great video! Really liked this series.
-on the turn with KThh I think I like betting as well but the BB appears to have around 150k and when you bet 31k, doesn't that make it so he cannot c/r and not commit himself? I think its a potential disaster if he check jams on us and with our particular hand, with the hearts, I think 24-25k charges draws enough and makes it much more difficult for him to check jam. I also think worse hands just dont call very often at all, and there are not even that many weaker kx anyway in either of their ranges. Would you really be betting this big with strongish draws and have to bet/call versus the BB or fold a lot of equity?
Crowe will almost always be check calling rather then check shoving so we get to check back versus him on most rivers (tho i doubt he ever calls with worse for this sizing, he's only calling KJ+) but this sizing seems to incentive BB to either jam or fold some draws, as well as K9 76 and 98 (if he has that). We definitely dont want him jamming with a mixture of strongish draws and nutted hands when our bet is mostly protective and some value (KT is fairly thin as Owen and BB can easily have all KQ KJ combos).
I dont think he will have much 97 96 on the flop either, given that isn't a snap call. I'd think snap calls are flush draws, 76, and maybe Kx. 96 97 seem not strong enough to call and may be more likely to think about raising if they were gunna play.
-On the 87 hand, you're jamming range is AT T7s and some K4s K7s K8s? doesn't seem like enough combos given you're value range would be KT T8 QJ Q9 J9 55 87.... would you also bluff 76 86 K6 combos? ....... its also really hard to put him on a hand, escp. with the way he called (felt like he had something as u said). Maybe he has like TT or T9s or QT or AJ, but I cannot really think of much else. It could be KK or AA that is sort of disgusted at the turn card but that seems unlikely. I would think KJ and JT bet the flop a good amount given its hard when they get bet into on the turn, as they will often face a double barrel at that point on this board and need to hit a pair or the straight to call.
- on the last hand, as the UTG raiser there, on AK5ss he definitely has a lot of QQ-77 (36 combos) all of which want to check the flop (betting does nothing). How would you balance between this being a strong board for your range given KK/AA/AK lock down this board for you and therefore you want to bet aggressively with bluffs as well (AKx boards very strong for UTG PFR) and the fact that you have a lot of these marginal pocket pair combos that need to check back and can get easily bluffed on the turn.... You have AQ AJ AT and then some A9s a8s a7s but probably not that much. Checking some of that makes sense, but AQ AJ AT want to bet 2-3 streets and a9s a8s a7s aren't enough combos to really protect (a9s a8s a7s are only 9 combos if check back 100% of time). Obviously some Kx will check back but we dont have that much off suit Kx I'd think either. So it seems hard to bet aggressively on flop and also have strong check back range that isn't vulnerable to being bluff (bc BB defend range isn't that weak V UTG). Even if we check KQo KJs KTs thats another 18 combos and we still have to fold with (32/(32+(18+9))) or over 55% of time. Its true we can check back AK and AA but that makes our barrel range weaker. Thoughts?
Hand 1: I think that with his timing/body language on the flop he almost never c/rs the turn and creating a strategy for a rare outcome isn't worth that much. On a board like this getting hands with 25-30% equity to fold is worth a lot so him folding a hand that might call a smaller bet can still be a win for us, especially if they are hands that will rarely pay us off with the worst hand on the river.
Hand 2: I will also have missed FDs and missed Tx. T3s, T4s, 7d4d, Adxd, KdxD. If I can't find enough no pair hands to bluff I can start bluffing my 6x hands.
Hand 3: Betting 77-TT does a lot in terms of preventing them from getting bluffed and preventing me from realizing equity with overcards. I'd mostly bet range on the flop as we have such a large range advantage over our opponent and should rarely fear a c/r.
This series is very good. I like the way you talk openly about any type of tell. I hope you can bring footage from another live tournaments as well. Thanks, Sam.
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great video! Really liked this series.
-on the turn with KThh I think I like betting as well but the BB appears to have around 150k and when you bet 31k, doesn't that make it so he cannot c/r and not commit himself? I think its a potential disaster if he check jams on us and with our particular hand, with the hearts, I think 24-25k charges draws enough and makes it much more difficult for him to check jam. I also think worse hands just dont call very often at all, and there are not even that many weaker kx anyway in either of their ranges. Would you really be betting this big with strongish draws and have to bet/call versus the BB or fold a lot of equity?
Crowe will almost always be check calling rather then check shoving so we get to check back versus him on most rivers (tho i doubt he ever calls with worse for this sizing, he's only calling KJ+) but this sizing seems to incentive BB to either jam or fold some draws, as well as K9 76 and 98 (if he has that). We definitely dont want him jamming with a mixture of strongish draws and nutted hands when our bet is mostly protective and some value (KT is fairly thin as Owen and BB can easily have all KQ KJ combos).
I dont think he will have much 97 96 on the flop either, given that isn't a snap call. I'd think snap calls are flush draws, 76, and maybe Kx. 96 97 seem not strong enough to call and may be more likely to think about raising if they were gunna play.
-On the 87 hand, you're jamming range is AT T7s and some K4s K7s K8s? doesn't seem like enough combos given you're value range would be KT T8 QJ Q9 J9 55 87.... would you also bluff 76 86 K6 combos? ....... its also really hard to put him on a hand, escp. with the way he called (felt like he had something as u said). Maybe he has like TT or T9s or QT or AJ, but I cannot really think of much else. It could be KK or AA that is sort of disgusted at the turn card but that seems unlikely. I would think KJ and JT bet the flop a good amount given its hard when they get bet into on the turn, as they will often face a double barrel at that point on this board and need to hit a pair or the straight to call.
- on the last hand, as the UTG raiser there, on AK5ss he definitely has a lot of QQ-77 (36 combos) all of which want to check the flop (betting does nothing). How would you balance between this being a strong board for your range given KK/AA/AK lock down this board for you and therefore you want to bet aggressively with bluffs as well (AKx boards very strong for UTG PFR) and the fact that you have a lot of these marginal pocket pair combos that need to check back and can get easily bluffed on the turn.... You have AQ AJ AT and then some A9s a8s a7s but probably not that much. Checking some of that makes sense, but AQ AJ AT want to bet 2-3 streets and a9s a8s a7s aren't enough combos to really protect (a9s a8s a7s are only 9 combos if check back 100% of time). Obviously some Kx will check back but we dont have that much off suit Kx I'd think either. So it seems hard to bet aggressively on flop and also have strong check back range that isn't vulnerable to being bluff (bc BB defend range isn't that weak V UTG). Even if we check KQo KJs KTs thats another 18 combos and we still have to fold with (32/(32+(18+9))) or over 55% of time. Its true we can check back AK and AA but that makes our barrel range weaker. Thoughts?
Hand 1: I think that with his timing/body language on the flop he almost never c/rs the turn and creating a strategy for a rare outcome isn't worth that much. On a board like this getting hands with 25-30% equity to fold is worth a lot so him folding a hand that might call a smaller bet can still be a win for us, especially if they are hands that will rarely pay us off with the worst hand on the river.
Hand 2: I will also have missed FDs and missed Tx. T3s, T4s, 7d4d, Adxd, KdxD. If I can't find enough no pair hands to bluff I can start bluffing my 6x hands.
Hand 3: Betting 77-TT does a lot in terms of preventing them from getting bluffed and preventing me from realizing equity with overcards. I'd mostly bet range on the flop as we have such a large range advantage over our opponent and should rarely fear a c/r.
This series is very good. I like the way you talk openly about any type of tell. I hope you can bring footage from another live tournaments as well. Thanks, Sam.
like i said before. really good stuff i would like to see more of this type of videos
thanks Sam
Excellent series Sam. Really enjoyed it.
excellent series, thanks Sam.
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