with that last hand, you were trying to think up hands that could bluff. I feel like 97o might not even be in the bb's pre-flop range haha. the T6ss seems slightly too thin for jamming almost 2x pot, I feel like he should have 2 sizings at least on the river. around pot for straights/sets/weaker flushes and then an overbet jamming range strictly of say Jxss+. because, as you say when we have top set or nut straight on the river and he 2x pot jams we don't even have to defend these hands very often, nor should we due to his lack of natural bluffs.
I feel like another good bluff for OOP would be As4x. but he is probably mixing this on the flop between call/raise and even then that is only 3 combos. if we see villain raising hands as weak as this on the flop we should maybe consider having a turn raising range also, to deny letting him realise his equity with impunity once he x raises on the flop/bets the turn. and he is probably betting the turn too often with hands such as this and not mixing x with them when he say x raises AJo and x that on the turn, but wouldn't x some of these FD's/gut shots on the turn because he feels like the Q turn is 'scary' for our flop bet/calling range and that he can exploitably bet too often with these hands, knowing that he can get us to fold hands as strong as flopped top pair, and doubting that we have a turn raising range so he gets to realise his equity regardless.
in the past I would never fold the JJ, but definitely your videos have been real eye-openers and now I would probably snap fold hahah.
and also once we know that villain is jamming his Txss hands, we can maybe start to assume that he is not mixing flushes in to his river checking/small betting range and thus jam thinner for value when x to, or turn hands such as KK with a spade in to a bluff vs his smaller river sizing.
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excellent video mate, keep getting better!
with that last hand, you were trying to think up hands that could bluff. I feel like 97o might not even be in the bb's pre-flop range haha. the T6ss seems slightly too thin for jamming almost 2x pot, I feel like he should have 2 sizings at least on the river. around pot for straights/sets/weaker flushes and then an overbet jamming range strictly of say Jxss+. because, as you say when we have top set or nut straight on the river and he 2x pot jams we don't even have to defend these hands very often, nor should we due to his lack of natural bluffs.
I feel like another good bluff for OOP would be As4x. but he is probably mixing this on the flop between call/raise and even then that is only 3 combos. if we see villain raising hands as weak as this on the flop we should maybe consider having a turn raising range also, to deny letting him realise his equity with impunity once he x raises on the flop/bets the turn. and he is probably betting the turn too often with hands such as this and not mixing x with them when he say x raises AJo and x that on the turn, but wouldn't x some of these FD's/gut shots on the turn because he feels like the Q turn is 'scary' for our flop bet/calling range and that he can exploitably bet too often with these hands, knowing that he can get us to fold hands as strong as flopped top pair, and doubting that we have a turn raising range so he gets to realise his equity regardless.
in the past I would never fold the JJ, but definitely your videos have been real eye-openers and now I would probably snap fold hahah.
and also once we know that villain is jamming his Txss hands, we can maybe start to assume that he is not mixing flushes in to his river checking/small betting range and thus jam thinner for value when x to, or turn hands such as KK with a spade in to a bluff vs his smaller river sizing.
The practical examples compliment the theory content nicely
Amazing Content
I will watch this video at least 10 times to get every detail
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