GregGT 12 years, 2 months ago27min: A5o and call of 5bet from deucebabydeuce. It seems to me very very bad call. Pot pre about 600k!!!! After our call it is 700k and we have spr 1:1 in our stack. Definitely it's disaster to peel there (no matter that we are in position)- especially with kind of hand that plays postflop pretty poorely. If u think he had a lot of trash in his 5bet range - its better just to shove, but if u afraid his 5bet range is nutted it's just very clear fold. Really dont know what do you gonna do and what is ur plan for postflop there. In fact u just kind of donked him finally)
I will be happy if u clarify ur thoughts about this spot.
P.S. and pls back to comments from the first 26 KO part if possible.thanks in advance :)
GregGT 12 years, 2 months ago44 min: like very much bluff with 64o. Well played, man!)Espen Sørlie12 years, 2 months agoI peeled bec we're getting 6.4 to 1, meaning less than 15% of the pot. A5o 27.6% against 99+,AQs+,AKo (a pure valuerange we have way more when counting his bluffs). I know we have negative implied odds, but was not planning on instantly sacking off if we hit a 5 or an ace. I think a lot of the time on A high boards he might fire a small barrell then try to get to showdown with his 99-KK hands that didnt hit. if we hit a 5 he might fire one and give up with AK/AQ(although here I think he is more likely to openshove). sometimes we flop three fives and stack queens, sometimes the flop is A5x and we stack AK, sometimes 234 etc etc. Just as in this hand, you say we "donked" him because we had a worse hand and got there. I know we are beat by his range, but getting 6.4 to 1 you dont have to "donk" him very often for it to be profitable. Also there is still some play left even tho we have almost 1:1 spr, in this hand for example we didnt stack off with both a flop and turnbet getting called.
@32:30 w/44 - I'm not a big fan of this limp vs a good opponent. Recently I've seen many regs adjusting correctly to these spots and either shoving over this limp with mid range, raise/calling induce range or just checkingback with all the bottom. It's really rare lately to see good players raise/fold over our limp there, making this play pretty bad, because we're either gonna end up oop in limped pot, folding to a shove from hands which would fold if we had shoved or limp/shoving vs strong inducing range. What do you think about it? Do you consider just going for unexploitable shove here vs good player?
Well, it is half a year old video and I feel like regs have started picking more up and adjusting better since then since limping sb is sort of a newer concept. and I don't think I would fold to a jam here since I would strongly discount any very strong hand and think he would raise/induce with something like 88/77+.
It's kinda close. I think I did it to let him bet pure overcards and to potcontrol a bit incase he has 2p/straights. I think a bet goes in either way whenever he has like a 9 or worse 8 or some kinda combodraw. he might check back his weak pair + draw type of hands, but if he calls QJ and stuff otf then letting him bet those is great.
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I will be happy if u clarify ur thoughts about this spot.
P.S. and pls back to comments from the first 26 KO part if possible.thanks in advance :)
Gotta admit it is pretty hood tho
@32:30 w/44 - I'm not a big fan of this limp vs a good opponent. Recently I've seen many regs adjusting correctly to these spots and either shoving over this limp with mid range, raise/calling induce range or just checkingback with all the bottom. It's really rare lately to see good players raise/fold over our limp there, making this play pretty bad, because we're either gonna end up oop in limped pot, folding to a shove from hands which would fold if we had shoved or limp/shoving vs strong inducing range. What do you think about it? Do you consider just going for unexploitable shove here vs good player?
Well, it is half a year old video and I feel like regs have started picking more up and adjusting better since then since limping sb is sort of a newer concept. and I don't think I would fold to a jam here since I would strongly discount any very strong hand and think he would raise/induce with something like 88/77+.
Vilan floating you so mush in this situation. Why didn't 2 barrel turn ?
It's kinda close. I think I did it to let him bet pure overcards and to potcontrol a bit incase he has 2p/straights. I think a bet goes in either way whenever he has like a 9 or worse 8 or some kinda combodraw. he might check back his weak pair + draw type of hands, but if he calls QJ and stuff otf then letting him bet those is great.
All in is good here ?
All in seems a little suspicius, I don't want to let him hero fold his aces here ever so I feel like betting 550k or something is best.
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