I wish you talked more in depth about some hands, especially when not playing live. Like for example your call of 3bet with ATs hand. You could insert a screenshot of crev showing when it becomes profitable, or at least say when you think it is +ev to call, instead of saying "sometimes I call".
I mean I know I can do that myself and I probably will, but as elite coach would be nice if you gave more reasoning for some of your borderline actions, than just "I call".
Other than that nice videos)
nice vid.
9:40--AK you cold 4bet AK 160bbs deep. What is your plan if he 5 bets you? I think that
cold 4beting is the best play. but then when he 5bets me i usually end up getting it against
AA or KK 90% of the time...
27:00--55 i think here is better to bet out 55 on the turn because when he checks again
i think we are ahead quite often and he almost always has 2 overcards.
about the AK hand: I think it really depends on the player and also your image. Since this particular opponent is 3betting really light even against UTG I think cold4bet is pretty standard and there is a lot of value. If he 5bets here then its a different story, you could also cold4bet/fold with AK vs and UTG3bet. As my image is pretty aggro in general I would just jam vs a 5bet.
about the 55 hand: I think betting and checking is fine. We have some SD value, but on the other hand we can get better to fold. I wouldnt say we are almost ahead esp vs his calling range were never. So if you want to bet that turn i think you def need to bluff some rivers otherwise I would rather check it down.
29:30 J5hh on Kxxr As: I saw you a lot betting this kind of hands on one street(turn or river). Do you think betting this hand once on turn can also be good?
39:00 QJo Don't you think co his range is very showdown heavy bc I woul expect him to cb most 1pair hands(for value/protection). I think he will have a lot of Ace high hands, so i like to bet my value hands more often.
J5hh: yes, but I think betting this type of hand is better on the river than the turn, because we dont have any EQ. But betting the turn is also +EV i think.
QJo: Its not necessarily the case, but many people might just bet any pair on the flop. If thats the case then he really has most likely a Ax and you should go more for value. Now the question is if he calls me more often twice with Ax than he starts bluffing on this card and then I would decide how wide im gonna bet for value or bluffcatch.
20:00 upper right the board is 774
if we have a JQ , JK in BB,and the BTN check back flop
the turn card is a 6
could you stab your JQ, JK in turn?(we dont have flush draw)
and if you stab the turn
what the river card you will not continue bluff at river?
i am less likely play this low card board at op
thank you!!!
yes definitly. the 6 never should hit his range and we can still have that all so we can definitly try to take the pot down here. Continue to bluff i think i would do on an 8,9,T for sure, the rest is player dependand if they can make a fold with a weak pair or Ax.
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did u really just say the guy who coldcalled half his stack with QJo is likely to fold the flopped openender? =D
really enjoy ur videos though thanks! :)
no, just in theory, more likely to fold the flop than the turn, but anyway never folding :D
I wish you talked more in depth about some hands, especially when not playing live. Like for example your call of 3bet with ATs hand. You could insert a screenshot of crev showing when it becomes profitable, or at least say when you think it is +ev to call, instead of saying "sometimes I call".
I mean I know I can do that myself and I probably will, but as elite coach would be nice if you gave more reasoning for some of your borderline actions, than just "I call".
Other than that nice videos)
i will try to, although when i flat a 3bet its most of the time standard, so i dont say anything to that. but i get what you mean :)
Nice video era7er can you do a video on crev
i dont know how this programm works, i never worked with it, sry
nice vid.
9:40--AK you cold 4bet AK 160bbs deep. What is your plan if he 5 bets you? I think that
cold 4beting is the best play. but then when he 5bets me i usually end up getting it against
AA or KK 90% of the time...
27:00--55 i think here is better to bet out 55 on the turn because when he checks again
i think we are ahead quite often and he almost always has 2 overcards.
about the AK hand: I think it really depends on the player and also your image. Since this particular opponent is 3betting really light even against UTG I think cold4bet is pretty standard and there is a lot of value. If he 5bets here then its a different story, you could also cold4bet/fold with AK vs and UTG3bet. As my image is pretty aggro in general I would just jam vs a 5bet.
about the 55 hand: I think betting and checking is fine. We have some SD value, but on the other hand we can get better to fold. I wouldnt say we are almost ahead esp vs his calling range were never. So if you want to bet that turn i think you def need to bluff some rivers otherwise I would rather check it down.
29:30 J5hh on Kxxr As: I saw you a lot betting this kind of hands on one street(turn or river). Do you think betting this hand once on turn can also be good?
39:00 QJo Don't you think co his range is very showdown heavy bc I woul expect him to cb most 1pair hands(for value/protection). I think he will have a lot of Ace high hands, so i like to bet my value hands more often.
J5hh: yes, but I think betting this type of hand is better on the river than the turn, because we dont have any EQ. But betting the turn is also +EV i think.
QJo: Its not necessarily the case, but many people might just bet any pair on the flop. If thats the case then he really has most likely a Ax and you should go more for value. Now the question is if he calls me more often twice with Ax than he starts bluffing on this card and then I would decide how wide im gonna bet for value or bluffcatch.
can you maybe do a NL200 series since there haven´t been to much zooom Content recently?
sry, it has to be at least 500NL
great video! Have you ever gone over your HUD stats?
yes, i look at them from time to time.
20:00 upper right the board is 774
if we have a JQ , JK in BB,and the BTN check back flop
the turn card is a 6
could you stab your JQ, JK in turn?(we dont have flush draw)
and if you stab the turn
what the river card you will not continue bluff at river?
i am less likely play this low card board at op
thank you!!!
yes definitly. the 6 never should hit his range and we can still have that all so we can definitly try to take the pot down here. Continue to bluff i think i would do on an 8,9,T for sure, the rest is player dependand if they can make a fold with a weak pair or Ax.
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