Well that was dizzying :)
It was interesting, surely different from the other videos here. :)
@19:39 bottom right - if shorty reopens the betting and the deep guy shoves do you call with AKK2ds with 200bb?
I was always wondering about these deep plays.
thats an interesting spot for sure, since the the deep guy who made the 3bet will probably 5bet pretty wide if shorty pushes especially with his high rundowns which we are dominating so its def a potential shove if that would happen. Not a huge fan of getting in 200bb with kings though unless i have a bit of info about the opponent so in this case i probably would have folded.
I live in australia right now, so thats why it might be a bit different, but actually i think i did this vid in the morning probably around 10-11am and thats like middle of the night back in europe so the player pool shouldnt be that odd.
As someone who puts in about 10 hours of play per day I do not believe that's the case. Anyways, @ Betrob, what is your approximate winrate? And what sample? And three, why do you play without a HUD in your videos?
In HM i have 367k hands of plo50 zoom and there i have 3.8bb/100, at regular tables i have 190k hands and 5.45bb/100 in winrate. I dont use HUD when i play actually, ive been using it from time to time but been playing without it for over a year now i think.
That's a very interesting choice! Could you share your reasoning behind this decision? Surely knowing even VPIP/PFR/3b/fold to steal would help, or maybe you want to improve your overall game without overlooking highish variance stats?
P.S. Even if you don't do this normally, it would help your videos a lot (your viewers) if at least for video's sake you would turn 4-color deck on. Majority of the PLO community uses it and it really helps a lot when watching a video (rather confuses if you're used to 4 colors and its just red and black). Its under Options>table display options>4 color deck. And who knows, maybe you'll even come to like it yourself. It's a great option.
Hi, Robin, very nice video. I am playing plo10 now, and a lot of players just play very tight, what do you think I should do to adjust? My vpip/pfr is around 19/15. Thanks a lot!
you said early in the video you liked bet sizing small in 3 betted pots when C betting.. but at 25:20 you 3 bet with A986 flop comes JJx and you go for 60% or something.. is it because it's JJ or why go big there?
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Well that was dizzying :)
It was interesting, surely different from the other videos here. :)
@19:39 bottom right - if shorty reopens the betting and the deep guy shoves do you call with AKK2ds with 200bb?
I was always wondering about these deep plays.
thats an interesting spot for sure, since the the deep guy who made the 3bet will probably 5bet pretty wide if shorty pushes especially with his high rundowns which we are dominating so its def a potential shove if that would happen. Not a huge fan of getting in 200bb with kings though unless i have a bit of info about the opponent so in this case i probably would have folded.
When was this footage taken? I mean what time in certain timezone. Surprised not so see almost any usual regs I face.
same here, dont recognize nobodey, maybe the player pool is super huge ^^
I live in australia right now, so thats why it might be a bit different, but actually i think i did this vid in the morning probably around 10-11am and thats like middle of the night back in europe so the player pool shouldnt be that odd.
As someone who puts in about 10 hours of play per day I do not believe that's the case. Anyways, @ Betrob, what is your approximate winrate? And what sample? And three, why do you play without a HUD in your videos?
In HM i have 367k hands of plo50 zoom and there i have 3.8bb/100, at regular tables i have 190k hands and 5.45bb/100 in winrate. I dont use HUD when i play actually, ive been using it from time to time but been playing without it for over a year now i think.
That's a very interesting choice! Could you share your reasoning behind this decision? Surely knowing even VPIP/PFR/3b/fold to steal would help, or maybe you want to improve your overall game without overlooking highish variance stats?
P.S. Even if you don't do this normally, it would help your videos a lot (your viewers) if at least for video's sake you would turn 4-color deck on. Majority of the PLO community uses it and it really helps a lot when watching a video (rather confuses if you're used to 4 colors and its just red and black). Its under Options>table display options>4 color deck. And who knows, maybe you'll even come to like it yourself. It's a great option.
Hi, Robin, very nice video. I am playing plo10 now, and a lot of players just play very tight, what do you think I should do to adjust? My vpip/pfr is around 19/15. Thanks a lot!
you said early in the video you liked bet sizing small in 3 betted pots when C betting.. but at 25:20 you 3 bet with A986 flop comes JJx and you go for 60% or something.. is it because it's JJ or why go big there?
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