xxmmarioxx12 years, 3 months agoGreat vid David!! I would love to see your hand history recap of the TCOOP Main Event, espacially the ICM stuff at the final table!! Would be great!! :)
LeoBello12 years, 3 months agoMake your home work better. The guy you call a fish around 21:00 is a top player, ArielBahia. He has won the main event of FTOPS, this year he has won a SCoop, a Wcoop and the sunday 500. And you kept saying he was a fish. Search him on P5, OPR. It is just bad to see you call people fish out of nowhere. He didn't even did anything fishy in this video.
LeoBello12 years, 3 months agoTo not sound the wrong way, your video is nice and i look forward the other parts. I respect your game and your results speak for themselves. Just take care before criticizing other players.
David Emmons12 years, 3 months agoyes seems i definitively should know who ariel (sorry ariel whoever u are) was. reg recognition is something im fairly good at, but there are still tons of good players whom i dont recognize. also ill probably be one of the only pros on here to use the word fish fairly liberally, perhaps i shouldn't because you never know whose who :) either way, i appreciate any and all commentary. its easier for me to recognize players with my notes and colors, as you guys will see in my next, live, series.
z0fman12 years, 2 months agoAt around the 46min mark right towards the end u go through some hands u folded pretty quickly and u fold ATo when its unopened to u pretty sure that was a misclick just pointing it out
halvadron112 years, 2 months agook I haven't watched the rest maybe you get into that but do you really think the competition is that weak/nitty that you can profitably open 75ss UTG almost 200bb deep? There's like almost no one in 100bb 6m cash that opens 75ss profitably from UTG and given how deep you start it seems like it'd be an even bigger mistake. If MP/CO/button are any good at all they're going to own you pretty hard if you're opening like 35% UTG this deep are they not?
Sebastian N Anderssen12 years, 2 months agoPersonally I tend to find HH reviews boring to watch, however I was not bored when i watched this. Probably not going to be bored when i watch it again. Not only are your commentary very informative but you're also a fun guy to listen to, Keep it up!
I know someone asked about the ATos hand you fold on the cutoff. There is one more hand that you fold KTos from the same position. Combined with the Q3os hand and the ATs that you play rather strangely postflop its 4 misclicks in 40 hands or whatever. Do you think that you were just distracted at that time?
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I know someone asked about the ATos hand you fold on the cutoff. There is one more hand that you fold KTos from the same position. Combined with the Q3os hand and the ATs that you play rather strangely postflop its 4 misclicks in 40 hands or whatever. Do you think that you were just distracted at that time?
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