in the A4s hand, I'm just wondering when you have this large leading size (I've been incorporating this recently myself), is this your only bet size on the turn? What would you do with hands like 78, A7, 9T, 88.
also, can you give some general thoughts on 3betting ranges from the big blind? like if you're defending K2s hand 1, what hands are you 3betting? thanks!
Hands like 78/A7/9T/88 are hands i'd vbet ott. I expect villain to rarely check the flop with 9x+. I'd still probably bet large on the turn with them because i think there is a lot of value to be had on the turn, but I might c/c or c/f the river with them.
I'd 3b bluff hands, that can hit a decent amount of board textures but have bad raw equity. 54s, 74s, hands like those. In a single raised pot i am a lot more likely to showdown a winner with king high then in a three bet pot, so i'd rather defend those sorts of hands.
I like very much your vids on ranges. Any ideas to make some vids on how to shape a range, and how you are doing to contruct your range based on this shaping? especially some tips to do that while playing and then also some ways to work on off the table?
In the first hand k2dd, where you c/r because his range is clearly capped (agree that if you choose to continue with the hand is better to c/r than to donk or c/call), but by doing that arent you now capping your own range where most of the times you can only continue with the hand with the nut flush if he is sick enough to shove over your c/r? Am I just levelling too much or do you think it makes some sense? thanks and great video.
I am not capping my own range because i'd also c/r flushes here. His range is capped because it's very difficult for him to a flush, but relatively easy for me to have one. It's a very tough spot to bluff because he has very few flushes in his range and if he wants to start overbluffing or rebluffing with a high frequency I can just call all my value c/rs and profit a ton.
I think it would be better to bet around 2400 in the last hand with JJ. Villain is fish, it doesn't matter how unbalanced we are and he's gonna call much more when its not for his whole stack. Plus you save chips when he has QQ/AA.
I was going to write the same as Like.a.G6 basicly, But I suggest a bet around 3k, which I think he is calling with A high(I believe a fish has a majority of A high hand here, because fishes bet flops like this to protect with pairs).
21:00 - I'd say this sizing might also mean another thing. People might play their strong hands this way to get value from your capped range on the river, assuming (perhaps incorrectly) you won't have too many full house / trips combos, thus trying to get value from your bluffcatchers, which they assume are more likely to call small bet than a shove? Would you agree with that?
It's of course based on them playing incorrectly, basing on incorrect assumptions (weakness of your range, judging difference between how often you bluffcatch 1/3 psb and a shove) but I guess it's more likely than playing perfect poker :)
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in the A4s hand, I'm just wondering when you have this large leading size (I've been incorporating this recently myself), is this your only bet size on the turn? What would you do with hands like 78, A7, 9T, 88.
also, can you give some general thoughts on 3betting ranges from the big blind? like if you're defending K2s hand 1, what hands are you 3betting? thanks!
Hands like 78/A7/9T/88 are hands i'd vbet ott. I expect villain to rarely check the flop with 9x+. I'd still probably bet large on the turn with them because i think there is a lot of value to be had on the turn, but I might c/c or c/f the river with them.
I'd 3b bluff hands, that can hit a decent amount of board textures but have bad raw equity. 54s, 74s, hands like those. In a single raised pot i am a lot more likely to showdown a winner with king high then in a three bet pot, so i'd rather defend those sorts of hands.
Good vid, Sam. Clarified the concept very well for me. Ty.
I like very much your vids on ranges. Any ideas to make some vids on how to shape a range, and how you are doing to contruct your range based on this shaping? especially some tips to do that while playing and then also some ways to work on off the table?
my grandmother overbets
In the first hand k2dd, where you c/r because his range is clearly capped (agree that if you choose to continue with the hand is better to c/r than to donk or c/call), but by doing that arent you now capping your own range where most of the times you can only continue with the hand with the nut flush if he is sick enough to shove over your c/r? Am I just levelling too much or do you think it makes some sense? thanks and great video.
I am not capping my own range because i'd also c/r flushes here. His range is capped because it's very difficult for him to a flush, but relatively easy for me to have one. It's a very tough spot to bluff because he has very few flushes in his range and if he wants to start overbluffing or rebluffing with a high frequency I can just call all my value c/rs and profit a ton.
I think it would be better to bet around 2400 in the last hand with JJ. Villain is fish, it doesn't matter how unbalanced we are and he's gonna call much more when its not for his whole stack. Plus you save chips when he has QQ/AA.
I think that's fair.
I was going to write the same as Like.a.G6 basicly, But I suggest a bet around 3k, which I think he is calling with A high(I believe a fish has a majority of A high hand here, because fishes bet flops like this to protect with pairs).
21:00 - I'd say this sizing might also mean another thing. People might play their strong hands this way to get value from your capped range on the river, assuming (perhaps incorrectly) you won't have too many full house / trips combos, thus trying to get value from your bluffcatchers, which they assume are more likely to call small bet than a shove? Would you agree with that?
It's of course based on them playing incorrectly, basing on incorrect assumptions (weakness of your range, judging difference between how often you bluffcatch 1/3 psb and a shove) but I guess it's more likely than playing perfect poker :)
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