thanks for the video, really liked the format. Maybe PIOing one of the interesting hands at the end of each session in post production would be cool so that the hand is still fresh when analysed but can't fault the video, learned a lot!
This is a good idea and something I'll implement for next time. Looks like this video got a lot of positive feedback, so I'll make another in the future.
Hey Daniel, great video, loved seeing live play from you! And agree with 3rslrth that would be a great idea to do the pio review at the end if possible, and if not as he suggested, just one video at the end of the series reviewing the most interesting hands.
great video, thank you. @2:00 you say it's a board on which there should be leads from the BB but that your specific hand shouldn't be leading. In the future, I'd love to see a theory video on a variety of leading. I often recognize favorable boards, specifically from the BB, but often don't know which hands to be leading for value/bluffs, which get x/called, x/raised as bluffs, value, etc.
splitting AQ vs AK in the 25k in that cooler and not even saying a word about it felt amazing to me ahah. Great video, very interesting thanks for sharing all this Daniel
Thanks for the high stakes content! The two hands you flagged to review were the most interesting to me.
21min - Q9 vbet vs Kluka looks too thin even if a lot of FDs and trips are fastplaying, although I definitely prefer this hand for calling river check/raises over JcJx vs basically anyone.
Final hand where linus checks back flush, curious if his check is correct in all cases or an adjustment to assuming OOP won't lead enough strong flushes on river. Acespades' call on turn looks suspect to me as well...
@22:00 yeah i agree, i thought even on the turn the hand would be close in EV's between bet and x (cos we don't mind checking back and snap calling vs flop floats from OOP with hands such as KTo with a club etc) and our hand was far too weak to be able to go for 3 streets with unless we boat up otr.
on the river i struggle to think of many worse combos that can call. pocket pairs such as 5s-8s are going to enjoy raising the flop pretty often, and the bb is going to have flushes, some boats as well as some better 9x (such as A9/K9o with a club or w backdoor spades) and the odd trips combo. and he is going to be able to x jam a bunch of his Acxo combos as bluffs as well, that took the passive route to the river.
so i ran a sim and here are the results. the ranges won't be perfect as i don't have a 40bb sim (only 30, so i just added back in some of the stronger hands to the calling range that won't be 3bet jamming any longer).
the EV of check with Q9dd was 1449 chips and bet 1200 was 1177 chips. so seems like a pretty large mistake. it actually had a slightly higher EV to jam than to use the smaller sizing. and even if the argument was that there was 'exploitative reasons' to bet thinner on the river in this spot, this doesn't seem to hold true because 22 should actually never even arrive at this node (it raises half the time on the flop and always on the turn). and a ton of his medium flushes are also pure raising ott. so if anything he may have an even stronger range in this spot compared to equilibrium play.
and here is the bb response to our smaller sizing:
Around 20bb is where I stop using the small 3bet. It changes slightly depending on the position, but not in a huge way - generally the earlier the positions/the more people left to act behind you, the more interested you'd be in having a small 3bet range.
I like the older format better. The older format allows more in-depth look at the hands which I prefer. Here, we are watching the hands played out and your analysis but without the solvers backing up the plays. I'd like to look at more of how the whole range play out.
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amazing stuff as always
rly enjoyed to see a livevid from u!
great video! big fan of all your videos and liked this format a lot, would definitely like to see more of this footage, thx!
this is great content.i like to watch live play of such high stakes mtts.well done
Great video ! More of this format please :)
love this format! great video
I need more of those please!
I'm torn on the real names thing. I like it and hate it.
Daniel, you could do few more of these live videos, thanks!
great format, like it
goat of run it once mtt!
thanks for the video, really liked the format. Maybe PIOing one of the interesting hands at the end of each session in post production would be cool so that the hand is still fresh when analysed but can't fault the video, learned a lot!
This is a good idea and something I'll implement for next time. Looks like this video got a lot of positive feedback, so I'll make another in the future.
Hey Daniel, great video, loved seeing live play from you! And agree with 3rslrth that would be a great idea to do the pio review at the end if possible, and if not as he suggested, just one video at the end of the series reviewing the most interesting hands.
Big fan of this one!
great video, thank you. @2:00 you say it's a board on which there should be leads from the BB but that your specific hand shouldn't be leading. In the future, I'd love to see a theory video on a variety of leading. I often recognize favorable boards, specifically from the BB, but often don't know which hands to be leading for value/bluffs, which get x/called, x/raised as bluffs, value, etc.
Noted, I think this is a great suggestion!
splitting AQ vs AK in the 25k in that cooler and not even saying a word about it felt amazing to me ahah. Great video, very interesting thanks for sharing all this Daniel
My favorite was when he talked trash about Kahle to explain choosing a bet size
continue with it!
loved it,
Thanks for the high stakes content! The two hands you flagged to review were the most interesting to me.
21min - Q9 vbet vs Kluka looks too thin even if a lot of FDs and trips are fastplaying, although I definitely prefer this hand for calling river check/raises over JcJx vs basically anyone.
Final hand where linus checks back flush, curious if his check is correct in all cases or an adjustment to assuming OOP won't lead enough strong flushes on river. Acespades' call on turn looks suspect to me as well...
@22:00 yeah i agree, i thought even on the turn the hand would be close in EV's between bet and x (cos we don't mind checking back and snap calling vs flop floats from OOP with hands such as KTo with a club etc) and our hand was far too weak to be able to go for 3 streets with unless we boat up otr.
on the river i struggle to think of many worse combos that can call. pocket pairs such as 5s-8s are going to enjoy raising the flop pretty often, and the bb is going to have flushes, some boats as well as some better 9x (such as A9/K9o with a club or w backdoor spades) and the odd trips combo. and he is going to be able to x jam a bunch of his Acxo combos as bluffs as well, that took the passive route to the river.
so i ran a sim and here are the results. the ranges won't be perfect as i don't have a 40bb sim (only 30, so i just added back in some of the stronger hands to the calling range that won't be 3bet jamming any longer).
the EV of check with Q9dd was 1449 chips and bet 1200 was 1177 chips. so seems like a pretty large mistake. it actually had a slightly higher EV to jam than to use the smaller sizing. and even if the argument was that there was 'exploitative reasons' to bet thinner on the river in this spot, this doesn't seem to hold true because 22 should actually never even arrive at this node (it raises half the time on the flop and always on the turn). and a ton of his medium flushes are also pure raising ott. so if anything he may have an even stronger range in this spot compared to equilibrium play.
and here is the bb response to our smaller sizing:

Yeah, I looked at the Q9 hand afterwards as well and realized it was a pretty sizeable punt.
Demondoink thanks for the lookup.
Daniel Dvoress no prob. always good to learn from our mistakes, though!
@31.40 with AQs, at what stack depth do you stop splitting your range and only 3b shove ai here or flat? And will it change depending on position?
Around 20bb is where I stop using the small 3bet. It changes slightly depending on the position, but not in a huge way - generally the earlier the positions/the more people left to act behind you, the more interested you'd be in having a small 3bet range.
Great vid, thanks Daniel!
Excellent vid. More of this, pls. Refreshing to see some more early stage play.
I like the older format better. The older format allows more in-depth look at the hands which I prefer. Here, we are watching the hands played out and your analysis but without the solvers backing up the plays. I'd like to look at more of how the whole range play out.
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