mickman11 years, 11 months agoHello mate, At 6:30mins on the river when the Villain donks on QJ6Jccc6 and we have KK.
Do you not think that making a small raise there is a really nice play?
I know it's a little thin but i think we have the best hand so often and if we make like a 2.5x raise then i think he can certainly call with the odds he will be getting.
He is almost never 3betting all in and we can punish him for turning his hand face up because i think his line was extremely transparent.
Pinchop7311 years, 11 months agoOh dear. I suspect this is the tournie I played like an actual donkey on the FT, so not looking forward to the follow ups! Ha. Anyway, please go ahead Espen and tear me a new one! Cheers
with KK at 2:30 I like your pf call vs a regular, but vs a fish or random I like 3 betting more. Balancing is not needed vs them(right?) and since their range should be strongish from utg I dont think they will fold that often... And if they dont we are in a very good situation postflop. Also, if out opponent is a fish, oftentimes there is more value from them stationing us instead of them barreling or valubetting too thin into our underrepped holding imo...
77 at 9:30 what about a raise on the flop when he mibets 50 into 500 on K83r? It should drive the third guy away unles he has K+ and minbettor is usually weak so if he doesnt fold on the flop on the turn he usually will. We dont rep that much but it is conceivable that besides monsters we can be raising also KT+ or maybe 99-QQ also? And when we just call the third guy can see that donkbettor and us are both weak most of the time... what do you think?
I do agree with your first paragraph. Most of the time I would 3bet and I am sure Brownshoes would too. I don't mind a flat a nonzero% of the time against anyone tho
I see your point here also with the 77. what I don't really love about it is that 77 doesnt improve very often at all and they will call with any better hand. so we are essentially raising just to fold out equity or barrell with a 2outer hand to make him fold better. I don't mind calling to see what the button does and what sb does ott if BU calls or folds before putting more money in
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Do you not think that making a small raise there is a really nice play?
I know it's a little thin but i think we have the best hand so often and if we make like a 2.5x raise then i think he can certainly call with the odds he will be getting.
He is almost never 3betting all in and we can punish him for turning his hand face up because i think his line was extremely transparent.
Hey :)
with KK at 2:30 I like your pf call vs a regular, but vs a fish or random I like 3 betting more. Balancing is not needed vs them(right?) and since their range should be strongish from utg I dont think they will fold that often... And if they dont we are in a very good situation postflop. Also, if out opponent is a fish, oftentimes there is more value from them stationing us instead of them barreling or valubetting too thin into our underrepped holding imo...
77 at 9:30 what about a raise on the flop when he mibets 50 into 500 on K83r? It should drive the third guy away unles he has K+ and minbettor is usually weak so if he doesnt fold on the flop on the turn he usually will. We dont rep that much but it is conceivable that besides monsters we can be raising also KT+ or maybe 99-QQ also? And when we just call the third guy can see that donkbettor and us are both weak most of the time... what do you think?
I do agree with your first paragraph. Most of the time I would 3bet and I am sure Brownshoes would too. I don't mind a flat a nonzero% of the time against anyone tho
I see your point here also with the 77. what I don't really love about it is that 77 doesnt improve very often at all and they will call with any better hand. so we are essentially raising just to fold out equity or barrell with a 2outer hand to make him fold better. I don't mind calling to see what the button does and what sb does ott if BU calls or folds before putting more money in
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