Patrick Leonard11 years, 11 months agoAll your videos are great, really enjoy the live sweats. 17:10, how wide are we jamming here? Do we have a 3b/call/fold range too?
Patrick Leonard11 years, 11 months ago@50:00 seems bad, i think he piles a lot of Ax pre with stacks, and we say we will just check back a23 and fold to a turn bet where we've shown weakness and he struggles to have a good hand. Can't we just b/call flop? I don't think he ever shoves AT or something and just bluffcatchers. Granted he doesn't have pairs where we can get value form otf, but I think protecting here is fine, especially as we plan to give up ott.
Patrick Leonard11 years, 11 months ago@58.20, maybe this is my cash game mentality, but jamming here seems awful, we have such a good hand that flops so well and we are still relatively "deep", we can station down q alot, almost always flop equity and he has a lot of reversed implieds vs us, but we have none as he's not folding better to our jam.
ulaf11 years, 11 months agoI can really relate when you check your folded hand in the AQ v AQ and see if you had a diamond. :D
kafl12311 years, 11 months agoReally diggin this series of videos. I've probably watched them a few times over. Plan on watching it a couple times more. Keep it up!
David Emmons11 years, 10 months agothanks a lot kafl i really appreciate it. sorry to everyone it took me a while to respond on these comments, i was in melbourne playing live and was barely on my computer. thanks for all the comments!
R0b5ter11 years, 11 months agoI'm a cash player so I'm not really familiar with these games but at around 8min you steal with K9o in the SB. 2 questions.
1. Is opening to 2.1 BB standard in this spot with antes?
2. BB is getting astronomical odds. In a cash game in BB spot I'd be calling with any 2. Isn't BB fold here pretty bad considering you are both quite deep?
David Emmons11 years, 10 months agoi know exactly what you mean rob. but for some reason opponents in mtts dont take advantage of odds like they should, they seem to just treat aggression in similar ways almost regardless of sizing. so if you are making cheaper plays, while you give your opponent better odds, you also give yourself better odds to make the play more often. if the ammount of folds you get doesent drop too dramatically (obviously this is english and needs to be put into math) then it seems ok to me.
R0b5ter11 years, 11 months ago33: You 3 bet bluff in the SB vs Piston. Yuu make it 9k after Piston opened to 4k. Your small 3bet together with the antes and the fact that Piston has position on you makes me personally feel that it's an awful sizing. I guess I'm really out of tune when it comes to sizing in tournaments but all these smallish bets together with antes makes me if poeple are considering the odds they are giving/getting.
R0b5ter11 years, 10 months agoThanks for the reply! I absolutely agree with you. If you are getting the same response with smallish bets as with larger bets the smaller bet sizes are better. This is something I will have in mind when I play tournaments.
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1. Is opening to 2.1 BB standard in this spot with antes?
2. BB is getting astronomical odds. In a cash game in BB spot I'd be calling with any 2. Isn't BB fold here pretty bad considering you are both quite deep?
@ 15min - hero call with A8o. Any merit in your mind to bluff jamming river?
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