Chris Barker12 years, 1 month ago77 in the sb with 30 bigs - I am inclined to call for the most part. I am not keen on ripping it, for the sake of winning the 350 we are putting a decent stack at risk when you obviously have a good skill edge. Surely, there are better edges to be had?
Chris Barker12 years, 1 month agoReally interested in the KQ call - I would NEVER call there - haven't heard the results of you charting it, but would be surprised if it is profitable.
Ozzy11 years, 9 months agoHe actually charted it in 55:00, but he couldn't sort out what the correct result is :) We should be calling JJ+ in that spot, which seems pretty reasonable. KQ is horrible call and we're loosing a lot calling there.
David Emmons12 years, 1 month agochris, i agree with you fully, calling has to be best on the 77 hand. thank you guys for helping me leakfind and leakfix and watching the video...looks like i make some suspect/loose plays (not unusual i wont lie). jamie your synopsis of my 3betting range seems pretty accurate, im gonna think about it and try to activly change my habits with regards to the hands i 3bet. i definitely 3b a more polarized and less centralized range, which i think is cool and good unless people know what your up to. thank you everyone for watching, im ging to make another live video this week out here in aussie.
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