Hi there, great format and vid as always keep em coming! One thing i observed which seemed like a reshove to me is at minute 13:00(QTs) at the party poker table. You have 2,9 Big blinds and midpos with 15x stack is minraising. So youre basically risking 3 to win 5,5big blinds(hes obv calling with his entire range if it gets foldet to him) We are in the money and the payjumps are insignificant and have a crippled stack so ICM doesnt come into play. I did the math on this with(Holdem resoruces calculator with minraise/pushing equilibrium) and it says that its a clear shove.(Even if i tightend up the openers range significantly compared to nash) Youre making about 0.24bb+ which increases our stack by almost 10% and risk of elimination is not really important since we wouldnt ahve much fold equity to begin with if we would get first in later.
5 min into the vid, after you didn't accept for the deal: you got active 3 hands in a row and folded all 3. Then rh300487 3B/5B against Palmero ; the hand just after you decide to 3b/fold A4s SB vs BTN. I instantly thought you would get 4 bet a ton on this spot, especially as vilain knows you (as you said). His momentum is great, and yours is shitty, I think he will not expect you to 3b/call often enough 30bb deep.
What do you think of just jamming 30b pre? I feel it's better in a vacuum for this hand, and it also conveys a clear and strong message for your opponent, so it has some strategic merit for the following round I'd argue.
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Hi there, great format and vid as always keep em coming! One thing i observed which seemed like a reshove to me is at minute 13:00(QTs) at the party poker table. You have 2,9 Big blinds and midpos with 15x stack is minraising. So youre basically risking 3 to win 5,5big blinds(hes obv calling with his entire range if it gets foldet to him) We are in the money and the payjumps are insignificant and have a crippled stack so ICM doesnt come into play. I did the math on this with(Holdem resoruces calculator with minraise/pushing equilibrium) and it says that its a clear shove.(Even if i tightend up the openers range significantly compared to nash) Youre making about 0.24bb+ which increases our stack by almost 10% and risk of elimination is not really important since we wouldnt ahve much fold equity to begin with if we would get first in later.
Good laydown with the TT David
Youre the nuts Dave, the number 1 reason I subscribe. Live sunday vids are awesome please keep them coming, plenty of other people doing HHs on here.
5 min into the vid, after you didn't accept for the deal: you got active 3 hands in a row and folded all 3. Then rh300487 3B/5B against Palmero ; the hand just after you decide to 3b/fold A4s SB vs BTN. I instantly thought you would get 4 bet a ton on this spot, especially as vilain knows you (as you said). His momentum is great, and yours is shitty, I think he will not expect you to 3b/call often enough 30bb deep.
What do you think of just jamming 30b pre? I feel it's better in a vacuum for this hand, and it also conveys a clear and strong message for your opponent, so it has some strategic merit for the following round I'd argue.
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