Thank to you and Dylan for really great format of the video and the chosen tournament type.
Couple questions as usually
22:59 TT in ChanceCU shoes. What do you think about checking turn here vs such a spewy whale and versus a reg?
30:52 Would you flat turn raise w 77 or 3bet same as Goldenboys did and why? I think when we 3b here our range is just supernutted and if we always 3b the nuts(if ever cheked flop =)) it makes flatting range weaker.
33:33 You said "You don't see a lot of 4b/f in mtt world now". Can you please elaborate the idea a little bit. Why do you think so and why it's the way it is?
Very interesting last hand. Agree with almost everything you guys said, but i think that AA is much a better hand to check then 52 in his shoes(not cuz it's the nuts, but cuz then u have a ton more floats and less Ax to call again)
T8dd hand. Is time to protect your floats (i assume you are not folding KQ/KT !! Bet !!! And i don´t see the point to be tricky if u just gonna call the river bet. Im not saying that raise the river would be the best move, but if you are gonna underrep your hand like this way, then jam the river, if you don´t do it i just don´t see the point. AA is the only hand that beats us. Good players never check this kind of turns with good hands ? Never check Ax on this kind of boards ? You are checking back trying to create a value street to weaker holdings like Jx, which i think most of them could xC the flop. And i don´t think he´s gonna turn crazy on the river after your check, regs in your shoes gonna have a hard time folding hands like KJ, so looks like bluff the river don´t gonna be so easy.
Started at Part II because Part I doesn't seem to be loading. How bad do you think the 5bet/fold in JTo vs. AK was if you had to quantify it? Enjoyed the video & the format. Ty!
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Hi David.
Thank to you and Dylan for really great format of the video and the chosen tournament type.
Couple questions as usually
22:59 TT in ChanceCU shoes. What do you think about checking turn here vs such a spewy whale and versus a reg?
30:52 Would you flat turn raise w 77 or 3bet same as Goldenboys did and why? I think when we 3b here our range is just supernutted and if we always 3b the nuts(if ever cheked flop =)) it makes flatting range weaker.
33:33 You said "You don't see a lot of 4b/f in mtt world now". Can you please elaborate the idea a little bit. Why do you think so and why it's the way it is?
Very interesting last hand. Agree with almost everything you guys said, but i think that AA is much a better hand to check then 52 in his shoes(not cuz it's the nuts, but cuz then u have a ton more floats and less Ax to call again)
Amazing video, just love to hear you guys pondering over hands, discussing ranges and talking about "what if...". Great stuff
T8dd hand. Is time to protect your floats (i assume you are not folding KQ/KT !! Bet !!! And i don´t see the point to be tricky if u just gonna call the river bet. Im not saying that raise the river would be the best move, but if you are gonna underrep your hand like this way, then jam the river, if you don´t do it i just don´t see the point. AA is the only hand that beats us. Good players never check this kind of turns with good hands ? Never check Ax on this kind of boards ? You are checking back trying to create a value street to weaker holdings like Jx, which i think most of them could xC the flop. And i don´t think he´s gonna turn crazy on the river after your check, regs in your shoes gonna have a hard time folding hands like KJ, so looks like bluff the river don´t gonna be so easy.
BTW ! Nice video ;)
Sorry guys, was going to try to get some replies in today, but it appears as if I cant view the video.
Started at Part II because Part I doesn't seem to be loading. How bad do you think the 5bet/fold in JTo vs. AK was if you had to quantify it? Enjoyed the video & the format. Ty!
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