Kempe4ever12 years, 3 months agoAt 09:35 to be raisefolding here is obv absurd. Shortstack poker is a solved game, why not jam your whole range?! So insanely explotible otherwise espec. in a tourney like the $320 6max.
Bryan Piccioli12 years, 3 months agoIn this spot I have 16.5bb's. I think this stack is a lot more maneuverable than you think. When you say "shortstack poker is a solved game," I don't even consider 16.5bb's to be too short stacked. Lately I've been open raising (as opposed to shoving) with a lot shorter stacks than I have in the past. People get under 20bb's and automatically think they are just in push/fold mode. That's just awful. In this exact spot against a different opponent (not Moorman), especially a random, I definitely have hands that I am raise/folding here.Marty K12 years, 3 months agoI think haivng a fluid sub 20bb stack is the way to go in the games these days. If you do not have a raise/f range on 12-20bbs you are missing out on some extremely +cEV spots. Bryan Piccioli12 years, 3 months agoI think 12 bb's is getting a little too shallow, but I do still raise/fold that short in some certain blind vs blind situations. I like where your head is at though.
Kempe4ever12 years, 3 months agoAt 34:27 arnt we deep enough to 3b to 5b jam? ;) If we make it around 19kish, he will most likely go like 36kish something and we can jam and be super OK in the ICM perspective. Considering he will call it of bad as well obv, which 4 us, are great.
In the other very a like scenario you flat again, and look what is gonna happen when you flat and blank. Your oop with he's range being as wide it can be and your gonna get outplayed a lot.
What do you do if Shankin jams? And Morilka isojams? Then we have a knifey ICM spot.
Bryan Piccioli12 years, 3 months agoYeah, this hand was super weird. It's definitely not a line that I take too often, was just trying to switch things up a bit. If I were to 3bet here, I would make it around 24-26k. We're super deep and making it anything less than 2.5x from out of position is just way too small. This guy was a pretty big fish making very unpredictable raise amounts (as you can see by his flop raise size in this pot). His 4bet over the 3bet size I just talked about (if he were to 4bet, that is) could range from anywhere between like 45k-65k, in my opinion. I just didn't want to get into a huge all-in preflop in this situation.
If the situation arose that you talked about, me 3betting, Shanking jam, and Morilka rejam, I think the AK would most likely be a fold. Suited makes it a bit tougher, but I still think it'd be a fold.
Kempe4ever12 years, 3 months agoSorry but it seems 2 me like your just making excuses in retrospective. The fact that we are deep are in our favour in this spot on the ft. If we got shorter stack we could be exploitable due to ICM. But at this stacksize we can never really get exploited. It seems like you have no clue how 2 play ICM correct and you adjust by flatting twice oop with AK which is not that great considering FI;s range is insanely wide and we are gonna fumble in the dark vs a superwide range vs what you said was a unpredictable fish, not really a good scnario. That the guy takes weird sizes and tend 2 go bigger doesnt matter cause he cant jam us and we will be the one shipping on him. If he flats then we have iniative with a good hand.
"I just didn't want to get into a huge all-in preflop in this situation." I think you don't really know how 2 adjust 2 ICM which is OK but please don't refer 2 it then when making a decision cause people here obviously is gonna take everything you say in. Please don't take it personally. We clearly have diff. aspects of how 2 approach the game and you are a tough opponent
If im wroing then maybe you should make a video with the math on this: "Suited makes it a bit tougher, but I still think it'd be a fold."
Jae Kim12 years, 2 months agoHey Bryan not sure if you are still answering questions. What do you think of the 22bb button shove with KJs by Milana Jones? I generally hate piling large BB amounts but don't really see what the optimal play is vs aggro/good regulars in the blinds with a hand as high equity as KJs.
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In the other very a like scenario you flat again, and look what is gonna happen when you flat and blank. Your oop with he's range being as wide it can be and your gonna get outplayed a lot.
What do you do if Shankin jams? And Morilka isojams? Then we have a knifey ICM spot.
If the situation arose that you talked about, me 3betting, Shanking jam, and Morilka rejam, I think the AK would most likely be a fold. Suited makes it a bit tougher, but I still think it'd be a fold.
"I just didn't want to get into a huge all-in preflop in this situation." I think you don't really know how 2 adjust 2 ICM which is OK but please don't refer 2 it then when making a decision cause people here obviously is gonna take everything you say in. Please don't take it personally. We clearly have diff. aspects of how 2 approach the game and you are a tough opponent
If im wroing then maybe you should make a video with the math on this: "Suited makes it a bit tougher, but I still think it'd be a fold."
The best of luck.
These videos are relatively old, but IMO some of the best on this site.
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