Good vid m8!
@20.50 AJs reshove. How aggressive do you think we can be with our reshove range here vs. the aggro guy?
A5/A2o SB 3bet spots vs. Ministerborg that we pass up. In general I don't like 3betting Axo OOP against a good player but can we really be waiting for ideal hands in those spots?
The 37.33 spot with A5o, given our assumptions that he is opening ATC seems like our success rate will be huge here. If we make it 6x to go, then he is in a very nasty spot with a chunk of hands like small PPs Axs,KJo,QJo,J9s,76s where he may just fold given it's potentially a high variance spot against the chip leader.
Seems overall he is playing a range that it's impossible to defend against 3bets and he is likely folding at least 75%+ and probably closer to 85%.
@22.21, the K8o hand in big blind is a fold when I run it through ICMIZER. (36.3%) 22+,A2+,K4s+,KTo+,Q5s+,QTo+,J7s+,JTo,T7s+,T9o,96s+,86s+,75s+,65s,54s using Nash ranges. Although if he's shoving Q9o obviously fine.
34:00. I have a question about the defend you recommend with A9s in SB, which Rob opts to muck. I thought that when 3betting is not an option in this spot then folding is standard. Do you think its close between defend or fold?
Also, being that this is the Million FT, and he will be playing OOP against the other chip leader how does this affect the EV pre flop of the defend compared to if this was just like mid/late stages of a normal high stake tourney online?
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Good vid m8!
@20.50 AJs reshove. How aggressive do you think we can be with our reshove range here vs. the aggro guy?
A5/A2o SB 3bet spots vs. Ministerborg that we pass up. In general I don't like 3betting Axo OOP against a good player but can we really be waiting for ideal hands in those spots?
The 37.33 spot with A5o, given our assumptions that he is opening ATC seems like our success rate will be huge here. If we make it 6x to go, then he is in a very nasty spot with a chunk of hands like small PPs Axs,KJo,QJo,J9s,76s where he may just fold given it's potentially a high variance spot against the chip leader.
Seems overall he is playing a range that it's impossible to defend against 3bets and he is likely folding at least 75%+ and probably closer to 85%.
Very nice format with the replay and HH!
@22.21, the K8o hand in big blind is a fold when I run it through ICMIZER. (36.3%) 22+,A2+,K4s+,KTo+,Q5s+,QTo+,J7s+,JTo,T7s+,T9o,96s+,86s+,75s+,65s,54s using Nash ranges. Although if he's shoving Q9o obviously fine.
This format is the nuts awesome thanks man
@31'50 : can we check back some 6x here to protect our range and induce large probe turns and river, some 76s/86s
34:00. I have a question about the defend you recommend with A9s in SB, which Rob opts to muck. I thought that when 3betting is not an option in this spot then folding is standard. Do you think its close between defend or fold?
Also, being that this is the Million FT, and he will be playing OOP against the other chip leader how does this affect the EV pre flop of the defend compared to if this was just like mid/late stages of a normal high stake tourney online?
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