I just think cold calling K7s is winning here. What is winning in a specific spot is dictated by:
1) The CO opening range
2) The ranges of players behind
3) Your postflop skill edge (mostly on the CO but also a bit on the blinds)
A decent starting point would be the preflop equilbrium generated by monker. You can then deviate according to the factors I mentioned above.
28:14 facing a turn 50% probe . Am I to sticky if I call with my K and A high ? I feel population probes way too wide those spots. If BB sizes down would you consider it?
38:15 : So we saw that Villain checkbacked KK on J87 so we d assume his checkback range is usually stronger than we think , so I don't understand why in the future you want more probe on the turn or check/shove. I would do the opposite : reduce my frequencies of probe / checkshove .
28:15- I think there's a big difference between A high and K high here. Having the gutshot is just worth a decent bit of equity. I don't imagine much A high folds (if any). I think we can potentially call a few K highs but they'd be better ones than K9 i think. I believe we had also noted this player was likely a rec and somewhat tight straightforward post (I'm not sure if you've seen that part yet)so I'm probably happy overfolding vs this player type in general.
38:15- I think that "wanting to x/s or block" was relative to doing something like B70.
If we bet a small amount and get raised we can call. (Its a slightly more expensive version of x/c but it comes with some fold equity and some calls from villain). If we check shove we do obviously run into KK sometimes but we generate some bet folds from other stuff (presumably). What we really want to avoid is betting a large % of pot, getting shoved on and having to fold our tremendous equity.
If his range is just super strong and not balanced then ofc we'd either just check or maybe block (try to manipulate him into putting less $ into the pot)
On the first hand with KJ on the QTx board, it seems like we could bet or raise on some street. I would prefer to semibluff rather than draw and fold the river.
Semibluffing is ofc a reasonable option with such a high equity hand. We just have to be careful not to bet too many draws because we have to many relative to made hands on a texture like this. KJ is certainly one of the candidates to x/c because it has some showdown value.
Yeah, I guess that is the way a solver thinks. However, there are questions whether your opponents in an MTT will be able to figure out you are unbalanced bluff to value and be able to exploit it.
We play in a lot of games together and I think we are at similar stages in our poker "skill". Send me a DM if you're interested in talking hands/strategy.
The biggest part is that theres a full BB (roughly) in the middle as an ante. This gives us a better price on our call (so we get to call wider) and gives villain a better price on his steal (so he gets to open wider). As a result, we're getting a better price on a call against a weaker range than before which generates a lot of calls.
So you use the terms "Block bet" and "Dark Bet". I know the standard definition of a block bet but unsure what a "dark bet" in these scenarios...
Could elaborate on the reasoning betting 30% pot is a "block bet" in some of the spots you were referring to it in. I feel like majority of the time 25-30% pot is my standard c bet sizing.
31:55 I would bet 5k into 7700 and then look to jam almost every river that is not a Jx or Ax, then of course when he jams all in on the turn I would think ok I most likely have 13 outs once and have to call getting 2 to 1? Is bet calling the worst option here? Do we have to call when betting 5k ( I think I do ). I just expect to win on the turn or river so much either making him fold turn or river or getting there. So basically what I am asking is big bet calling a turn jam the worst of all options ? Also if I block turn with 7x or 8x, ( can I even bet 7x, 8x small here and he calls, it bricks, we check, he bets, I guess we check fold putting him on 99, 1010, A8, JJ, J10? Thanks, I really like your videos.
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What is the reasoning behind cold-calling K7s BTN vs CO min-raise? How wide would you go in this spot with your cold-calling range?
I believe, depending on how we feel like cutoff is opening, we should be calling around 25-30%, raising our top 10-15%, and folding the rest.
I just think cold calling K7s is winning here. What is winning in a specific spot is dictated by:
1) The CO opening range
2) The ranges of players behind
3) Your postflop skill edge (mostly on the CO but also a bit on the blinds)
A decent starting point would be the preflop equilbrium generated by monker. You can then deviate according to the factors I mentioned above.
Hello, thx for the content.
28:14 facing a turn 50% probe . Am I to sticky if I call with my K and A high ? I feel population probes way too wide those spots. If BB sizes down would you consider it?
38:15 : So we saw that Villain checkbacked KK on J87 so we d assume his checkback range is usually stronger than we think , so I don't understand why in the future you want more probe on the turn or check/shove. I would do the opposite : reduce my frequencies of probe / checkshove .
thx again for the vid , that was nice.
28:15- I think there's a big difference between A high and K high here. Having the gutshot is just worth a decent bit of equity. I don't imagine much A high folds (if any). I think we can potentially call a few K highs but they'd be better ones than K9 i think. I believe we had also noted this player was likely a rec and somewhat tight straightforward post (I'm not sure if you've seen that part yet)so I'm probably happy overfolding vs this player type in general.
38:15- I think that "wanting to x/s or block" was relative to doing something like B70.
If we bet a small amount and get raised we can call. (Its a slightly more expensive version of x/c but it comes with some fold equity and some calls from villain). If we check shove we do obviously run into KK sometimes but we generate some bet folds from other stuff (presumably). What we really want to avoid is betting a large % of pot, getting shoved on and having to fold our tremendous equity.
If his range is just super strong and not balanced then ofc we'd either just check or maybe block (try to manipulate him into putting less $ into the pot)
On the first hand with KJ on the QTx board, it seems like we could bet or raise on some street. I would prefer to semibluff rather than draw and fold the river.
Semibluffing is ofc a reasonable option with such a high equity hand. We just have to be careful not to bet too many draws because we have to many relative to made hands on a texture like this. KJ is certainly one of the candidates to x/c because it has some showdown value.
Yeah, I guess that is the way a solver thinks. However, there are questions whether your opponents in an MTT will be able to figure out you are unbalanced bluff to value and be able to exploit it.
Hey Oucca,
We play in a lot of games together and I think we are at similar stages in our poker "skill". Send me a DM if you're interested in talking hands/strategy.
Follow-up to the K7s cold-call question:
Why do we get to call so much more IP in an MTT as opposed to a cash game?
Is it purely because of rake or is there another factor I'm missing?
I believe because of the antes, most formats have an entire additional big blind in the middle as antes now.
Part of it is the rake for sure.
The biggest part is that theres a full BB (roughly) in the middle as an ante. This gives us a better price on our call (so we get to call wider) and gives villain a better price on his steal (so he gets to open wider). As a result, we're getting a better price on a call against a weaker range than before which generates a lot of calls.
So you use the terms "Block bet" and "Dark Bet". I know the standard definition of a block bet but unsure what a "dark bet" in these scenarios...
Could elaborate on the reasoning betting 30% pot is a "block bet" in some of the spots you were referring to it in. I feel like majority of the time 25-30% pot is my standard c bet sizing.
31:55 I would bet 5k into 7700 and then look to jam almost every river that is not a Jx or Ax, then of course when he jams all in on the turn I would think ok I most likely have 13 outs once and have to call getting 2 to 1? Is bet calling the worst option here? Do we have to call when betting 5k ( I think I do ). I just expect to win on the turn or river so much either making him fold turn or river or getting there. So basically what I am asking is big bet calling a turn jam the worst of all options ? Also if I block turn with 7x or 8x, ( can I even bet 7x, 8x small here and he calls, it bricks, we check, he bets, I guess we check fold putting him on 99, 1010, A8, JJ, J10? Thanks, I really like your videos.
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