If robtinnion almost never has an ace and almost never checks trips on the river, and a huge part of your bet flop check turn range is Jx, you should definitely consider bluffing river with QT here as he has 9x almost always. Don't think the answer is to just never bluff.
I think he'd check river with trips fairly often. I should definitely consider bluffing, and it is probably best here with QT but I do think he will be checking trips on river at some frequency.
nice video. love the whole cards showing format.
at 11min with QT, on j92ss, what do you think about his check/shoving hands like T8 or 76ss type hands as BB versus your bet? i feel like that is BB's best option, but given preflop you are very broadway heavy and have mid pocket pairs and some Axs, when you bet here, you will rarely be folding. You check flop with underpairs and Axs that didnt flop draw, and probably bet JT QJ KJ AJ J9s 22 type hands and bluff KT KQ QT. These bluffs have incentive to bet/call versus your shoving range given they beat most of BB's check/shove bluffs (flush draws other then Axss which prob squeeze shoves preflop a lot, and straight draws like T8 QT), and they have decent equity versus a Jx+ value range. So in this case, given you will be bet/calling nearly 100%, is the shove with Flush draw or striaght draw good?
nice video !
I'm still a bit curious about the 35bb shove vs TT. You're 2nd in stack, it'll bad to run against the highest part of opponent's range.
I understand your point totally, in .fr we never do that so that's maybe why i'm a bit shocked if I can say so.
If possible, it would be nice to have a written explanation about this hand please :)
@ 18 min mark what is best from Rob facing that min c'bet? I know you said you wouldn't bluff that hand. Nor would I. You like call and fold almost every turn?
8:00 You say how Rob could defend his BB with Q4o on a 16bb stack, I dont see how this is going to be profitable on a 15bb stack on the FT of the million with ICM to consider.
Regardless of ICM, with a 15bb stack I find it very hard to believe Q4o is going to be a profitable defend. OK with deeper stacks you cant just let someone auto profit off opening into your BB, and you can float and make bluffs on later streets and shit, but on 15bb stack the best play to make is to defend bb and be check jamming on a lot of flops but Q4 isn't going to get too many flops where we are thrilled to C/J on. What do you think?
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If robtinnion almost never has an ace and almost never checks trips on the river, and a huge part of your bet flop check turn range is Jx, you should definitely consider bluffing river with QT here as he has 9x almost always. Don't think the answer is to just never bluff.
I think he'd check river with trips fairly often. I should definitely consider bluffing, and it is probably best here with QT but I do think he will be checking trips on river at some frequency.
That CREV analysis was very interesting, thanks for taking the time to rig up the sim
Thanks Mike, glad you liked that part. I'll try to get some more tourney-specific sims in future videos.
Good format with all holecards shown and great video, looking forward to part3.
Thanks Joni, glad you liked it. Going to finish this and also do the Super Tuesday and Warm Up final tables as well to close the series.
nice video. love the whole cards showing format.
at 11min with QT, on j92ss, what do you think about his check/shoving hands like T8 or 76ss type hands as BB versus your bet? i feel like that is BB's best option, but given preflop you are very broadway heavy and have mid pocket pairs and some Axs, when you bet here, you will rarely be folding. You check flop with underpairs and Axs that didnt flop draw, and probably bet JT QJ KJ AJ J9s 22 type hands and bluff KT KQ QT. These bluffs have incentive to bet/call versus your shoving range given they beat most of BB's check/shove bluffs (flush draws other then Axss which prob squeeze shoves preflop a lot, and straight draws like T8 QT), and they have decent equity versus a Jx+ value range. So in this case, given you will be bet/calling nearly 100%, is the shove with Flush draw or striaght draw good?
nice video !
I'm still a bit curious about the 35bb shove vs TT. You're 2nd in stack, it'll bad to run against the highest part of opponent's range.
I understand your point totally, in .fr we never do that so that's maybe why i'm a bit shocked if I can say so.
If possible, it would be nice to have a written explanation about this hand please :)
@ 18 min mark what is best from Rob facing that min c'bet? I know you said you wouldn't bluff that hand. Nor would I. You like call and fold almost every turn?
@2'50 : is it a flop that you are ever donking ? ty
8:00 You say how Rob could defend his BB with Q4o on a 16bb stack, I dont see how this is going to be profitable on a 15bb stack on the FT of the million with ICM to consider.
Regardless of ICM, with a 15bb stack I find it very hard to believe Q4o is going to be a profitable defend. OK with deeper stacks you cant just let someone auto profit off opening into your BB, and you can float and make bluffs on later streets and shit, but on 15bb stack the best play to make is to defend bb and be check jamming on a lot of flops but Q4 isn't going to get too many flops where we are thrilled to C/J on. What do you think?
8:34 as robtinnion do you jam a8s? esp only covering dieter by 1.5 million ish
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