$500 Zoom: Live Session w/ Small Pool

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$500 Zoom: Live Session w/ Small Pool

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$500 Zoom: Live Session w/ Small Pool

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POSTED Jun 24, 2019

Saulo Ribiero aka sauloCosta10 follows up his debut video with a live session at the $500 zoom games and discusses his approach in real time against a small player pool that is chalk full of recreational players.


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Iam2good 5 years, 9 months ago

Hey Saulo, min 5:30 QJ hand. You said that villian is likely callin inelastic in this spot, so what do you think about betting 33% or even 25% instead of half pot?.

sauloCosta10 5 years, 9 months ago

I think that would be fine vs a recreational. The only problem is that you might start inducing some raises from the hands you are trying to fold by using the very small sizes.

strassa2 5 years, 9 months ago

Is AQo bb vs button pretty deep standard to 3b/fold?

sauloCosta10 5 years, 9 months ago

I dont think that happened in this session. I did 3bet/fold AQo SB vs CO 200bbs deep which should be somewhat std. AQo should rarely be a fold BB vs BTN, specially at 100bs deep. Cant speak much about ranges when deep since Ive never studied them.

Everton11 5 years, 9 months ago

Hi Saulo,

Are you not using a HUD in this video? Also would like to see some bovada low stakes vids from you to see some exploits you can do in an anon pool.

2) 28:40 you check JJ on a very good flop for your range is this just a low freq play? Also you said he lacks bluffs but I would think he would be bluffing a lot of unpaired broadway after you check twice. what makes you think he lacks bluffs here.

3) Thanks for the video I enjoyed it

sauloCosta10 5 years, 9 months ago

Hi @Everton11. I can make a live session video playing on bodog zone games in the future :)

2) Thats not really a great flop for me as the 7 and the 5 have some connectivity , and most importantly, I'm facing a cold call from the BTN. So I have 28% of hands on that flop whereas my opponent will have something between 6-9%. Because of that I'm often gonna have an equity disadvantage on the flop and the correct play is to check a lot out of position. My opponent will have a high concentration of 22-77 there, which makes that texture for him quite decent. About the brodways, most of the suited ones will be played as 3bets preflop from my opponent, and he is not gonna have many offsuit ones. And even the ones he might have I'm blocking them with my specific hand. On top of all that, regs usually struggle to bluff with "unnatural bluffs".

3) You are welcome :D

Asdfghjkl1 5 years, 9 months ago

Hi Saulo

At 6:30, you say you block his check backs, could you please expand on this? not sure I follow what you are saying


sauloCosta10 5 years, 9 months ago

Hi Asdfghjkl1

I mean that I hold a hand that makes my opponent less likely to have hands such as 77, 88, 98, 97, T8, T7, 86, 87, which are hands that he will very often play as check behind on the turn. For that reason, when I hold such combo, I will face a bet from him on the turn significantly more often than if I had a hand like KQ, which actually blocks a lot of his betting range.

Bingo 123 5 years, 9 months ago

Great video!

Flop cbet 1/3
Turn barrel 3/4
River give up

What hands make sense to bluff with on the river ?

sauloCosta10 5 years, 9 months ago

Thank you Bingo 123

When bluffing the river, the main components of a bluff candidate are the removal quality and the amount of showdown value. The less showdown value you have and the better the blockers quality, the more you should be willing to bluff with your hand. For this runout I think the best bluff candidates would hands like KJ KT JT of spades and clubs, as they block some Qx that might call, completely unblock villain's folding range and have no showdown value.

willbert7 5 years, 9 months ago

Id also like you to expand on this
"At 6:30, you say you block his check backs, could you please expand on this?"

Re; "Are you not using a HUD in this video?"
You clearly are using a HUD but id like to know more about it if you could explain a little.

Really clear, informative and entertaining video, Thanks Saulo

sauloCosta10 5 years, 9 months ago

Hey willbert7

I answered the 6:30 doubt to Asdfghjkl1

I do use a HUD but for live session videos I will choose to not show it, as I dont think its fair to my opponents to have their statistics shown to the world.

And you are welcome! Im glad you enjoyed it

Starney Binson 5 years, 9 months ago

Hi Saulo, nice video!
At 15:25 you double barrel the QJcc, what is the reasoning for this? I would have thought we would like to have at least a fd blocker for a combo like QJ to be barreling. Also I would have presumed we would use a more polar sizing than half pot on a texture like this. Do u think the rec is floating so wide that we can make a hp barrel with no good blockers here?

sauloCosta10 5 years, 9 months ago

Hi Starney Binson , thank you!

That hand is for sure a mixed strategy there on the turn, meaning, at equillibrium that hand is supposed to be a bet on the turn with a higher than zero frequency.

About sizing, betting bigger is correct in theory, but Im targetting his A highs and K highs, which will definitely fold to half pot most of the time. The draws and one pairs hands will call vs either a half pot or larger bet, so I choose to size down with my bluff.

danilo1 5 years, 9 months ago

Thanks for the reply and for the video
Beyond fold equity, do you think it's relevant to think about blocking hands like Q9 / J9 and on the river without hearts / spades runouts we won't block busted fd, to choose a combo like that? Or is fold equity the main and only reason?

screamdustry 5 years, 9 months ago

Hey man, glad to see you in essential lineup.

35:15 QTdd river bluffcatch
You said something like 'im gonna choose to call here becasue population tends to be quite agressive in these spots'.

Do you have any data on that or its just statement based on your own heurisitcs?
I mean, i almost dont expect you to have data, becasue its such a low frequency spot, right.

So i guess my question should be something like - how do you approach similar, low frequency, bluffcathing spots, where the line is rather unusual (most often its related to overbets)?

What I do, is just avoid investments in these areas altogether without informations on Villain. The upside is that it saves a lot of mental energy going into these, but the downside is obviously, that I am not collecting any meaningful heuristics of whats going on, and it costs me if the non-investment option is wrong against population.

Wonder what your process looks like, becasue i feel like its incredibly hard to come to any trustful conclusions in general approach to these.

sauloCosta10 5 years, 9 months ago

Hey screamdustry

Yes, I do have data. But to answer your question:

From studying the GTO framework, I realized that its actually quite easy to overbluff in most situations, as the bettor is required to give up with a lot of "natural bluffs" by the river. So my default response in bluffcatching situations is to call instead of folding. Even if I don't have confirmation that a specific line is overbluffed, I know for sure that its much more likely for it to be overbluffed than underbluffed, specially at midstakes zoom games where a lot of regs have agressive tendencies.

That said, I am a big fan of the Grey Zone Investment theory, and I use it a lot. However, I dont think it applies here since I have all the data points to make the bluffcatch: regs tend to attack capped ranges, board offers a lot of possible missed draws and overs, my bluffcatcher has removal on his value region, etc.

screamdustry 5 years, 9 months ago

Ok, cool, thanks for answer.
Yeah, its obviously no grey area once you have data on whats going on with population, that being said I am very surprised that you collected sample big enough on such low-frequency spot.

I remember Nick Howard talking about how once he attacked Bovada highest stakes, the meta-game shifted from overbets being underbluffed to being notoriously overbluffed by most guys. I wonder if you had observed similar shift in how regulars are attacking capped ranges with overbet sizings in your transition from small stakes to midstakes, or do you feel like its more of a universal thing going on at this moment, even in small stakes games.

sauloCosta10 5 years, 9 months ago

I think it has always been an universal thing. Basically humans struggle a lot with value betting for very large sizings. And they assume overbets perform well as bluffs when they are trying to put pressure on a capped range. So their overbet range naturally becomes unbalanced

Fergz 5 years, 9 months ago

Hi Saulo,
Nice video.
At 4.15 you say your barrelling because you block both FD,s.
Dont we want him to have the FD though?
Seems like if we are blocking the FD's its more likely he has a pair that he will call you down with?

sauloCosta10 5 years, 9 months ago

Hey Fergz

Seems like if we are blocking the FD's its more likely he has a pair that he will call you down with?

That would be true if his entire range was composed by flush draws and pairs on the turn, but thats far from the case there. He has a bunch of A highs, K highs. When I block both FD's I block a lot of his continuing range, increasing my fold equity compared to holding other hands. It's also nice to block the flushdraws because I then have a pretty good bluff candidate when the flush hits on the river.

babaar 5 years, 9 months ago

Nice clear explanations. Thanks for the video. At 28 mins you call 88 otb, flop goes 3 way and you check back on a K75r flop. If you choose to bet a hand here (not necessarily 88) what sizing would use? I'm torn between using 70% and 33%. I can see reasons for both.

At 29:30 you delay cbet K8o on A62r4 for 1/2 pot as an exploit because he'll overfold. Would you delay cbet any weak made hands here too like 33/4x/6x. I noticed when you node lock these spots and villian overfolds significantly too much, pio often ends up betting 'ridiculously' wide often with hands that aren't really 'value' or quite 'bluffs'.

sauloCosta10 5 years, 9 months ago

Hey babaar , thanks for the compliment.

About first question, I generally size down in multiway pots unless I have exploitative reasons to size bigger. Basically in multiway pots your equity goes down signficantly compared to HU pots so it makes sense to size down compared to HU.

Second question: it definitely makes sense to lead for protection versus players that overfold. However it could happen that villain overfolds vs bets and overbluffs vs checks, which them would make checking with bluffcatchers higher EV than betting.

Joker112 5 years, 9 months ago

At 29:10 you fold A4s on BTN vs MP raise with fish in the BB, is that a missclick or standart fold to you?

sauloCosta10 5 years, 9 months ago

I don't play cold call ranges outside the BB, thats why. That said, I can see calling A4s there profitable if the recreational loses enough postflop

Libera 5 years, 8 months ago

Could you say something more about not cold calling start? for ex AQo MP vs EP im assuming is 3b/fold scenerio for you? What are benefits of that? Isn't our range to wide then when for ex we 3b 8% MP vs EP?

sauloCosta10 5 years, 8 months ago

The idea is to simplify the game tree by removing a branch that happens at low frequency. It isn't necessarily higher EV or better than having a cold call range.

KingRonz21 5 years, 8 months ago

At the 26:15 mark roughly in the video with A8 as your hole cards. You rivered showdown value with the 8 and got checked too by villain. Are you bluffing all other rivers for half pot/over bet? Also does your bet amount on the turn change your sizing or scenario on the river

sauloCosta10 5 years, 8 months ago

Wouldnt say all rivers but some for sure. The amount I bet on the turn dictates the range construction I'm using and therefore has an impact on my river equity distribution which dicates my sizing options. So in that sense, sizing on current street certaintly affects sizing on next street

QueenOfCups 5 years, 8 months ago

Really enjoyed this video thank you.

35mins A4s rivered nuts in 3b pot. Are you having multiple sizes on this river to be able to value bet TP/sets also are do we only value bet flushes on this river? If the former do you put the nut flushes with high card kickers into smaller bet range as they block some OOP flushes and shove the low card kicker flushes for opposite reason?

sauloCosta10 5 years, 8 months ago

Thanks QueenOfCups

I think at that spr we probably should have more than one sizing in theory, and your line of thinking makes some sense for sure. However, if I had to guess I would expect flushes to be played as high frequency shoves despite the blockers effects. There are also exploitative reasons against using small size with a flush there, which is that population will most likely not raise enough vs that size, decreasing the EV of using it when we hold a hand close to the nuts.

RioZg 5 years, 8 months ago

29:30 A4s on the button. You fold to HJ 3x open. Is that standard?

Not sure about the time line, but you open J8 suited UTG. That would push your RFI range closer to 20-22% RFI UTG range. It is wider than recommended by most coaching material. Do you think standard recommended ranges are too tight?

sauloCosta10 5 years, 8 months ago

1) Answered above

2) 99% chance I was in the HJ. Maybe you thought it was UTG because the table was 5handed. I dont think its good to open J8s from UTG

rioprogress 5 years, 8 months ago

Hi Saulo,

Good video, however kind of expected different formats after your 1st one. Couple suggestions if you don't mind:
1. Less live play, especially not in your main stakes
2. Less pseudo GTO strategies
3. More about simplified exploitative strategies
4. Solver work vs recs (you mentioned it in comments of last video)


ikol 5 years, 8 months ago

Hello Saulo, thanks for this video
Do you recommend playing zoom instead of regular tables at micro limits (NL10-NL25) for moving up quickly ?

haqpod 5 years, 7 months ago

Would love to see more of these live play videos from you, 2 tabling works well, could also try 1 tabling since the complexity was pretty high for an essential video.

dayung 5 years, 6 months ago

Hi Saulo!
I have a few questions about some of the hands you have played in the video.

  1. You chose an RFI sizing of 2.35x and 2.67 on the SB. What is the benefit of 2.35x over 2.5x for example? And for the SB 2.67x over 3x?

  2. 1.00 The first hand OOP I am always confused since ranges are tighter than blind versus blind OOP. Is it still a good idea to check range on most textures?

  3. 11.08 What drives equillibrium on the flop here? I can't figure out why OOP would have a raising range on a flop that favours IP a lot. Also what factors determine how wide we need to defend to a CR?

  4. 11.50 Villains line seems strange to me. XR X B what hands makes sense for villain to play this way?

OMGIsildurrrrman12 5 years, 3 months ago

Hey, Saulo Ribeiro - I already watched this video a couple of months ago, but after watching it a second time just now I figured I'd leave a comment. There are a lot of really good coaches on this site, but when it comes down to really trusting someone and their play, you are the man. Even in this modern, solver era, there is still a lot of personality that bleeds through in different coaches playing styles. Having viewed many live play videos from virtually every current NLHE cash game coach on the site, it can sometimes get confusing when one coach has ranges and strategies that are contrary to other coaches' advice, and of all the NLHE content I have viewed, you are the guy who plays most like a robot (a pseudo-GTO-robot), and that is definitely a complement. Anyway, I appreciate you and your teaching, and overall I just trust you, so thanks. And also, I don't think anyone really views you as an "Essential" coach (even though there is absolutely nothing at all wrong with that title), because the quality of your content and your abilities speak for themselves. And also, also: every time I see Jose Aldo I am reminded of you (you do sort of resemble him, which is also a complement). =] Take care, Saulo, and I am eagerly looking forward to your next video!

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