Have you found any data correlations using these reports such as flops with good or bad equity realization for our opponents being good candidates for check raising for example?
Also do you know if there are any places where people upload these csv files so people can download them for spreadsheet analysis?
Hi Darren, Why did you change your RIO name? Getting too famous in real life? LOL
It's a lot of work to run a aggregation report, I guesses that's why this vedio is getting so little feback. Coach sauloCosta10 alos recoment put aggregation report and simple GTO into daily practice, I think it def worth.
I would like to see more of this. And what's in your daily practice pattern.
Hey Zapdosstar Great video! I love all your video I dont own a solver Is there any way I can get a agg, report like the one you had in a video/ if you wanna sell them I will buy it for your tima and I can pay palpay Thanks! love all you video
Hey how do you know what part to check 80% bet 240 10% bet 510 10% Do you use a Rng online? what about if you play live?How were you know what percent to bet?
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Great video thanks.
Hi Darren Great video!
Have you found any data correlations using these reports such as flops with good or bad equity realization for our opponents being good candidates for check raising for example?
Also do you know if there are any places where people upload these csv files so people can download them for spreadsheet analysis?
Thx for your time!
I don't actually, there may be a market for such things if you wanna go into it :)
Hi Darren, Why did you change your RIO name? Getting too famous in real life? LOL
It's a lot of work to run a aggregation report, I guesses that's why this vedio is getting so little feback. Coach sauloCosta10 alos recoment put aggregation report and simple GTO into daily practice, I think it def worth.
I would like to see more of this. And what's in your daily practice pattern.
Hey Zapdosstar Great video! I love all your video I dont own a solver Is there any way I can get a agg, report like the one you had in a video/ if you wanna sell them I will buy it for your tima and I can pay palpay Thanks! love all you video
Hey how do you know what part to check 80% bet 240 10% bet 510 10% Do you use a Rng online? what about if you play live?How were you know what percent to bet?
Is this feature possible with pio basic? Great intro video btw :)
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