Hello nice vid ,
you showed us the formula to calculate R Post flop on a certain street , is there a formula to calculate R Preflop ? Or to calculate how much Equity we need to realize with a certain hand to make it profitable against a certain range?
R is something you can only approximate in a real life situation because you need the values of equity and EV (both of which require a solver)
given a solver you can probably get a numerical value, however i think its more useful to think of R as being "high/medium/low" rather than an exact value.
Alright before your answer , I was looking informations about it and a forum user came out with a formula .
So its not to calculate R but it is to calculate how much Equity we need to realize to make our hand profitable : Equity / pot odds.
I think thats for something different like in PLO when you have some draw with 35% equity but oppknent pots it giving u 33% pot odds to call then its +ev to call even though your hand is an underdog with less than 50% equity.
Dont think that refers to R exactly
Thank you for a very easy to understand explanation of equity realization. Maybe it's beyond the scope of this video, but could you address here or in a future video how it is that we take advantage of spots where we have greater equity realization or how not to get abused in spots where we can't realize equity as well as the opponent?
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Hello nice vid ,
you showed us the formula to calculate R Post flop on a certain street , is there a formula to calculate R Preflop ? Or to calculate how much Equity we need to realize with a certain hand to make it profitable against a certain range?
R is something you can only approximate in a real life situation because you need the values of equity and EV (both of which require a solver)
given a solver you can probably get a numerical value, however i think its more useful to think of R as being "high/medium/low" rather than an exact value.
Alright before your answer , I was looking informations about it and a forum user came out with a formula .
So its not to calculate R but it is to calculate how much Equity we need to realize to make our hand profitable : Equity / pot odds.
I am not much a math guy, I really have no clue if this is a good formula , does it make sense to you?
I think thats for something different like in PLO when you have some draw with 35% equity but oppknent pots it giving u 33% pot odds to call then its +ev to call even though your hand is an underdog with less than 50% equity.
Dont think that refers to R exactly
Loved this one!
Thank you!
Great! Really enjoying your theoretical-type videos. Thank you!
Great video. a few questions,
how does PIO calculate R in order to show EV?
do you think it would be a useful output on pio to show R? Maybe it does already without having to calculate it?)
u can look at equity and ev on flop as given for IP and OOP. R is the unknown and is given by EquityxpotsizexR =EV
Thank you for a very easy to understand explanation of equity realization. Maybe it's beyond the scope of this video, but could you address here or in a future video how it is that we take advantage of spots where we have greater equity realization or how not to get abused in spots where we can't realize equity as well as the opponent?
In a nutshell, position is king!
if you run aggregation reports in Pio it will show Eq ‘R’ for each flop in the spreadseet
lovely video!
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