Sunday MTT Live Session (part 5)

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Sunday MTT Live Session (part 5)

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David Emmons

Elite Pro

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Sunday MTT Live Session (part 5)

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David Emmons

POSTED Oct 24, 2013

As his session winds down, David looks to capitalize on his final table run in the Super Sized Sunday, a tourney that can turn the day around and put his session solidly in the black


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Jaggalo1231 11 years, 4 months ago

cool series david, probly the best format of videos. looking forward to next one!

David Emmons 11 years, 4 months ago

thanks guy, recording a new one soon, so would appreciate any advice!  planning on doing less turbos and lower stakes, but keeping the 6 live tourney format, and perhaps doing more nash work.

Jans Arends 11 years, 4 months ago

Put the KQ vs Pocket00 in ICMIZER. If he rejams around 13% (44+,A8s+,ATo+,KTs+,KQo,QJs), which I think is reasonable, I have calling KQo here at -$554.71. You should be calling 8% (66+,ATs+,AJo+). 

Pretty funny actually when I give him a 19% range (33+,A2s+,A5o+,KTs+,KQo,QJs) its still -$444.72, probably because KQo doesn't do well vs Ax. When he starts jamming hand like JTs,T9s etc. i imagine it quickly becomes a call. 

So it depends on your reads on his jamming range in this spot, I would fold readless. 

SPrince 11 years, 4 months ago

Man love your laid back style, got me playin pretty chill in my own session after watching this.

Are you gonna finish the part 4 of 1kSt?

David Emmons 11 years, 4 months ago

hey thanks a lot man, thats a huge compliment.  i dono, dylan is living with me right now and its just such a project left behind...if people really want we can, but i prefer to do more of this.

Andrew Sweeney 11 years, 4 months ago

KK in the bb w <10bb what do you think of just checking and repping the widest range, i feel that even the most special of fish might find the min r OOP on that stack as something being up or maybe I give some people too much credit for having a brain. 
Also i find that these limpers always ''c bet'' as if they were the aggressor to so we can c/jam a lot of flops, c/c dry ones to c/jam turn or lead depending on texture.
Ofc this isn't a spot we will encounter too often so not too important just a thought. 

David Emmons 11 years, 4 months ago

oooo nice, didnt see this before i responded about sb limping above...well get more into it soon, thanks for your imput and always posting comments andrew.

Hanganu Loredan 11 years, 4 months ago

nice series man, u should definitely make more like this

and i think you should focus more tables on your recording soft, in the beginning will be more fun :D, u did one in the past with 12 tabling and i think it was a little bit more interesting :)

gg gl next

John May 11 years, 4 months ago

I agree with guy above me.  I think you should have more tables going, at least in the beginning then taper off.  I think you voiced more relevant information in your earlier series with more tables and lots of decisions.  If you keep six I think you should prepared for the dead air.  Obviously, once you get something deep that becomes more of the focus on the video.

I enjoyed the end of the series, but didn't think the earlier parts were your best effort.

A1phadoggg 11 years, 3 months ago

I think you made this mistake without realizing it, but you jammed A2s with 11bb from HJ-1 on the bubble of the Sunday Mill... You didn't mention it, so i'm sure it's one of those autopilot "oh i have suited Ax and 10 bigs, rip it!!''' moments... FWIW i'm pretty sure you should fold TT and AQ there too, but would like to see a true jam range given that we can literally fold this hand and get 2x our buyin.  I think you mentioned in another video, though, that no one has yet developed an ICM calculator for bubbles like this.

worm311 11 years, 1 month ago

32:41- JTs hand hindsight you shove that?  You make the A8s shove at 34:07 I think if you run the sims you will see the JTs was the same spot maybe slightly better.

2nd edit: I am on my study grind and I am pretty convinced you should call the A8s closing the action and ship the JTs from the SB.  Reason being call is a profitable play with A8s there and has less variance.  Maybe you can just show it down without putting your stack in that pot.  The JTs hand though it's going to be really hard to call and profit pre.  That said shoving going to show a profit so you shouldn't really fold.

34:29- Its a great limp/shove spot if it folds to you bvb.  

35:32-  You need to bet that flop with KK hopefully to three barrel all in.  You are on a btn open so you have 3x and 22 in your range if you feel like you need strong hands in your check back range for balance.  You can also check back some flush draws which will give you very strng and very disguised hand and good turns. Those work a lot better too because if you have 22, 3x you have the board blocker crushed so letting one off has way more value.  With KK though you don't have the board blocker crushed, an ace turn kills you, then on top your hand isn't strong enough to get stacks in for value any other way then bet bet bet.  If the turn comes blank and he C/R you and shoves river then you are gonna fold a lot and you just got stevied.   

41:29- C'mon Dave.  Elio is right to shoot you for that

Edit: the more I think about A2o fold I see what you were doing.  SB had like 12 bigs so he is shipping and BB calling fairly often.  Just folding the A2o in this instance is going to result in you moving up a pay jump probably something like 5-10% of the time.  If you open a player is almost never eliminated in the hand.  Maybe it was a good fold.

Edit 3:  Thank you for putting your game out there for me to watch.  Hope they are paying you good for the content!  Any of your thoughts on my comments appreciated


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