We see the solver choosing not to have any overbets with any of the OESD's, this is probably because it does not like to get raised and when it overbets the raise will be larger too ?
I'm guessing it go's into both or one of the smaller sizing or is there a decent freq of checkback with these as well ?
Yeah that's pretty interesting that PIO just chooses to never put 65 in this range(53 is in there a little). The majority of the calling region is going to be some sort of 1p hand, and a hand like JT or even T9 will mostly have 2 overcards against this region, so nearly as many outs as the draw, with the added backdoors. Additionally, the larger we go with our sizing the more polarized we get in relation to the calling region and the more important it's gonna become to block the calls.
Part of it might also be that these low card combos do a really good job denying equity vs the huge region of random overcard combos pretty much regardless of the bet size, so they prefer to be used in the smaller betting region.
nice video Krzysztof Slaski , adding 1 more thing. overbetting on flop like 742r, 842r, 953r etc can be seen at more frequency in tournies where BB is wider compared to cash games. Thanks
Fantastic video. I am new to piosolver, can anyone help me where i can find some reasonable preflop ranges i can put into PIO? BTN vs SB and BB, 3 and 4bet ranges etc. I would be very thankful for any help
Hi Krzysztof,
You got me thinking when talking about the high freq checking with the 77 on Q742 turn for OOP. I think when you look at IP's calling range vs the over bet it makes more sense why 77 checks and KQ-AQ bets, villain should be calling his 7x combos at a high freq (which 77 blocks) and folding TT-JJ at a high freq (which 77 unblocks) so 77 gains more value by checking and getting more money from the TT-JJ region, whilst gaining a similar amount from the Qx region (as you noted)
Interesting spot though, and definitely something I would of got wrong in game.
Solid video, really enjoying your content overall.
How come in your sims your starting pots and stack sizes don't accurately reflect your starting stack and opening size? This could be significant when actual SPRs with 2.5x open and BB defend (excluding rake) are 97.5/5.5 = ~18 vs your sims 95/7 = 13.5
Honestly, a lot of the time it's just because I run out of memory to run a spot with wide ranges and trying to include bet and raise sizes that don't limit either player, so I try to find small tweaks here and there to make it work. That difference in SPRs won't make much of a difference startegy-wise with large enough stack sizes.
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Like in the dark!
Nice video once again, enjoying this series!
We see the solver choosing not to have any overbets with any of the OESD's, this is probably because it does not like to get raised and when it overbets the raise will be larger too ?
I'm guessing it go's into both or one of the smaller sizing or is there a decent freq of checkback with these as well ?
Hey, thanks!
Yeah that's pretty interesting that PIO just chooses to never put 65 in this range(53 is in there a little). The majority of the calling region is going to be some sort of 1p hand, and a hand like JT or even T9 will mostly have 2 overcards against this region, so nearly as many outs as the draw, with the added backdoors. Additionally, the larger we go with our sizing the more polarized we get in relation to the calling region and the more important it's gonna become to block the calls.
Part of it might also be that these low card combos do a really good job denying equity vs the huge region of random overcard combos pretty much regardless of the bet size, so they prefer to be used in the smaller betting region.
Really enjoy the format of these videos, I think a part 2 would be great delving into different board textures in each scenario.
Part 2 please! Awesome as always.
nice video Krzysztof Slaski , adding 1 more thing. overbetting on flop like 742r, 842r, 953r etc can be seen at more frequency in tournies where BB is wider compared to cash games. Thanks
Fantastic video. I am new to piosolver, can anyone help me where i can find some reasonable preflop ranges i can put into PIO? BTN vs SB and BB, 3 and 4bet ranges etc. I would be very thankful for any help
Try googling "PIO cloud" ;)
Basically looking for preflop charts that is up to date.
Cool! Thanks
Excellent vid. Part two, pls!
Nice one! Part 2 & 3 & 4 please ;-)
Hi Krzysztof,
You got me thinking when talking about the high freq checking with the 77 on Q742 turn for OOP. I think when you look at IP's calling range vs the over bet it makes more sense why 77 checks and KQ-AQ bets, villain should be calling his 7x combos at a high freq (which 77 blocks) and folding TT-JJ at a high freq (which 77 unblocks) so 77 gains more value by checking and getting more money from the TT-JJ region, whilst gaining a similar amount from the Qx region (as you noted)
Interesting spot though, and definitely something I would of got wrong in game.
Solid video, really enjoying your content overall.
How come in your sims your starting pots and stack sizes don't accurately reflect your starting stack and opening size? This could be significant when actual SPRs with 2.5x open and BB defend (excluding rake) are 97.5/5.5 = ~18 vs your sims 95/7 = 13.5
Hey, thanks.
Honestly, a lot of the time it's just because I run out of memory to run a spot with wide ranges and trying to include bet and raise sizes that don't limit either player, so I try to find small tweaks here and there to make it work. That difference in SPRs won't make much of a difference startegy-wise with large enough stack sizes.
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