Yea, I would rather fold 22 there. What would you do if you were on a button? Do you think limping would be better, since you know albert is going to call a lot, but you would have position on him.
Might openjam it on the button, for sure +ev and it doesnt flop very well on average so it isn't great to limp. I don't think limping there is great because we let duffer see a flop for free and albert is probably calling regardless if he has a decent hand
The AQ hand: What about repoping him with a substantial size on turn ? He picks some flush draws, some gutshots and open enders on turn, that is probably why he is betting. But I would repop him and put him in uncomfortable spot. If the brick came on the river and he jams makes no sense, I would snap call.
If we raise turn it is committing us so would have to be a jam. I don't think it is that great, dont really expect him to fold any pairs to us and not really call anything worse (maaaybe like AT/AJdd or AT/AJss), so if we think we beat his range a lot I prefer calling and evaluating river to keep his complete bluffs in.
Espen, thanks a lot for your precious insights on mtts, very valuable
I would be glad to discuss with you a spot at 20:45 on this videos. You got 54s on the BU with 17bb. Snake who has been opening between 60 to 80% in these position open 2x. You folded.
In my view, this spot would be a +EV re-steal (also according to Pushbot 4.2). Could you please explain why you folded and if you could consider shoving here with these type of hands?
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Yea, I would rather fold 22 there. What would you do if you were on a button? Do you think limping would be better, since you know albert is going to call a lot, but you would have position on him.
Might openjam it on the button, for sure +ev and it doesnt flop very well on average so it isn't great to limp. I don't think limping there is great because we let duffer see a flop for free and albert is probably calling regardless if he has a decent hand
The AQ hand: What about repoping him with a substantial size on turn ? He picks some flush draws, some gutshots and open enders on turn, that is probably why he is betting. But I would repop him and put him in uncomfortable spot. If the brick came on the river and he jams makes no sense, I would snap call.
If we raise turn it is committing us so would have to be a jam. I don't think it is that great, dont really expect him to fold any pairs to us and not really call anything worse (maaaybe like AT/AJdd or AT/AJss), so if we think we beat his range a lot I prefer calling and evaluating river to keep his complete bluffs in.
Espen, thanks a lot for your precious insights on mtts, very valuable
I would be glad to discuss with you a spot at 20:45 on this videos. You got 54s on the BU with 17bb. Snake who has been opening between 60 to 80% in these position open 2x. You folded.
In my view, this spot would be a +EV re-steal (also according to Pushbot 4.2). Could you please explain why you folded and if you could consider shoving here with these type of hands?
Many thanks, very much appreciated
What did you put as his opening range and calling off range?
At 21:05, you show us his stats, which could help defining his opening range.
I would put him at around 40-45% from HJ, Calling our shove with top 15%, thus folding 62.5%/66.6% of the time
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