Great intro. Welcome to RIO!
I definitely fall toward the far right of the spectrum you showcased. I don't put a lot of faith or effort into tells or behavior. A lot of that has to do with me just not being very good at it. However, your presentation has me interested and i look forward to your future videos.
Great first video! I look forward to more. And if I'm not mistaken, that was a Joe Navarro dig re interrogation tells? Hahaha. Looking forward to more!
Blake Eastman Great to see your work here at run it once. Tells have been left behind in the development of poker strategy due to information being too anecdotal, with no proof or substance to back it up. Looking forward to seeing data analysis applied to the subject to get solid, profitable reads that are backed up with science! Looking forward to your videos!
Yea that is well stated. The trick really is not learning about "reads that are backed up with science" It's developing a process for uncovering reads in your game/lineup etc. Ill get into some of this in the next video but I have seen the same exact "tell" manifest itself in two completely different ways. For example, blink rate was something I thought would be consistently reliable but you see increase and decrease depending on so many different contextual elements. There are some things that A LOT of players do though and i do think you can build reads that are like "if you see x and y and z it's probably ___ 85% of the time"
Thanks, I'll bare that in mind when watching your videos and looking for reads. Context is definitely key when interpreting behaviour!
There are some things that A LOT of players do though and i do think you can build reads that are like "if you see x and y and z it's probably _ 85% of the time"
In this last sentence, are you saying that some reads are less context specific and are accurate ~85% of the time regardless of context?
Great question. Nope. The Y and Z are the contextual parts. It's like x behavior with x behavior with y context for something with that level of accuracy.
Great stuff here, @blakeeastman. Been looking for thoughtful interesting live tells content for a while and this seems to be dead on. Excited to watch your other videos.
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Positively surprised by this introduction, you seem knowledgeable and very qualified to be teaching this stuff. Excited to watch future vids.
Thanks a lot! Appreciate the kind words <3
Looking forward to more! Been transitioning more into live and would like to identify my own tells.
Great video. Seems like there's untapped potential for large edges.
Great intro. Welcome to RIO!
I definitely fall toward the far right of the spectrum you showcased. I don't put a lot of faith or effort into tells or behavior. A lot of that has to do with me just not being very good at it. However, your presentation has me interested and i look forward to your future videos.
Completely understandable. Hopefully, I will be able to add a behavioral edge to your game! Glad you are interested. That is my primary goal.
Blake Eastman You have a clear way of explaining things. Looking forward to it.
Great first video! I look forward to more. And if I'm not mistaken, that was a Joe Navarro dig re interrogation tells? Hahaha. Looking forward to more!
Haha it wasn't specifically that. Joe has a lot of good stuff. But poker is just a completely different landscape of human interaction.
Blake Eastman Great to see your work here at run it once. Tells have been left behind in the development of poker strategy due to information being too anecdotal, with no proof or substance to back it up. Looking forward to seeing data analysis applied to the subject to get solid, profitable reads that are backed up with science! Looking forward to your videos!
Yea that is well stated. The trick really is not learning about "reads that are backed up with science" It's developing a process for uncovering reads in your game/lineup etc. Ill get into some of this in the next video but I have seen the same exact "tell" manifest itself in two completely different ways. For example, blink rate was something I thought would be consistently reliable but you see increase and decrease depending on so many different contextual elements. There are some things that A LOT of players do though and i do think you can build reads that are like "if you see x and y and z it's probably ___ 85% of the time"
Thanks, I'll bare that in mind when watching your videos and looking for reads. Context is definitely key when interpreting behaviour!
In this last sentence, are you saying that some reads are less context specific and are accurate ~85% of the time regardless of context?
Great question. Nope. The Y and Z are the contextual parts. It's like x behavior with x behavior with y context for something with that level of accuracy.
Looking forward to it!
What areas of studying tells have you found the greatest benefit?
Examples: watching the eyes or hands or speach, etc?
Great stuff here, @blakeeastman. Been looking for thoughtful interesting live tells content for a while and this seems to be dead on. Excited to watch your other videos.
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