In minute 32 we open AJs utg and get shoved 18bb from BB. His 3bet % in BB is 5% and I agree that's a pretty easy fold at 9handed table. However in this spot you are only 7handed and if he perceives you as a loose EP raiser doesn't these factors make AJs closer to a call? thanks!
Thanks for the questions. If you look at his stats he has a 19% call in bb as well as low 3b stats. Also his 3b steal % is only 2% so from this info I'm really not thinking he is gonna 3b shove wide in this spot since even against later position opens he is still tight. To make AJs a call he needs to be shoving somewhere around 9-10% and I'm just not sure this guy is. And when we do make the call its only gonna be a marginal winner anyway. So all that said it seems like a fairly big risk for a 3rd of our stack in this spot.
@38 minute A3s hand. Would you also check shove on a blank turn, such as offsuit ~7 8 9? In villains shoes, would you have called your x/shove with AK? Since he obv does not have ace of hearts (and can put you on nut flush draw)...
what if you had 76hh in this spot(very plausible preflop scenario)? would you x/c both flop and turn and play straight forward or..?
you also talk about how you'd play this hand in lower buy in tournaments (lead and then shove over a raise) - I think that in lower bi tourneys people tend to just call leads. If you get just called, what would you do on the turn?..river? (I mean if you miss your draws)
Yes I would still shove on an offsuit 789 since I can still have a lot of 2 pairs....I still have 4s and 5s. So there are still quite a few value combos in my range. In his position I do call AK since there are a ton of combo draws out there now like AQhh, QThh and obv quite a few other nut fds and fd+st8 draws.
If we lead and get called in a low buy in trny I would have to base my answer on how I perceive my opponent. If I think he calls often on the flop and bets when checked to a lot then I would probably ch/shove the turn. If he calls flop a lot but folds turn a lot then I fire again. I would try to think of the best line to take which gives me the most chance of working against a specific player.
Hey Owen,
wouldn't you tend to raise your sets on the flop given that you can rep a lot of draws, which might make him to commit his stack with a top pair hand?
The board is also very wet so isn't it better to raise sets?
At about 7:10 you debated between 4bet shoving and 4betting to induce, was calling never a consideration? You're in position and the villain would still have a playable post flop stack with twice the pot size, if he cbets he can't do much vs a turn float with air and you may well get value out of KQ etc when you both hit top pair. I understand both 4betting and calling have pros and cons but why was 4betting so much better to not get considered?
Calling puts us in a situation where we don't have the preflop lead which means he gets to bet us off our hands on a lot of flops. Say the flop comes 882 what do we do then? Are we calling once then giving up? Say the flop comes KQx....what do we do then? I think the hand plays a lot cleaner as a 4b esp against someone who I showed in the stats loves to 3b from the SB.
i joined today and yours are the first videos I'm watching. I love them.
@09:15 when holding aces on the SB I would choose to just cold call for these reasons:
1) His VPIP is 40 (with 7 PFR) so he's the kind of Loose/Passive player able to open/fold from LP with 12 BBs (in fact he does)
2) Just flatting you could induce a squeeze from BB
3) When just calling, Villain will remain with just a bit more than a PSB so he should be shoving any flop almost 100% of the times wether he hits or not.
I see your point that it doesn't make sense to R/F with 12 BBs left but, don't you think that just committing him into the pot would be the best way to ensure is going to throw all the chips in it?
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Hey, great vid!
In minute 32 we open AJs utg and get shoved 18bb from BB. His 3bet % in BB is 5% and I agree that's a pretty easy fold at 9handed table. However in this spot you are only 7handed and if he perceives you as a loose EP raiser doesn't these factors make AJs closer to a call? thanks!
Thanks for the questions. If you look at his stats he has a 19% call in bb as well as low 3b stats. Also his 3b steal % is only 2% so from this info I'm really not thinking he is gonna 3b shove wide in this spot since even against later position opens he is still tight. To make AJs a call he needs to be shoving somewhere around 9-10% and I'm just not sure this guy is. And when we do make the call its only gonna be a marginal winner anyway. So all that said it seems like a fairly big risk for a 3rd of our stack in this spot.
@38 minute A3s hand. Would you also check shove on a blank turn, such as offsuit ~7 8 9? In villains shoes, would you have called your x/shove with AK? Since he obv does not have ace of hearts (and can put you on nut flush draw)...
what if you had 76hh in this spot(very plausible preflop scenario)? would you x/c both flop and turn and play straight forward or..?
you also talk about how you'd play this hand in lower buy in tournaments (lead and then shove over a raise) - I think that in lower bi tourneys people tend to just call leads. If you get just called, what would you do on the turn?..river? (I mean if you miss your draws)
Yes I would still shove on an offsuit 789 since I can still have a lot of 2 pairs....I still have 4s and 5s. So there are still quite a few value combos in my range. In his position I do call AK since there are a ton of combo draws out there now like AQhh, QThh and obv quite a few other nut fds and fd+st8 draws.
If we lead and get called in a low buy in trny I would have to base my answer on how I perceive my opponent. If I think he calls often on the flop and bets when checked to a lot then I would probably ch/shove the turn. If he calls flop a lot but folds turn a lot then I fire again. I would try to think of the best line to take which gives me the most chance of working against a specific player.
Hey Owen,
wouldn't you tend to raise your sets on the flop given that you can rep a lot of draws, which might make him to commit his stack with a top pair hand?
The board is also very wet so isn't it better to raise sets?
Hey Owen m awsome vídeo!
Do you think you can share your HUD with us?
I would very much appreciate.
Thanks Gus. If you go to the comments thread for my first video ($11r part 1) there is a link for the HUD in the last post.
thank you man , appreciate!
At about 7:10 you debated between 4bet shoving and 4betting to induce, was calling never a consideration? You're in position and the villain would still have a playable post flop stack with twice the pot size, if he cbets he can't do much vs a turn float with air and you may well get value out of KQ etc when you both hit top pair. I understand both 4betting and calling have pros and cons but why was 4betting so much better to not get considered?
Calling puts us in a situation where we don't have the preflop lead which means he gets to bet us off our hands on a lot of flops. Say the flop comes 882 what do we do then? Are we calling once then giving up? Say the flop comes KQx....what do we do then? I think the hand plays a lot cleaner as a 4b esp against someone who I showed in the stats loves to 3b from the SB.
Hi Owen, great video really enjoyed it.
At 27:25 lets say that both blinds fold instead of SB making the cold 4.
What would've been your line against the BTN 3-bettor?
I'm pretty sure against most people I would be 4b calling in that spot. AQ is too strong there to do anything else the way mtts play at the minute.
i joined today and yours are the first videos I'm watching. I love them.
@09:15 when holding aces on the SB I would choose to just cold call for these reasons:
1) His VPIP is 40 (with 7 PFR) so he's the kind of Loose/Passive player able to open/fold from LP with 12 BBs (in fact he does)
2) Just flatting you could induce a squeeze from BB
3) When just calling, Villain will remain with just a bit more than a PSB so he should be shoving any flop almost 100% of the times wether he hits or not.
I see your point that it doesn't make sense to R/F with 12 BBs left but, don't you think that just committing him into the pot would be the best way to ensure is going to throw all the chips in it?
Btw great vid! :)
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