Basic 4-Betting Strategy

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Basic 4-Betting Strategy

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Nick Johnson

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Basic 4-Betting Strategy

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Nick Johnson

POSTED Feb 16, 2019

Nick Johnson reviews some spots where it makes sense to 4-bet non-AA hands in PLO.


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Chivu Daniel 6 years ago

I like all the hands that you have played with a 4bet except the last one . The 578Jds . I think vs a short stack player I would not to this move , I mean if he would call my 4bet there is absolutely no room for any play at all . I think this move is very high variance , so I very much like your concept with over 100 bb deep. What do you think ?

Nick Johnson 6 years ago

I think you are absolutely correct. I actually wanted to double check this hand because I thought it might be close enough that I would be wrong, so I checked with solver again across PLO 25 to 200 and found that J875ds actually works better as a call vs 3 bet in that situation. I think for roughly 75bbs it's still fine to open and call, but once we get to around 50bb we have to fold J875ds and open J876ds I believe. Thanks for pointing that out though as I needed a reminder to check it out and make sure you guys have the right info!

petardo 4 years, 9 months ago

As I understood ,the AJQ6 ds hand we are only 4 betting against maniacs correct? When solid player on SB we just flat or fold?

Nick Johnson 4 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, so this of course is the rarer situation where we have a super loose player in the SB, so we can use more AKKs/AQQds types of hands along with some combos like the one I chose here mainly as an exploit, but generally you will want to just call with a lot of those hands IP.

maxthestar2112 4 years, 9 months ago

In the video around 23:00 you 4bet to $35.50 leaving $66 dollars behind and villain 5bets you all in which of course means he almost always has AAxx. How do you mathematically convert your equity percentage in terms of big blinds you've already committed to the pot in order to decided whether to call off? Is this even a concept?

Nick Johnson 4 years, 9 months ago

I wouldn't look to over-complicate the situation to be honest. I think you can keep it as simple as just going into software like pro poker tools, punching in hands you would 4B and how they fare in equity vs AA (perceived 5B range from Villain). Generally, the combos that have more visibility such as JT86ds or 8776ds will be doing better much than AKT4ds for example.

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