Min 4 K9ss. Are you confident about the math needed for call that 4bet ? Implodes odds are 11:1. Seems a little bit optimistic to me think that you gonna outplay villain a lot with this SPR´s.
Against this specific opponent I am relatively confidant that when I flop a K it will be good enough and that he will shut down on enough turns to make it slightly better than break even to peel there. Due to his tendancies and extremely wide value range(which cannot include many Kx permutations as such). Certainly it is not a play I would advocate making in all situations or even the majority of villains
I agree with you that he is not folding many KQ straights and maybe no straights. Probably the best bet is less than pot followed by a fold. I think a bet is best still given our blocker and the number of 2pair str8 draw and lower wrap hands he peels and folds here. He also cannot expect me to just barrel off here with most of my AAxx. I have to have either Ah in my hand or stronger. This was certainly not a hand I was happy with after playing it.
I also disagree that any 2 pairs + open ender is folding to your pot bet, those are pretty trivial get in for him getting 2-1 odds allin in a 4-bet pot imo
Definitely could be correct. I was pretty mad after the hand I remember ;) I figure in tournaments people fold a lot more often post flop but that could just be too optimistic
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Min 4 K9ss. Are you confident about the math needed for call that 4bet ? Implodes odds are 11:1. Seems a little bit optimistic to me think that you gonna outplay villain a lot with this SPR´s.
Against this specific opponent I am relatively confidant that when I flop a K it will be good enough and that he will shut down on enough turns to make it slightly better than break even to peel there. Due to his tendancies and extremely wide value range(which cannot include many Kx permutations as such). Certainly it is not a play I would advocate making in all situations or even the majority of villains
At about 12:30. Noone folds a straight in the 4-bet pot. Just c/fold.
I agree with you that he is not folding many KQ straights and maybe no straights. Probably the best bet is less than pot followed by a fold. I think a bet is best still given our blocker and the number of 2pair str8 draw and lower wrap hands he peels and folds here. He also cannot expect me to just barrel off here with most of my AAxx. I have to have either Ah in my hand or stronger. This was certainly not a hand I was happy with after playing it.
I also disagree that any 2 pairs + open ender is folding to your pot bet, those are pretty trivial get in for him getting 2-1 odds allin in a 4-bet pot imo
Definitely could be correct. I was pretty mad after the hand I remember ;) I figure in tournaments people fold a lot more often post flop but that could just be too optimistic
When you fold 6h5h8hx low flush on the turn, what would be the weakest flush you call here without sets/2pair?
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