This is a part of my game that I struggle with, not only against button raises but other positions as well, like the big stack ep raiser who is raising and cbetting more often than he should be. I say keep these types of vids coming - I found it eye valuable enough that I plan to rewatch before eod.
I have some questions that i quite didnt understand. The hands selected dark blue are the ones you want to check/raise or check call?
And what kind of value hands do you want to be check/raising? ( saying for example Q9o, QTo,JTo..). I know you said we want to have twice bluffs then value when we check/raise but i would like to understand what kind of hands for value we do with that..
Plus the 371 combos is the combos we have to defend in the flop right?how do you do that calculation at the beggining of the video? what does represent the 554,100 and 67?
Regards, continue the good work
very nice video... could you make the same work with other flop?
Dry flops are intersting on this situation (BTN vs BB). I'm talking about dry flops, because the cbet wil be very large, and i think it's difficult to create a range of xcall and xraise.
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This is a part of my game that I struggle with, not only against button raises but other positions as well, like the big stack ep raiser who is raising and cbetting more often than he should be. I say keep these types of vids coming - I found it eye valuable enough that I plan to rewatch before eod.
Hey. First of all great video!
I have some questions that i quite didnt understand. The hands selected dark blue are the ones you want to check/raise or check call?
And what kind of value hands do you want to be check/raising? ( saying for example Q9o, QTo,JTo..). I know you said we want to have twice bluffs then value when we check/raise but i would like to understand what kind of hands for value we do with that..
Plus the 371 combos is the combos we have to defend in the flop right?how do you do that calculation at the beggining of the video? what does represent the 554,100 and 67?
Regards, continue the good work
very nice video... could you make the same work with other flop?
Dry flops are intersting on this situation (BTN vs BB). I'm talking about dry flops, because the cbet wil be very large, and i think it's difficult to create a range of xcall and xraise.
flopzilla FTW! its more comfortable to filter def range via FLOPZILLA!
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