I think im check calling A10s on the river about 47 minutes in.
When he dont barrel turn i think he has given up with all his air. He will Cbet this flop with a very high frequency, and then just give up on lots of turn when you call.
But then when you check turn + river to him he will often give river a small stab. And i feel like A10 is good vs his CO range a lot here.
So I agre with river check, but im doing it to call off a smallish bet from him, becuase i think he is taking a river stab often enough when we look so weak with our line. and we can proberly not get him to call a river lead with anything worse than A10. So I feel like check calling is best here.
Espen Sørlie11 years, 11 months agopretty good points, if he barrels turn with almost all his strong hands and bet river with 8s and jacks only (dunno if he'd vbet as thinly A9) then he doesnt need very many combos of random small suited connectors or small aces ect (random air basically) in his stabbing river range for this to be a call
i think he is capable of checking back a lot of jacks,9s,8s on turn. He might check behind some random kinglike k5s also. So I think its best to check fold the river. I think check calling river is just gross with the kind of hand we have. But i think check folding on flop is best but "we all have fishy thoughts sometime" -jeff hwang.
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I think im check calling A10s on the river about 47 minutes in.
When he dont barrel turn i think he has given up with all his air. He will Cbet this flop with a very high frequency, and then just give up on lots of turn when you call.
But then when you check turn + river to him he will often give river a small stab. And i feel like A10 is good vs his CO range a lot here.
So I agre with river check, but im doing it to call off a smallish bet from him, becuase i think he is taking a river stab often enough when we look so weak with our line. and we can proberly not get him to call a river lead with anything worse than A10. So I feel like check calling is best here.
my god....the leveling around 24min...jesus christ thats deep.
i think he is capable of checking back a lot of jacks,9s,8s on turn. He might check behind some random kinglike k5s also. So I think its best to check fold the river. I think check calling river is just gross with the kind of hand we have. But i think check folding on flop is best but "we all have fishy thoughts sometime" -jeff hwang.
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