Tom M12 years, 2 months agoThank you! I've actually just begun watching this hand and was wondering if you ever see value in check/raising our flopped nut flush (or even leading out) on the bottom left table around 1:15 into the vid. As I'm writing it, weak lead looks like an ok option sometimes and I think c/r looks too strong. It's these monotone boards... always messing with my head. I might overthink them way too much.
I just figure he's not all that likely to have much of a hand too often considering we have Ad in our hand. I guess he can have Kd in which case a few different lines can get us into a big pot. Anyways... I'm wondering if the odds of him potentially making a move because he views a weak lead as being full of it could outweigh the odds of him two barreling into us if we check/call the flop.
Kempe4ever12 years, 2 months ago"David Emmons gets priced in to a shortstack call". Your losing around $300 on your call with T3o there.
And a little luck? Tssss.
Deactivated User12 years, 1 month agoAny1 else commenting about that? Being pretty much commited on the BB while only having 3BB, 1BB goes all in an another stack shoves on top of that do you call with T3o or no and what should you call there. Your pretty much dead there anyway but that hand just plays horrible.
Tom M12 years, 2 months agoThe 3x from fish comments at like 39 mins. - yeah, I basically agree. It's usually a marginal hand like A8o, 77, 88, etc. They 3x because they don't want any calls preflop. The hard part is figuring out who can fold those and who can't. Most of them call. I've been messing around with 3 betting or flatting anyway preflop and taking away postflop.
It works pretty well on the Revolution network because so many people are extremely passive postflop.
JimyT12 years, 2 months agoThe video seems to be broken...Can see the tops of tables and the rest of the screen is green static. Other vids are working fine...
Dan Quinn12 years, 2 months agoHi Jimy,Video looks fine on all systems I checked it with. If you could email with your OS and browser we'll get you sorted out.
OTwenty 12 years, 2 months agoCould you maybe elaborate on your colourcoding other than green being nitty/exploitable. I'm curious:)
David Emmons12 years, 2 months agoyes mr moshe, they basically go in order from green to pink worst to best. the red and orange are for really good cash players, yellow means its someone who wont play me heads up cash so i dont waist my time, light blue is exploitable reg, and dark blue is reggy reg. im constantly changing my colors on people and im very judgmental....sorry to all of you greens maybe you should play way better.
Gorre18712 years agoHi there , love watching your videos keep'em coming... But this video seems to be broken for me as well. Windows 7 + chrome. Im gonna try Linux under a virtual machine today and report since JimyT seems to have the same problem.
Gorre18712 years agoi just found out.. You have to update your graphic card drivers ;)
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I just figure he's not all that likely to have much of a hand too often considering we have Ad in our hand. I guess he can have Kd in which case a few different lines can get us into a big pot. Anyways... I'm wondering if the odds of him potentially making a move because he views a weak lead as being full of it could outweigh the odds of him two barreling into us if we check/call the flop.
And a little luck? Tssss.
Being pretty much commited on the BB while only having 3BB, 1BB goes all in an another stack shoves on top of that do you call with T3o or no and what should you call there. Your pretty much dead there anyway but that hand just plays horrible.
It works pretty well on the Revolution network because so many people are extremely passive postflop.
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