When we Greenstein MonsterDong 4 handed AQ to 44 were you a little surprised that he got that in vs you? You'd been really tight the entire FT and I know it's still 4 handed but I don't feel like you'd ever really raise/fold there and a lot of players open jam the weaker end of their range (not sure if you'd do that or if you'd min raise it up with your entire playable range there).
It just seemed super light to me especially when you clicked it back on him. I guess he sort of has to call once he 3 bets but he only dominates like 4 hands hands and doubling you up seems like a big mistake.
ya man im constantly suprised by what a gambler monsterdong is lol. the thing is my immage is just so much looser than how i actually play, tell me do you agree after watching all or most of my vids am i not pretty solid?
Yeah I think you call all-ins a little looser than some people but even you've said that on vid and I don't even think it's wrong most of the time.
And I think you have more balls to triple barrel bluff boards than other people too but it's not like you're totally unbalanced or anything that's exploitable. You must love it that people see you as way looser than you are.
David, what are your thoughts of shoving vs inducing with the ak? Do you think these guys will think you are min folding this spot often enough and might get more value open shoving? (How wide your actualy induce range is)Any thoughts would be great. Thank you.
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When we Greenstein MonsterDong 4 handed AQ to 44 were you a little surprised that he got that in vs you? You'd been really tight the entire FT and I know it's still 4 handed but I don't feel like you'd ever really raise/fold there and a lot of players open jam the weaker end of their range (not sure if you'd do that or if you'd min raise it up with your entire playable range there).
It just seemed super light to me especially when you clicked it back on him. I guess he sort of has to call once he 3 bets but he only dominates like 4 hands hands and doubling you up seems like a big mistake.
ya man im constantly suprised by what a gambler monsterdong is lol. the thing is my immage is just so much looser than how i actually play, tell me do you agree after watching all or most of my vids am i not pretty solid?
Yeah I think you call all-ins a little looser than some people but even you've said that on vid and I don't even think it's wrong most of the time.
And I think you have more balls to triple barrel bluff boards than other people too but it's not like you're totally unbalanced or anything that's exploitable. You must love it that people see you as way looser than you are.
David, what are your thoughts of shoving vs inducing with the ak? Do you think these guys will think you are min folding this spot often enough and might get more value open shoving? (How wide your actualy induce range is)Any thoughts would be great. Thank you.
amazing series. really entertaining^^
Love the video's David, excellent watch. All the best in future MTT's as I want to see more deep run live video's :)
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