Espen Sørlie12 years, 3 months ago
meatyfubu12 years, 3 months agoThe hand where you raise fold 77 what size stack would you be willing to call a shove from?? Considering the shove was for 20bbs?? Raise call maybe minus 15bbs??(villian depending obv)
Markus 12 years, 3 months agoi really think you should bet the turn in the AcJ hand against winnetou. since we have the Ac he almost never check/shoves there, since its pretty unlikely he´s check/calling flop with a different flushdraw then Acxc, so having to bet/fold our equity or getting it in bad isnt a very good argument not to bet. i also think that against the range we expect him to check/call the flop there is still a lot of value and we are more likely to continue our bluffs on that turn then check behind turn bluffbet river. so if he´s gonna call another bet with KQ or something he should rather do it on the turn then on the river. and also if he got KxQc or QcQ we are building a bigger pot in case we make our flush on the river
fitzroy12 years, 3 months agoOne suggestion just to get the most out of any hour-long video...I don't think it's necessary to describe what you are actually doing in terms of "Here we raise ATo UTG....flop comes down 8sTc2h etc....he checks....we bet 800..." We can see all that action in the video, so you can use that time to discuss other things like the min hand you'd open there or stuff like that.
Dubnjoy00012 years, 2 months agoWell, if this is your first video ever, that was a great job, some amazing and different insight! Good job friend. Loved the different approach (at least to me) of jamming the 66 from SB that deep. Would of played that Ajo hand differently though... Considering that we had the backdoor nut flush draw and a backdoor broadway draw, I would of checked flop, because we are not scared of too many cards on turn and can induce him to 2 barrel bluff with weaker draws or complete air. Also we can value bet the next 2 streets. Thx again for the video!
adrianrio12 years, 2 months agoI am new to tournament play (I want to start playing more as I played in cash games NLH and PLO) but I cannot understand how a fold with kj when you have 14 blinds with kj it's good (as you say) when CO-1 raises and you are small blind. Depending on flow I call as he did or raise all in there. Min 43 of the video. Can you elaborate?
Espen Sørlie12 years, 2 months agoI am not sure which hand you are talking about. might be derping but cant find any kj hand in 43rd min :P
z0fman12 years, 2 months agoI agree with marcus's comment..also since u checked the turn dont u think ur hand is underrepped so u have to call river with top pair good kicker? (AJ hand)
adrianrio12 years, 2 months agoSorry min 30...same comment (not your hand, bu t you show it). I think you are very nice considering the feed-back.
Espen Sørlie12 years, 2 months agoGot it. Yeah think you are absolutely right. Don't know why I said fold, seems like a pretty trivial shove against most v's. Didn't like the call at all so guess maybe I meant I'd rather fold. But yeah I agree thnks for pointing that out :)
Matthew Affleck12 years, 2 months agoany thought of folding the 66 at the 15 minute mark. All options suck in this spot IMO. calling is obviously the worse, 3 betting sucks if he chooses to flat and shoving kind of sucks since it allows him to play pretty well vs your range. Doubt shoving is that much +ev and i feel that maintaining your big stack is way more important than risking 1/3 your stack for a very marginal +ev situation?
Espen Sørlie12 years, 1 month agoI def think people are opening wide enough so that shoving 66 here is +ev even if he is calling pretty perfectly
Simon Ash12 years, 1 month agoThanks for an excellent vid Espen. Even for someone who is not really a NLH player (I prefer PLO) your thoughts on ranges really got me thinking and gave me some pointers to help someone relatively new to Poker. Many thanks
Ben Lindridge12 years, 1 month agoWhen you were saying thing like "need to have 40% equity to make it a correct call", is there a programme you used for that information?
i dont understand when you say things like, we need 42.1 percent here to call.... ie with the 77 hand, how do you know you need that to call/work it out so quickly?
At around 33:54. We have Aj and checked back turn don't we really need to call almost all rivers because, i have found not very competent opponents to turn even a hand as strong as kQ into a "bluff" they are betting because they don't want to call and, feel like they can get us to fold a hand like Axs?
At 9:19... you only put his range on 66+ despite him having only 10bbs. I am curious on why you put him on such a narrow range. With 10bbs I would think he would be shoving much wider in that spot.
22:31 in to the action, the 6-9o hand was beautifully played and the call on the river absolutely made sense because, like you, I thought that the only reason that villain went all in was because that was the only way he thought he could win the get hero off the hand and take the pot down. The line of play just didn’t make sense from the villain, good read, great call Espen.
With everyone folding pre-flop back around to hero on the SB, a raise with this hand facing only the BB is just fine. We (hero) hit a good flop, not a bad turn, which our opponent/villain was trying to represent the deuce I suspect, and then tries to represent the Ace on the river I guess ...Any more thoughts?
Right around 31:00 in to the action, you have A-Jo from the Button and have re-raised the villain (winnetou1402) a few times earlier and the dynamic of the game I believe is in your favor, you have momentum, winnetou1402 could be even "sick of getting bullied", based on prior play and their willingness to get it in light and we usually dominate their range, and during this hand, you just call. I guess if you have A-Qo or better, a raise is better??? and A-J, A-T, K-Q, Q-J even, calls are okay...? I am a big believer in switching it up and in a cash game, I would consider a call about 50% of the time with hands like A-Ko to A-To even, but in a tournament with the blinds constantly going up, I think I would choose to punish my opponent and charge top dollar. What are your thoughts?
I say this because I was in a hand over the weekend on a Saturday that was similar, however, was in a live cash game and I thought about it the whole way home (an hour drive from the venue), the whole day Sunday, and all day at I am in a 6-player cash game, playing $1/2 NL Hold Em, I am UTG, straddles are allowed, and no one has yet to straddle so i decide to spice the game up a little bit, honestly to encourage action to the other players. I straddle $4, get 1 caller from Middle-Late position and a player that has just joined the table sitting in the SB, who is fairly aggressive and has a wide range decides to raise to $20. The BB folds, I look at A-Qs of spades, I like it, and I decide to just call. I think I made a mistake and should have raised to $55, taking back control of the hand. Some more factors I forgot to take into account was that I was winning, had the biggest stack, and my table image was good. Should I call here? Should I have re-raised and made it something like $50 or even more? What other things should I consider here? Also, in the A-J hand that you had, do you think you should have re-raised to something like 7.5k to 9.5k or even shove? I know you said you think a 3-bet might have been better, but more specifically, what sizing would you have chosen, based on all the factors, his stack size, yours, your hand vs his, history, etc.?
Back to my hand that I was involved in and put in a tough spot...The flop comes J-J-7. It’s heads up between the SB who raised my straddle pre-flop and I and he checks, I decide to check back. An Ace comes on the turn and he checks quickly, I decide to check it back now to try and induce a bet from villain on the river as I believe he had something like 88, 99, TT..or worse at this point, something maybe like A-T, small pocket pairs, I don’t think I am up against QQ or KK or I believe I would have faced a c-bet on the flop for sure, AA is less likely with me holding one and one being on the board. AK crushes me and any J-x combo has me crushed. The river comes a Ten and I get what I wished for as villain bets out $50, about a pot-size bet. What would you do here? What would others do here? (open to suggestions and opening up a discussion)
I will let you/others know what I did shortly and also let you/others know what my opponent/villain had as well.
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i dont understand when you say things like, we need 42.1 percent here to call.... ie with the 77 hand, how do you know you need that to call/work it out so quickly?
see the comment right above you, it says on the side in the universal replayer
At around 33:54. We have Aj and checked back turn don't we really need to call almost all rivers because, i have found not very competent opponents to turn even a hand as strong as kQ into a "bluff" they are betting because they don't want to call and, feel like they can get us to fold a hand like Axs?
Hello! My this is my 1st day here at runitonce! Thanks for the vid! I'm going to watch it ALL! ;) Real gold here! tyty! Keep up the good work!
At 9:19... you only put his range on 66+ despite him having only 10bbs. I am curious on why you put him on such a narrow range. With 10bbs I would think he would be shoving much wider in that spot.
The Big $109 Notes
22:31 in to the action, the 6-9o hand was beautifully played and the call on the river absolutely made sense because, like you, I thought that the only reason that villain went all in was because that was the only way he thought he could win the get hero off the hand and take the pot down. The line of play just didn’t make sense from the villain, good read, great call Espen.
With everyone folding pre-flop back around to hero on the SB, a raise with this hand facing only the BB is just fine. We (hero) hit a good flop, not a bad turn, which our opponent/villain was trying to represent the deuce I suspect, and then tries to represent the Ace on the river I guess ...Any more thoughts?
Right around 31:00 in to the action, you have A-Jo from the Button and have re-raised the villain (winnetou1402) a few times earlier and the dynamic of the game I believe is in your favor, you have momentum, winnetou1402 could be even "sick of getting bullied", based on prior play and their willingness to get it in light and we usually dominate their range, and during this hand, you just call. I guess if you have A-Qo or better, a raise is better??? and A-J, A-T, K-Q, Q-J even, calls are okay...? I am a big believer in switching it up and in a cash game, I would consider a call about 50% of the time with hands like A-Ko to A-To even, but in a tournament with the blinds constantly going up, I think I would choose to punish my opponent and charge top dollar. What are your thoughts?
I say this because I was in a hand over the weekend on a Saturday that was similar, however, was in a live cash game and I thought about it the whole way home (an hour drive from the venue), the whole day Sunday, and all day at I am in a 6-player cash game, playing $1/2 NL Hold Em, I am UTG, straddles are allowed, and no one has yet to straddle so i decide to spice the game up a little bit, honestly to encourage action to the other players. I straddle $4, get 1 caller from Middle-Late position and a player that has just joined the table sitting in the SB, who is fairly aggressive and has a wide range decides to raise to $20. The BB folds, I look at A-Qs of spades, I like it, and I decide to just call. I think I made a mistake and should have raised to $55, taking back control of the hand. Some more factors I forgot to take into account was that I was winning, had the biggest stack, and my table image was good. Should I call here? Should I have re-raised and made it something like $50 or even more? What other things should I consider here? Also, in the A-J hand that you had, do you think you should have re-raised to something like 7.5k to 9.5k or even shove? I know you said you think a 3-bet might have been better, but more specifically, what sizing would you have chosen, based on all the factors, his stack size, yours, your hand vs his, history, etc.?
Back to my hand that I was involved in and put in a tough spot...The flop comes J-J-7. It’s heads up between the SB who raised my straddle pre-flop and I and he checks, I decide to check back. An Ace comes on the turn and he checks quickly, I decide to check it back now to try and induce a bet from villain on the river as I believe he had something like 88, 99, TT..or worse at this point, something maybe like A-T, small pocket pairs, I don’t think I am up against QQ or KK or I believe I would have faced a c-bet on the flop for sure, AA is less likely with me holding one and one being on the board. AK crushes me and any J-x combo has me crushed. The river comes a Ten and I get what I wished for as villain bets out $50, about a pot-size bet. What would you do here? What would others do here? (open to suggestions and opening up a discussion)
I will let you/others know what I did shortly and also let you/others know what my opponent/villain had as well.
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