Tom M12 years, 2 months agoWhen you guys make HH reviews that begin in mid to late stages will you please mention how long you've been at your table and any reads you've picked up on opponents? Otherwise it'll just feel like we have to look at every hand as if it's being played in a vacuum with no dynamics or meta.
solanj12 years, 2 months ago21 min in, when you 3b AT on the K77. WHat is your plan if one of them call? you think you can bluff them of some random pairs or will you just give up? Is it a good spot to keep barreling, and if not, why?
Espen Sørlie12 years, 2 months agoDepends on a couple of things imo. If the first guy puts chips in I feel like he is stronger than the second guy (cuz he doesn't have to worry about anyone behind obv). So Im less likely to barrell him. Depends a bit on the turn too, I like barrelling a Q or J a lot better than say a 3 cuz we pick up a good amount of equity against his calls and they're scarier for the stuff we're trying to fold out (smallish pairs).
Espen Sørlie12 years, 2 months agoTollgate on the button, couple of shortstacks I guess are reasons not to. I would normally do it tho and think I still could here.
GregGT 12 years, 2 months ago11"10': K2s is'n it a kind of default open shove to 12bb player on BB? wondered why u fold(
At 28:15, is that shove with A5o player dependent? Are you shoving some of the time and 3 betting some of the time, or are you always jamming there against a raise from that stack on the button. Depending on what I know about my villain, this isn't usually a spot where I jam for half my stack with A5o. Curious to know if I should start being way more aggressive on the bb in spots like that.
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Would you posibelly share a link to the resteal charts you are using in the video ?
Really appreciate, you always answer in your old videos :-)
No problem :)
At 28:15, is that shove with A5o player dependent? Are you shoving some of the time and 3 betting some of the time, or are you always jamming there against a raise from that stack on the button. Depending on what I know about my villain, this isn't usually a spot where I jam for half my stack with A5o. Curious to know if I should start being way more aggressive on the bb in spots like that.
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