nice vid as usual. when playing HU against someone that min raises, do you feel a large need to implement a flop xr strategy? reason I'm thinking is that we get to the flop with a wide range of hands calling 2bbs in the bb and a lot of our hands will be interested in bluffing (will be quite weak). Im having more trouble against min raisers than other raise sizes thats why I'm asking. Im not sure what to do with all my air on the flop bc lots of time ill be peeling flop lighter than id like (ace high, king high, etc) but they'll barrel and ill be folding a ton on turns etc. I'm thinking a well thought up flop xr range might help this problem? although i don't see you check raising much so perhaps you have different views. Thanks, peace
I think it's unnecessary to do anything fancy once you've called a minraise with a weak hand. You're playing that hand because he's laying you a fantastic price preflop - one that allows you to fold a big portion of flops and still improve to strong hands often enough that we will net positive expectation on our call.
Hello Kevin. Awesome work as usual. Some of your hands got me thinking, hope you can share your insight.
16.00 A4o - Pretty enlightening how we shouldn't bet TP on the turn against an expert opponent. But I don't quite follow the reasoning of going for two streets with AxXh and checking back AxXnoheart. I'd play my range the other way around, betting the latter for protection (usually two streets), and checking back the former since it barely needs protection, as a way of strenghtening my river range. My guess is that you believe there is more EV to be gained by betting the AxXh. But if you check AxXnoheart, aren't you concerned about allowing villain to realize his equity and/or allow him to bluff us OTR?
16.30 J6o - How do you feel about a river c/r? I think your line could be pretty consistent with a boat. Or are there better candidates for a bluff raise in this spot?
19.00 AJo - Are you not cbetting here 100% of the time? I try to check and bet, with my randomizer being that I cbet when the two suits of my combo are present on the flop, like in this scenario. If I have AJs I'm cbetting 75% (BDFD). These randomizers are for rainbow boards. Does it make sense to you?
19.50 44 - You mention checking behind is superior OTF. You also say that you expect to get to SD often, but how about betting for protection? Or you expect him to defend vs a stab on this board way too often, making checking superior?
16:00 - I wanted to bet the AxXh simply because it's a stronger hand. It has blockers to his flushes and equity against chops, both benefits that AxXx fail to have. When I'm choosing to open the action vs an uncapped range with a marginal value bet, I think it's important to have a pretty strong backup plan.
16:30 - If I'm looking to rep a boat here, I want to bluff with the best blockers to the top of his range. In this case, that's likely 88/87/Q9. Since I can absolutely have Q8 here, and the boats I'd be repping are quite uncommon, I might just stick with some frequency of Q8 and maybe J8 in case he checked back top set on the flop.
19 - That's a pretty good randomizer for the frequency you're going for, I think I just bet less often than you in this spot. It's not 0%.
19:50 - I just don't think my hand is anywhere near strong enough to consider betting, he has me drawing to 2 outs quite often with 6x/7x/88-QQ.
9:28 table3 I completely understand checking 63 on 832r. Beside that, this is a board that I like to apply a higher than optimal cbet frequency (Q high -)since he has very offsuit combos will continue and even his A high hands can't call against a bet-check-bet line when you have an overcard to the 8 OTT. What do you think ?
9:37 table2 do you expect him to play Kd/Qd hands as a check back then bet line ? Do you ever consider leading this river ? I guess he is not betting 9d hands with 100% frequency OTR and it isn't a spot that he would choose to bluff raise very often since he would have no blockers. How would you play Q7/J7 OTR ?
18:01 table 3 how you like to design your two street bluff catching hands ? On this texture, even tough it is two tone, cards are reasonably unconnected and only few hands improve to gutters OTT and some of them still have sd value against your turn calling range if you don't use a high frequency river leading strategy on this board.
Q3 is a mandatory bet for him on 9s river ? Can you say a little bit more about your river frequencies after checking flop, x/c turn on this board ? I guess this turn x/c leads your range on a too weak manner that allows him to overbluff the river with 4x/3x and maybe this is case to make 5x a call and 75 doesn't block much of the hands that he is bluffing.
9:28 - Well his A high hands can absolutely call, but that's probably a fine exploitative adjustment against a lot of people.
9:37 - You're probably right that leading will max my expectation here, I tend to be a bit more polar in this type of spot (which I think is great for leading) and just overlooked in game that he's quite unlikely to have my hand beat on this particular board.
18 - Here I just kinda overcalled this spot to hopefully find an imbalance in his game, but ideally I'd want to have no 3x or 4x in my hand. Otherwise I'm just taking a pretty much bottom up approach of calling stronger hands and folding weaker ones.
22:07 - I'd just check, I'd rather size a lot bigger here with the strong parts of my range than be concerned about the few combos of very thin value bets I might want to consider.
Do you feel that a lot can go wrong when trying to implement a makeshift check raising range on the flop? I mean, do you feel most players should mostly continue without much of a check raising range and just check call most hands and go from there?
No, there's certainly nothing wrong with a flop check/raise range. I have a pretty standard one worked out in some situations as part of my overall gameplan, but not as many as some other players. I'll create more flop c/r ranges against certain player types that are a bit uncommon.
97ss, 26:30.
A few things - 1) i think we allow our opponent to c/r a hand like QTo pretty effectively if we bet as wide for value as our weaker 9x combos (not that it's an adjustment you'd see many players capable of making), 2) Villain isn't really incentivized to lead the turn very often as your delay c-bet frequency is probably going to be quite high (assumption), 3) Our range should be quite vulnerable vs 1-1.5psb stabs OTR when turn goes c/c aswell - considering our wide turn-valuebetting range. Personally, i prefer checking more 9x hands back OTT as it does more good for our range IMO, and from an exploitive POV i'm also OK with being a little unbalanced since i rarely encounter people that defend versus delayed c-bets very well. Where is my logic faulty here? :)
I'm going to address those out of order if you don't mind:
2) I'm out of town so I can't hop on CREV to check this, but I'd be surprised if my delay cbet frequency with this strategy is higher than 35-40%. I'm still checking all my 88- showdown hands and only betting 9x/TT-JJ/Qx+ as a value range. My bluff range won't be so wide because it'll have generally low equity and there's only one street left. I might be slightly off here but I don't think I'm betting so often that he wants to check his range to me.
1) I'd mostly be dealing with that adjustment once it starts to happen, but I'm not any more concerned about him c/r QT than I am about him paying off his worse hands. Independent of his turn lead strategy, we have a strong hand on this board and I think you're underestimating that. If his turn c/r frequency were 25% then sure I'd consider polarizing more but I'd also be doing tons better in a different spot because of it.
3) Not value betting wide has its downside too, because we allow him to showdown weak hands for free. I'm perfectly happy to deal with some potential break even river bluff catching situations with 6x, underpairs or ace high in exchange for adding value to hands on the turn. My population of opponents is pretty competent in delay cbet situations and I don't want to miss value vs anyone who's aware of the spot.
you note about his value range bet sizing being too small, could you please expand on what you mean by that? wondering why he should use a larger size with his value? really interested in how his bet value/bluff frequency in spots should affect his sizing?
in comments on 16:00 you say
16:00 - I wanted to bet the AxXh simply because it's a stronger hand. It has blockers to his flushes and equity against chops, both benefits that AxXx fail to have.
understand what you are saying about flushes, but not about better equity against chops, eg if you had Ax4h, this would reduce flushes but how would it improve equity against chops?
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nice vid as usual. when playing HU against someone that min raises, do you feel a large need to implement a flop xr strategy? reason I'm thinking is that we get to the flop with a wide range of hands calling 2bbs in the bb and a lot of our hands will be interested in bluffing (will be quite weak). Im having more trouble against min raisers than other raise sizes thats why I'm asking. Im not sure what to do with all my air on the flop bc lots of time ill be peeling flop lighter than id like (ace high, king high, etc) but they'll barrel and ill be folding a ton on turns etc. I'm thinking a well thought up flop xr range might help this problem? although i don't see you check raising much so perhaps you have different views. Thanks, peace
I think it's unnecessary to do anything fancy once you've called a minraise with a weak hand. You're playing that hand because he's laying you a fantastic price preflop - one that allows you to fold a big portion of flops and still improve to strong hands often enough that we will net positive expectation on our call.
Hello Kevin. Awesome work as usual. Some of your hands got me thinking, hope you can share your insight.
16.00 A4o - Pretty enlightening how we shouldn't bet TP on the turn against an expert opponent. But I don't quite follow the reasoning of going for two streets with AxXh and checking back AxXnoheart. I'd play my range the other way around, betting the latter for protection (usually two streets), and checking back the former since it barely needs protection, as a way of strenghtening my river range. My guess is that you believe there is more EV to be gained by betting the AxXh. But if you check AxXnoheart, aren't you concerned about allowing villain to realize his equity and/or allow him to bluff us OTR?
16.30 J6o - How do you feel about a river c/r? I think your line could be pretty consistent with a boat. Or are there better candidates for a bluff raise in this spot?
19.00 AJo - Are you not cbetting here 100% of the time? I try to check and bet, with my randomizer being that I cbet when the two suits of my combo are present on the flop, like in this scenario. If I have AJs I'm cbetting 75% (BDFD). These randomizers are for rainbow boards. Does it make sense to you?
19.50 44 - You mention checking behind is superior OTF. You also say that you expect to get to SD often, but how about betting for protection? Or you expect him to defend vs a stab on this board way too often, making checking superior?
16:00 - I wanted to bet the AxXh simply because it's a stronger hand. It has blockers to his flushes and equity against chops, both benefits that AxXx fail to have. When I'm choosing to open the action vs an uncapped range with a marginal value bet, I think it's important to have a pretty strong backup plan.
16:30 - If I'm looking to rep a boat here, I want to bluff with the best blockers to the top of his range. In this case, that's likely 88/87/Q9. Since I can absolutely have Q8 here, and the boats I'd be repping are quite uncommon, I might just stick with some frequency of Q8 and maybe J8 in case he checked back top set on the flop.
19 - That's a pretty good randomizer for the frequency you're going for, I think I just bet less often than you in this spot. It's not 0%.
19:50 - I just don't think my hand is anywhere near strong enough to consider betting, he has me drawing to 2 outs quite often with 6x/7x/88-QQ.
hi kevin, thank you for another elite video.
9:28 table3 I completely understand checking 63 on 832r. Beside that, this is a board that I like to apply a higher than optimal cbet frequency (Q high -)since he has very offsuit combos will continue and even his A high hands can't call against a bet-check-bet line when you have an overcard to the 8 OTT. What do you think ?
9:37 table2 do you expect him to play Kd/Qd hands as a check back then bet line ? Do you ever consider leading this river ? I guess he is not betting 9d hands with 100% frequency OTR and it isn't a spot that he would choose to bluff raise very often since he would have no blockers. How would you play Q7/J7 OTR ?
18:01 table 3 how you like to design your two street bluff catching hands ? On this texture, even tough it is two tone, cards are reasonably unconnected and only few hands improve to gutters OTT and some of them still have sd value against your turn calling range if you don't use a high frequency river leading strategy on this board.
Q3 is a mandatory bet for him on 9s river ? Can you say a little bit more about your river frequencies after checking flop, x/c turn on this board ? I guess this turn x/c leads your range on a too weak manner that allows him to overbluff the river with 4x/3x and maybe this is case to make 5x a call and 75 doesn't block much of the hands that he is bluffing.
22:07 table3 how would you play TT on this spot ?
9:28 - Well his A high hands can absolutely call, but that's probably a fine exploitative adjustment against a lot of people.
9:37 - You're probably right that leading will max my expectation here, I tend to be a bit more polar in this type of spot (which I think is great for leading) and just overlooked in game that he's quite unlikely to have my hand beat on this particular board.
18 - Here I just kinda overcalled this spot to hopefully find an imbalance in his game, but ideally I'd want to have no 3x or 4x in my hand. Otherwise I'm just taking a pretty much bottom up approach of calling stronger hands and folding weaker ones.
22:07 - I'd just check, I'd rather size a lot bigger here with the strong parts of my range than be concerned about the few combos of very thin value bets I might want to consider.
Hey, I've been always wondering what do you say in the introduction? I always hear it "hey guys, this is bear wire for".
Solid video, all around you're very articulate with your analysis.
I guess I got used to that intro when I made videos for - it's just my 2p2 screen name Barewire lol
Do you feel that a lot can go wrong when trying to implement a makeshift check raising range on the flop? I mean, do you feel most players should mostly continue without much of a check raising range and just check call most hands and go from there?
No, there's certainly nothing wrong with a flop check/raise range. I have a pretty standard one worked out in some situations as part of my overall gameplan, but not as many as some other players. I'll create more flop c/r ranges against certain player types that are a bit uncommon.
97ss, 26:30.
A few things - 1) i think we allow our opponent to c/r a hand like QTo pretty effectively if we bet as wide for value as our weaker 9x combos (not that it's an adjustment you'd see many players capable of making), 2) Villain isn't really incentivized to lead the turn very often as your delay c-bet frequency is probably going to be quite high (assumption), 3) Our range should be quite vulnerable vs 1-1.5psb stabs OTR when turn goes c/c aswell - considering our wide turn-valuebetting range. Personally, i prefer checking more 9x hands back OTT as it does more good for our range IMO, and from an exploitive POV i'm also OK with being a little unbalanced since i rarely encounter people that defend versus delayed c-bets very well. Where is my logic faulty here? :)
U think 50nl hu vs regs can be profitable on stars? I beat 50nl 6m and might want to learn hu so advice how to start would be nice. Thanks
I'm going to address those out of order if you don't mind:
2) I'm out of town so I can't hop on CREV to check this, but I'd be surprised if my delay cbet frequency with this strategy is higher than 35-40%. I'm still checking all my 88- showdown hands and only betting 9x/TT-JJ/Qx+ as a value range. My bluff range won't be so wide because it'll have generally low equity and there's only one street left. I might be slightly off here but I don't think I'm betting so often that he wants to check his range to me.
1) I'd mostly be dealing with that adjustment once it starts to happen, but I'm not any more concerned about him c/r QT than I am about him paying off his worse hands. Independent of his turn lead strategy, we have a strong hand on this board and I think you're underestimating that. If his turn c/r frequency were 25% then sure I'd consider polarizing more but I'd also be doing tons better in a different spot because of it.
3) Not value betting wide has its downside too, because we allow him to showdown weak hands for free. I'm perfectly happy to deal with some potential break even river bluff catching situations with 6x, underpairs or ace high in exchange for adding value to hands on the turn. My population of opponents is pretty competent in delay cbet situations and I don't want to miss value vs anyone who's aware of the spot.
Hi kevin
you note about his value range bet sizing being too small, could you please expand on what you mean by that? wondering why he should use a larger size with his value? really interested in how his bet value/bluff frequency in spots should affect his sizing?
in comments on 16:00 you say
16:00 - I wanted to bet the AxXh simply because it's a stronger hand. It has blockers to his flushes and equity against chops, both benefits that AxXx fail to have.
understand what you are saying about flushes, but not about better equity against chops, eg if you had Ax4h, this would reduce flushes but how would it improve equity against chops?
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