It depend's a lot on the range of the opponent, and equity of our hand vs him. If opponent is squeezing 3-5% we obviously can't jam, but once his squeeze is 10+%, since pot will be bigger than in standard 3bet pot, i think raising would be optimal.
We are not very happy to see a jam, but opponent could easily make this play with 76, A4,A2, 99, 8x. His 3betting range is 17%, while TT+ is only 2%, so we don't need to be afraid about overpairs too much.
how do we play the turn after raise the 852 flop with hands like TT if villain just called vs our raise? Imo his turn range should be very overpair heavy (obv. he can easily play b/c with them on this kind of flop), so we never have a value jam here imo. Just try to get a free showdown by checking back most of the turns?
Once again our opponent is 3betting 17% and cbetting flop with 100% of his range, if he continues only with his 5x+ then he will be folding 70% vs our raise. Our raise size is small and we can realize a lot of equity on later streets, this mean that opponent should defend 60%+ of his cbetting range (b/f only 40%), so he will b/c a lot of his bare AQ, AK.
Once get called on the flop we might chB and call opponent on non A and K river. I usually expect our opponent to have floats in his range, so this line should be most profitable.
For me it's really hard to construct flatting ranges when facing a 3-bet (IP & OOP), ik it depends on a lot of factors as well such as position, villain's ranges etc...
I'll give you an example, say i raise with like 98s/QJs/ATs/A5s etc... basically very playable hands and then i get 3! my default is generally to fold under most circumstances maybe i should adhere to MDF preflop, but my main game is micro stakes and 2/5 live so...
Quick question in regards to deepstack play/3! pots as i'm a live grinder being 200bb deep+ if i open with hands mentioned above and face a 3! say i raise in CU and Bu 3! calling is going to be profitable/+EV here right i haven't checked this spot out but yeah just goes back to my question of how hard it is for me to construct flatting 3-bet ranges @ lower limits.
In deeper stacks your calling definitely start to become more profitable. 200bb deep you can c3b with all your PPs, and a lot of hands like A5s, KQs, QJs, because if you hit strong you can win more, and if you actually don't hit you can try to rep that you hit and force opponent to lay down big PPs. Btw your defense range depend a lot on your raise size and 3bet size. If you are 200bb deep and you raise 3-4bb opponent 3bet to 11-13bb than all hands that i mentioned before are profitable calls.
Actually some of the spots that sort of give me the most trouble are say that we are playing 100bb stacks, 9-handed, and face a 3-bet either IP or OOP vs. a LAG/bad reg and we don't know whether he is going to be over-bluffing preflop.
So yeah i'm pretty confused on constructing some 3-bet calling ranges and some 4-bet ranges.
great vid. can do you a pio on small pocket pairs calling 3b op. Leak buster says its not profitable so it would be interesting to see if pio can figure out if its gto to fold or call op. And can you do it based on opponents 3b percentage and see how the equities change based on there 3b percentage?
@4.40min mark on our hand that we are calling the CB, it shows us calling KQs and folding KQo,
are we only calling in this case if we have a backdoor flushdraw? We flop the same amount of pairs/gutshots as KQs and KQo
How much do you change your ranges if your playing vs a worse player. for example on 852 60% do u stop raising A8, A5, TT & 99 on flop? i get playing perfectly balanced isnt a priority vs a player that isn't going to exploit you but not sure how an exploitative range would look.
It depends in which way he is imbalanced. If he is folding much to raises we shouldn't raise very thin, but should add some more bluffs. If he is fishy and calling happy then raise more for value less as a bluff.
If he is straight forward on later streets, then we could call flop with 99 and fold on some runouts. Also if he is passive later, we could float more air.
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I really enjoyed it. Especially that I have to 'value' jam my overpair on baby board. Can I extend the logic to Squeeze pot when I am defending?
It depend's a lot on the range of the opponent, and equity of our hand vs him. If opponent is squeezing 3-5% we obviously can't jam, but once his squeeze is 10+%, since pot will be bigger than in standard 3bet pot, i think raising would be optimal.
So on 852, raise over pairs like TT, 99 and call a jam? Aren't these hands beat by the jamming range almost always?
We are not very happy to see a jam, but opponent could easily make this play with 76, A4,A2, 99, 8x. His 3betting range is 17%, while TT+ is only 2%, so we don't need to be afraid about overpairs too much.
how do we play the turn after raise the 852 flop with hands like TT if villain just called vs our raise? Imo his turn range should be very overpair heavy (obv. he can easily play b/c with them on this kind of flop), so we never have a value jam here imo. Just try to get a free showdown by checking back most of the turns?
Once again our opponent is 3betting 17% and cbetting flop with 100% of his range, if he continues only with his 5x+ then he will be folding 70% vs our raise. Our raise size is small and we can realize a lot of equity on later streets, this mean that opponent should defend 60%+ of his cbetting range (b/f only 40%), so he will b/c a lot of his bare AQ, AK.
Once get called on the flop we might chB and call opponent on non A and K river. I usually expect our opponent to have floats in his range, so this line should be most profitable.
Really awsome video thank sir.
For me it's really hard to construct flatting ranges when facing a 3-bet (IP & OOP), ik it depends on a lot of factors as well such as position, villain's ranges etc...
I'll give you an example, say i raise with like 98s/QJs/ATs/A5s etc... basically very playable hands and then i get 3! my default is generally to fold under most circumstances maybe i should adhere to MDF preflop, but my main game is micro stakes and 2/5 live so...
Quick question in regards to deepstack play/3! pots as i'm a live grinder being 200bb deep+ if i open with hands mentioned above and face a 3! say i raise in CU and Bu 3! calling is going to be profitable/+EV here right i haven't checked this spot out but yeah just goes back to my question of how hard it is for me to construct flatting 3-bet ranges @ lower limits.
Thanks Evan.
In deeper stacks your calling definitely start to become more profitable. 200bb deep you can c3b with all your PPs, and a lot of hands like A5s, KQs, QJs, because if you hit strong you can win more, and if you actually don't hit you can try to rep that you hit and force opponent to lay down big PPs. Btw your defense range depend a lot on your raise size and 3bet size. If you are 200bb deep and you raise 3-4bb opponent 3bet to 11-13bb than all hands that i mentioned before are profitable calls.
Appreciate the info/reply Julian :)
Actually some of the spots that sort of give me the most trouble are say that we are playing 100bb stacks, 9-handed, and face a 3-bet either IP or OOP vs. a LAG/bad reg and we don't know whether he is going to be over-bluffing preflop.
So yeah i'm pretty confused on constructing some 3-bet calling ranges and some 4-bet ranges.
Hey, can I apply the raising concept on this hand too?
Can you also tell me good raising size if I have raising range here?
This is totally different hand. Will play safe and just call the flop.
great vid. can do you a pio on small pocket pairs calling 3b op. Leak buster says its not profitable so it would be interesting to see if pio can figure out if its gto to fold or call op. And can you do it based on opponents 3b percentage and see how the equities change based on there 3b percentage?
@4.40min mark on our hand that we are calling the CB, it shows us calling KQs and folding KQo,
are we only calling in this case if we have a backdoor flushdraw? We flop the same amount of pairs/gutshots as KQs and KQo
Yes, on that flop we will float with KQs (having bfd); it still will be very marginal, and this is the reason why we fold without bfd.
How much do you change your ranges if your playing vs a worse player. for example on 852 60% do u stop raising A8, A5, TT & 99 on flop? i get playing perfectly balanced isnt a priority vs a player that isn't going to exploit you but not sure how an exploitative range would look.
It depends in which way he is imbalanced. If he is folding much to raises we shouldn't raise very thin, but should add some more bluffs. If he is fishy and calling happy then raise more for value less as a bluff.
If he is straight forward on later streets, then we could call flop with 99 and fold on some runouts. Also if he is passive later, we could float more air.
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