poker you know your opponent is pretty weak after calling on the turn(exactly like this). However, by just betting close to pot, there still a chance they deciding to bluff catch for whatever reason. Therefore I would like to know what you think about the idea to go more than 5x pot in this spots. This is basically the strategy Tom Dwan used with his famous 72o hand vs Sammy.
If you have a strong read your opponent is capped and will very rarely call an overbet, you should always overbet if you have a bluff. This is just simple logic.
I generally think it's a big mistake to be confident in our reads, which is why poker is hard, and takes a blend of intuition and technical skills to succeed.
If we attach a high level of confidence to our reads the result will be playing very explo strategies that are themselves highly exploitable when they are wrong. I prefer to place less weight on reads so that they mostly affect my decisions in close spots, while always making sure I’m playing a solid basic strategy.
i remember they also played a line-up with reg heavy line-up (and matt kirk), if this format is to continue perhaps consider that one or any other line-up with better players
Really enjoyed the video, nice to have a change from online cash (even though i love those too.)
Dont really feel the need for PIO in these live poker analysis. Would make it too slow and nobody is playing anything close to equlibrium anyways. Just better to talk over and discuss the hands/meta game etc imo.
In the first hand, Perkins 3-bets AK into a raise and call for about double the raise size. The commentary is the purpose is to knock out the straddle. Is he 3-betting small every hand he plays and is using the same sizing for consistency with AK? Is this just a donk play by the amateur.?
In the J8cc vs K5cc hand on the 7d8d9d9s3h board, I am not sure what Antonio was representing or what hand you would take that line with for value 3-barrelling small. He isn't representing a flush or boat. Most players at medium stakes would check back their value hands at some point. The smallish bets open him to a c/r. I just don't think most amateurs would fold a pair and gutshot to that, I also don't think the amateur is checking the flop with air,despite Antonio's range advantage. The check likely means he doesn't want to get raised, not that he is c/fing after 4-betting preflop.
Actually, the play in this game looks sort of like a live 5/10 game with a mix of regs and amateurs. I don't watch the high stakes online cash videos, as I don't play at that level.
I enjoyed the video a lot but would like you go to more in depth about how to exploit these games with PIO, for example against very wide ranges 4way/5way and so on. I often find myself in spots like that OOP and I am clueless what to do. I realize PIO doesn't work multiway but maybe my comment gives you some thoughts.
Thank you very much Ben, I thought the video was extremely helpful to make adjustments to people I play with. Hope to see continuation into this kind of material and part 2.
I really enjoyed this one, thanks! It is such a vital skill to understand a GTO path and then also where/why/when it does and does not apply. I would love to see this in contrast to PIO solutions to these scenarios. Thanks!
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I think this video is a bit of a waste of your theory knowledge. I prefer online cashgames. However still nice video.
somehow agree with that, but it still a good video and I want to see some videos of this format from time to time.
very enjoyable new video format and great educational commentary, thanks ben
I like it ..Ben, thx for trying fresh stuff.
Feels like I'm watching a Doug Polk video only with good strategic advice :D
Loved the video format and analysis of exploitative adjustments that each of the players were making. It would be great to see future parts of this series analyzing Super High Roller Cash Game Episodes 6-9 from PokerGo. These episodes had lineups comprised mostly of elite pros, and would lend themselves to more technical analysis of the players' strategies.
oh boy, last hand of Antonio with K5cc is fascinating!
preflop - i have my doubts about it .. i think it could be possible to get away with this 3b IF Cutoff is opening very loose (lets say 40%+) AND also not 4betting that much (but he did insta 4bet with J8s!), AND people behind playing extremely conservative (i think i saw one of the blinds snap folding a pocket pair). Lots of large assumptions, probably not +ev with 3 blinds .. I dont think id take that risk without more information, it would feel like gambling a bit.
I think it will also depend on how hard BTN can deny posflop equity when get called, but as we saw Antonio was uncapable of leverage his entire stack on the river when facing a capped range.
For me the most fascinating part of the hand was the river, i closed the video with the feeling that if Antonio would shove the river would get most of Klein bluffcatchers to fold.. What do you think about this play? Would you split your river size? Would you run a bluff of that many big blinds against unknown players where you have no idea how the will take a bet like that? i mean, you know a player like Klein either will overcall like a lot this river, or just exactly the opposite.. but he´s not thinking in how wide his defense frecquency should be. How would you try to exploit/approach the river?
thanks for the video Ben! I really liked this format.. Lots of exploits to talk.
I like overbet sometimes on river because OOP range is so overpair heavy and IP can leverage more nuts
Ben, I am a super big fan of all of ur videos, especially this kind, focus on how to play deep live straddle game! very different from online 6m.
From my experience of playing this kind of game, seems all the player are playing quite loose preflop, and just 3 barrel way too much just like Antonio did in the video.
Is it a good strategy to play a 3 barrel a ton in the 300+bb game?
How to exploit other player playing this style?
I think the easiest style to beat this game is to play tight. Tightness will passively crush LAG play because every time the nit enters the pot there’s a bunch of money out there for him to pick up.
When players r likely to run more creative bluffs than optimal it’s good to strengthen our checking range and to play tighter preflop
And Plz do more of this kind of vid, enjoy a lot a lot!!
i think Antonio bet 50 into 84 on the river with AKcc
Hey Ben, I really liked this video and think I can gain a lot from it as I am mainly playing life cash games. Great to hear theoretically sound thoughts on these very special and unusual spots. Would love for you to continue the series
i love this video. great change up from the 500 zoom!
Min 31:30, the K5o barrel vs AK. Sometimes in online poker you know your opponent is pretty weak after calling on the turn(exactly like this). However, by just betting close to pot, there still a chance they deciding to bluff catch for whatever reason. Therefore I would like to know what you think about the idea to go more than 5x pot in this spots. This is basically the strategy Tom Dwan used with his famous 72o hand vs Sammy.
If you have a strong read your opponent is capped and will very rarely call an overbet, you should always overbet if you have a bluff. This is just simple logic.
I generally think it's a big mistake to be confident in our reads, which is why poker is hard, and takes a blend of intuition and technical skills to succeed.
hi, sauce
can you explain what do you mean by " I generally think it's a big mistake to be confident in our reads"?
If we attach a high level of confidence to our reads the result will be playing very explo strategies that are themselves highly exploitable when they are wrong. I prefer to place less weight on reads so that they mostly affect my decisions in close spots, while always making sure I’m playing a solid basic strategy.
great video Ben
i remember they also played a line-up with reg heavy line-up (and matt kirk), if this format is to continue perhaps consider that one or any other line-up with better players
loved it! Very entertaining and easy to follow! Nice to hear the adjustments being made from online to the live situations.
Loved the format, and as a live player it is quite refreshing to see a vid that more accurately reflects the environment i play in.
Really enjoyed the video, nice to have a change from online cash (even though i love those too.)
Dont really feel the need for PIO in these live poker analysis. Would make it too slow and nobody is playing anything close to equlibrium anyways. Just better to talk over and discuss the hands/meta game etc imo.
Agree with what was said above. Really liked the format and hope it continues.
Really like this format as a live pro
In the first hand, Perkins 3-bets AK into a raise and call for about double the raise size. The commentary is the purpose is to knock out the straddle. Is he 3-betting small every hand he plays and is using the same sizing for consistency with AK? Is this just a donk play by the amateur.?
In the J8cc vs K5cc hand on the 7d8d9d9s3h board, I am not sure what Antonio was representing or what hand you would take that line with for value 3-barrelling small. He isn't representing a flush or boat. Most players at medium stakes would check back their value hands at some point. The smallish bets open him to a c/r. I just don't think most amateurs would fold a pair and gutshot to that, I also don't think the amateur is checking the flop with air,despite Antonio's range advantage. The check likely means he doesn't want to get raised, not that he is c/fing after 4-betting preflop.
Actually, the play in this game looks sort of like a live 5/10 game with a mix of regs and amateurs. I don't watch the high stakes online cash videos, as I don't play at that level.
Ben this was fantastic - please make more videos like this, it's much more relevant to live cash players than your online videos.
I enjoyed the video a lot but would like you go to more in depth about how to exploit these games with PIO, for example against very wide ranges 4way/5way and so on. I often find myself in spots like that OOP and I am clueless what to do. I realize PIO doesn't work multiway but maybe my comment gives you some thoughts.
Please make more strat videos pertaining to live poker. This was very helpful. Thanks!
Nice vid man.. Also always happy for deep live play analisys ..
Thank you very much Ben, I thought the video was extremely helpful to make adjustments to people I play with. Hope to see continuation into this kind of material and part 2.
I really enjoyed this one, thanks! It is such a vital skill to understand a GTO path and then also where/why/when it does and does not apply. I would love to see this in contrast to PIO solutions to these scenarios. Thanks!
One more of this would be great
pretty sick hand here, in a game i wouldnt be playing in, in a 4 bet pot with hands i wouldnt have lol sick call though
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