So basiclly in the last AT hand youre saying that jamming is profitable, but calling could show an even greater profit given ranges. Would you calling instead of jamming have anything to do with the stage of the tourney or you would prefer the call-line midstage as well. How would youre reasoning be with a hand like KQ/KJ, QJs were basiclly the same factors is true.
Enjoying this series a lot, happy to have you here making videos. As far as future goes, would love to see you playing a weaker field, like Million or WU or something or Mixed games tourneys and apply your tournament considerations into the Limit-games with the WCOOP coming up.
Thanks Sirocko :). Yes, I think that jamming there would definitely show a profit, as he likely has enough raise/fold hands in his range that our blocker + equity when called garners us some $. The thing is by defending with this (kind of the top of defense range) we get play pots for stacks vs all his dominated range that he isn't raise/calling with (Axs, Tx etc) On favorable boards. We do get bluffed some of the time unfortunestly, but we also dont only get it in vs his dominating calling range. Also we have a reasonably strong A high hand for certain bluff catching or check down scenarios that he might not expect us to have. The same can be said for the good double paint hands as well.
I think with a different table image or different stack sizes (ie we have 20ish bb and opp covers by a lot) that jamming could get called by worse and thus goes up in value. As far as tournament stage is concerned, I would probably only be more likely to jam at ft when I can put a lot of ICM pressure on him. Otherwise I think the factors I mentioned previously are more relevant.
Unsure what my next video will be, but I'm sure I will find something fun for WCOOP time. Definitely the next will have some more interesting spots, feel like spent a lot of time in this video disliking my play! Lol
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So basiclly in the last AT hand youre saying that jamming is profitable, but calling could show an even greater profit given ranges. Would you calling instead of jamming have anything to do with the stage of the tourney or you would prefer the call-line midstage as well. How would youre reasoning be with a hand like KQ/KJ, QJs were basiclly the same factors is true.
Enjoying this series a lot, happy to have you here making videos. As far as future goes, would love to see you playing a weaker field, like Million or WU or something or Mixed games tourneys and apply your tournament considerations into the Limit-games with the WCOOP coming up.
Thanks Sirocko :). Yes, I think that jamming there would definitely show a profit, as he likely has enough raise/fold hands in his range that our blocker + equity when called garners us some $. The thing is by defending with this (kind of the top of defense range) we get play pots for stacks vs all his dominated range that he isn't raise/calling with (Axs, Tx etc) On favorable boards. We do get bluffed some of the time unfortunestly, but we also dont only get it in vs his dominating calling range. Also we have a reasonably strong A high hand for certain bluff catching or check down scenarios that he might not expect us to have. The same can be said for the good double paint hands as well.
I think with a different table image or different stack sizes (ie we have 20ish bb and opp covers by a lot) that jamming could get called by worse and thus goes up in value. As far as tournament stage is concerned, I would probably only be more likely to jam at ft when I can put a lot of ICM pressure on him. Otherwise I think the factors I mentioned previously are more relevant.
Unsure what my next video will be, but I'm sure I will find something fun for WCOOP time. Definitely the next will have some more interesting spots, feel like spent a lot of time in this video disliking my play! Lol
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