I was watching you, thank you for doing this :) Remember that you got super short stack like 3bb or less in the late stages and manage to get back. Looking Forward.
Im interested in the KQo hand about 17 minutes in.
When you lead the flop here, would you call a flop raise from CO ?
Lets say BTN he folds. And you deside to call. ( Actually I think you fold, but not sure so lets say you call)
How would you conteniue on a blank turn where you dont improve and he fire again ?
One reason I ask all this, is because there was a similar hand earlier where you flopped a set on a similar texture, but there you check raised flop. Although it was not the same since there where more players in the 99 hand and it was opened from UTG.
But I think when you lead maybe he can raise a lot of bluff hands, and some real strong ones, and just flat hands that are strong but not strong enough to stack off vs your get it in range.
Do you ever lead strong combo's that can call a RR. Or do you just not care about maybe being a bit exploitable against randoms early in a MTT ?
Also I am not sure, but if I am CO I dont think i would raise your flop lead with AA, or AK here. Since i feel most people who lead will eather fold worse, or stack off when they flopped 2 pair+ or a +13 outs draw if we where to reraise the flop lead. So from how I see the hand I think its not imposibel he could have had AK or AA there and just gave up on river. Although he should proberly call them on river even the river is sorta bad for him if he has those hands.
That is a lot of thoughts/statements/questions :P I will try to summarize my thoughts about it.
In the 99 hand there are more people in the pot + the fact that multiple people entered from early position. It is quite likely that someone has a strong made hand or a big draw so with our monster I figured c/r was the best way to get a lot of money in. In the KQ hand we see a Co open and a flat. ranges are way wider and I think people are a lot more likely to check it through because a bigger portion of their ranges are weakish(either sd or air). I also felt like we were more likely to make money from charging their sdv/draws than to try to let them fire away with air on a coordinated board(doesnt happen often). I believe I commented on my betsizes in the video.
if we get raised on the flop I don't think I would fold right away, prob just call and make more decisions. It isn't great when this happens but I don't think that is enough of a reason to not make this play since it is quite rare for them to have strong enough hands to be able to get it in here. we probably won't even lose that much more against coolers like sets/AA/AK cuz if we start check calling we might end up paying 3 streets anyway depending on the runout
Do you think you can find a way to include HUD in ur future videos? I feel nearly blind without it. Ofc, if this kind of request is rare one, just ignore it =)
Another question - is it hard to edit out the hands, where Hero folds pre? If it's not, I guess we'd all be glad no to see one villain open, another villain call, hero fold, flop A76, villain bets, fold kind of hands. If it is an idea of the vid, then please accept my apologies for ill-timed critics. Although I see some sense in doing it, I don't think we need EVERY hand =)
I am afraid I lost the timing for the hand where u turn 66 into bluff on river vs rec player, but what do you think about folding turn in the 3way pot?
Good suggestions! I will take it into account. for me to review with a HUD I need to do it on holdem manager instead of the universal replayer. It is something I have tried to do but had some trouble finding and isolating the hands from one tournament for some reason (prob just by being a computer dolt).
I don't mind folding turn there. def would if I had a gutter instead of open ender.
Hi Espen congratulations Final table SMvery cool, I was rooting for you!Enjoyed the video going hand for hand,good to see you commenting hands since the beginning of the tournamentthey folded that perhaps should have played,or because the fold is good. I hope to see more videos like this: DVery well explained and clear! thank you!After this class we to grind! gl gl: D
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I railed you in this during late stages. Awesome run mate. Look forward to the series.
a deserved bink
congrats senseï
I was watching you, thank you for doing this :) Remember that you got super short stack like 3bb or less in the late stages and manage to get back. Looking Forward.
Thanks, yes happened a couple of times actually that I got less than 5bb
Good job brotha.
Thanks brotha!
As always a pleasure to watch your video's :-)
Im interested in the KQo hand about 17 minutes in.
When you lead the flop here, would you call a flop raise from CO ?
Lets say BTN he folds. And you deside to call. ( Actually I think you fold, but not sure so lets say you call)
How would you conteniue on a blank turn where you dont improve and he fire again ?
One reason I ask all this, is because there was a similar hand earlier where you flopped a set on a similar texture, but there you check raised flop. Although it was not the same since there where more players in the 99 hand and it was opened from UTG.
But I think when you lead maybe he can raise a lot of bluff hands, and some real strong ones, and just flat hands that are strong but not strong enough to stack off vs your get it in range.
Do you ever lead strong combo's that can call a RR. Or do you just not care about maybe being a bit exploitable against randoms early in a MTT ?
Also I am not sure, but if I am CO I dont think i would raise your flop lead with AA, or AK here. Since i feel most people who lead will eather fold worse, or stack off when they flopped 2 pair+ or a +13 outs draw if we where to reraise the flop lead. So from how I see the hand I think its not imposibel he could have had AK or AA there and just gave up on river. Although he should proberly call them on river even the river is sorta bad for him if he has those hands.
That is a lot of thoughts/statements/questions :P I will try to summarize my thoughts about it.
In the 99 hand there are more people in the pot + the fact that multiple people entered from early position. It is quite likely that someone has a strong made hand or a big draw so with our monster I figured c/r was the best way to get a lot of money in. In the KQ hand we see a Co open and a flat. ranges are way wider and I think people are a lot more likely to check it through because a bigger portion of their ranges are weakish(either sd or air). I also felt like we were more likely to make money from charging their sdv/draws than to try to let them fire away with air on a coordinated board(doesnt happen often). I believe I commented on my betsizes in the video.
if we get raised on the flop I don't think I would fold right away, prob just call and make more decisions. It isn't great when this happens but I don't think that is enough of a reason to not make this play since it is quite rare for them to have strong enough hands to be able to get it in here. we probably won't even lose that much more against coolers like sets/AA/AK cuz if we start check calling we might end up paying 3 streets anyway depending on the runout
Hey Espen!
Thanks for the vid, fascinating one.
Do you think you can find a way to include HUD in ur future videos? I feel nearly blind without it. Ofc, if this kind of request is rare one, just ignore it =)
Another question - is it hard to edit out the hands, where Hero folds pre? If it's not, I guess we'd all be glad no to see one villain open, another villain call, hero fold, flop A76, villain bets, fold kind of hands. If it is an idea of the vid, then please accept my apologies for ill-timed critics. Although I see some sense in doing it, I don't think we need EVERY hand =)
I am afraid I lost the timing for the hand where u turn 66 into bluff on river vs rec player, but what do you think about folding turn in the 3way pot?
Good suggestions! I will take it into account. for me to review with a HUD I need to do it on holdem manager instead of the universal replayer. It is something I have tried to do but had some trouble finding and isolating the hands from one tournament for some reason (prob just by being a computer dolt).
I don't mind folding turn there. def would if I had a gutter instead of open ender.
Hi Espen congratulations Final table SMvery cool, I was rooting for you!Enjoyed the video going hand for hand,good to see you commenting hands since the beginning of the tournamentthey folded that perhaps should have played,or because the fold is good. I hope to see more videos like this: DVery well explained and clear! thank you!After this class we to grind! gl gl: D
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it =)
Proof you are superuser @ 34 min, fold AJ to let the guy behind you 3-bet with the best hand.
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