Hi Ben, this is the first video of yours that I’ve watched, since I’m an elite member since a few days. I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait to see your video on responding in the BB vs various sizings. I felt comfused many many times and I hope the upcoming video will help me to shed some light on my huge leaks.
Do you offer some coaching for run as good as you in your vid? :p
Anyway, if you consider NL500 a high rake environment, what do you think is the lowest stake where you can find a resonable rake?
I play nl25 where rake is meh, 11bb/100, so the rake at nl500 seems fantastic to me
I wanted to play a semi significant sample of nl just to change things up. I also wanted to see if I was still any good or could become good with some effort and repetitions
Hi, Ben Sulsky - I'm not trying to embarrass you or anything like that and I know that you are retired from poker and that you are a PLO player now and all of those other obligatory et ceteras, etc. . . but based on the first 5 minutes of this video—as well as some unspecified minutes of other recent videos of yours—I just have to say it (and I hope that you do eventually forgive me). . . but you like this whole two-card poker thing. Admit it. =)
Fabricating a fictional reality where "Sauce sits in his PLO tower and scoffs at the lowly two-card simpletons" can eventually take its toll on one's psyche. Eventually the fabrication begins to crack, and then crumble, until all that remains is what was beneath the facade all along. . .
Uhm... cause EV. But intuitively the reason is that vs small rfi sizes there are a lot of hands getting good enough odds from the small blinds to try and make the nuts against the strong EP rfi range, and if we don’t call from sb and instead 3b our vpips we can get 4b too often
Is there a way to estimate ev difference between different strats using preflop solvers? haven't ever used preflop solver, so have no idea. If it is possible, have you ever looked how much ev 3b/fold strat loses compared to optimal?
I’ll try and do some videos on the freely available (and pretty good) preflop outputs included with PioCash. For sb play and ip vs rfi play, you must use monkersolver
28.5k hands, 10.4 evbb. almost certainly running very well. my std dev is 104, so one std dev in winrate for my sample is about 6bb/100... meaning I still don't have anything resembling reliable statistical info about how much I'm beating the game for, but I'm probably +EV. It seems unlikely >8bb or so is sustainable in the game (rake is ~4bb/100), and 6 is probably more realistic.
Sorry I am wrong about rake, I'm getting 3.83bb/100 before rakeback over 26k hands, and I probably play more rake than average reg due to being loose preflop
I have a video on this I believe, called randomizing or something ... but you want to execute your mixed strategies at the table using some pseudo random process to unbias you
fun grinding with you in the pool, feel like we have played a bunch of big pots in a small sample of hands haha. albeit the majority of which were just coolers.
how long are you planning on grinding 500z for? or is that you done with it and the 50k hands?
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Hi Ben, this is the first video of yours that I’ve watched, since I’m an elite member since a few days. I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait to see your video on responding in the BB vs various sizings. I felt comfused many many times and I hope the upcoming video will help me to shed some light on my huge leaks.
Do you offer some coaching for run as good as you in your vid? :p
Anyway, if you consider NL500 a high rake environment, what do you think is the lowest stake where you can find a resonable rake?
I play nl25 where rake is meh, 11bb/100, so the rake at nl500 seems fantastic to me
forCarlotta - "Hi Ben, this is the first video of yours that I’ve watched. . ."
Lucky you! If I were in your shoes I would spend the next week or more watching the last year or two worth of Sauce videos. =)
Not sure. Low stakes games r hopefully very soft too
A day in the life of Sauce: Flopping sets with impunity
Any particular reason for playing 500z quite often this month? Are you making videos for whole year ahead? lol
Fans are interested :)
I wanted to play a semi significant sample of nl just to change things up. I also wanted to see if I was still any good or could become good with some effort and repetitions
Hi, Ben Sulsky - I'm not trying to embarrass you or anything like that and I know that you are retired from poker and that you are a PLO player now and all of those other obligatory et ceteras, etc. . . but based on the first 5 minutes of this video—as well as some unspecified minutes of other recent videos of yours—I just have to say it (and I hope that you do eventually forgive me). . . but you like this whole two-card poker thing. Admit it. =)
Fabricating a fictional reality where "Sauce sits in his PLO tower and scoffs at the lowly two-card simpletons" can eventually take its toll on one's psyche. Eventually the fabrication begins to crack, and then crumble, until all that remains is what was beneath the facade all along. . .
Haha I am having a very good time playing nl so far
Hey Ben. Thanks for the vid.
Can you share why do you believe it's important to have a calling range from SB?
Uhm... cause EV. But intuitively the reason is that vs small rfi sizes there are a lot of hands getting good enough odds from the small blinds to try and make the nuts against the strong EP rfi range, and if we don’t call from sb and instead 3b our vpips we can get 4b too often
what hands to mix the flatting in the sb vs BU as u said calling with 22-88 is better?
how does it change when we are 200 bb deep?
13minute A5s cold 4bet isn't that too lose of 4bet? Is it exploitable play on your part(widening your cold 4bet range towards bluff)?
I think it’s a mix, but yea it’s loose
Since when 32yo is "Old Man" ffs?
It is in online poker right !?
yeah right, right
Do you think strategy of 3b/fold is losing EV ag min raise opens compared to 2.5x or so?
Is there a way to estimate ev difference between different strats using preflop solvers? haven't ever used preflop solver, so have no idea. If it is possible, have you ever looked how much ev 3b/fold strat loses compared to optimal?
Yes and yes.
I’ll try and do some videos on the freely available (and pretty good) preflop outputs included with PioCash. For sb play and ip vs rfi play, you must use monkersolver
thanks for the video! if you dont mind sharing what sample do you have and what is your winrate so far at 500z?
28.5k hands, 10.4 evbb. almost certainly running very well. my std dev is 104, so one std dev in winrate for my sample is about 6bb/100... meaning I still don't have anything resembling reliable statistical info about how much I'm beating the game for, but I'm probably +EV. It seems unlikely >8bb or so is sustainable in the game (rake is ~4bb/100), and 6 is probably more realistic.
Sorry I am wrong about rake, I'm getting 3.83bb/100 before rakeback over 26k hands, and I probably play more rake than average reg due to being loose preflop
Can you explain the randomization, what you're using to randomize and when we should be using it?
I have a video on this I believe, called randomizing or something ... but you want to execute your mixed strategies at the table using some pseudo random process to unbias you
"rolling" is probably the video referred to (though I haven't watched it yet myself)
i believe you have played in $500 NLHE for long time, but why dont you have much history of your opponents on your hud?
I play on two dif PCs
Great stuff! Possible to record an ante 6max game at some point? Would love to see your adjustments and also more applicable to tournaments
fun grinding with you in the pool, feel like we have played a bunch of big pots in a small sample of hands haha. albeit the majority of which were just coolers.
how long are you planning on grinding 500z for? or is that you done with it and the 50k hands?
Ya I think mostly coolers. Have played maybe 33k hands, will finish sometime in March
cool, sounds good. i did not think that i was losing with that AA hand haha (when you had the set of 22.)
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