I DO NOT PAY ELITE FOR THIS. I know Phil took it at college I had its as half of my Religious Education A Levels in the UK but on run it once, hell no. Hell no WTF.. Sorry u seem cool but not here just no please this is my safe place I can relax u know u get approx. 400K awake hours life time and I just wasted quarter of an hour am I missing something. FU man no knowledge relating to poker FU !
This video isn't Elite, It's Essential. And why are you so mad? If you pay for Elite, why are you watching Essential? Seems pretty silly to me. Also, I can't see how religious education could possibly tell you anything about morality. What does worshiping an imaginary being, who asks for you to be cruel to animals, in order to appease him, tell you about morality? I took R.E. at school also...It taught me absolutely nothing, except how not to believe everything that your teacher tells you as fact. Based on your attitude and the way in which you are addressing another human being in these comments, I think this video is EXACTLY what you need, Sir.
Like I read Phil's post about his safe place at college to study poker he was happy there, I'm sorry this video equivalent to a religious converter knocking at the door almost I just don't get why its here :(
Oh man I nearly want to let Phil Laak away with it, because the fact that he actually did that is just so damn hilarious. He looks ridiculous...Whoever thought Colonel Sanders would be at the main. I guess everyone would have found out 10 minutes into day 1 that it wasn't an old man, and he'd have had to sit there looking utterly stupid for no good reason for the remainder of the day?
Having sex with the chicken is more moral than purchasing dead chickens to begin with. I think that's a clearly demonstrable fact. Arguments against are often based in fallacy, and the result of succumbing to cognitive biases. I was always very disappointed with many of my psychology lecturers, because they appeared to fail so miserably at applying many of the things they taught in their every day real life situations. Not all, but far too many. I found those in the area of clinical psychology retained a certain degree of arrogance, and appeared far too certain of their own assertions than the evidence seemed to justify. The very people most educated around how biased the human mind is, consciously and unconsciously, ought to be the very least sure of themselves and the assertions that they make. Perhaps careful is the word I should use. And yet, as the DSM changes drastically time and time again, as disorders appear and are removed from the manual, the certainty of far too many clinicians remains as high as it was when we were categorizing homosexuals as mentally ill. Have you seen the work by social psychologist, Melanie Joy? I'm a huge fan of her work.
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Awesome video, keep it up!
I DO NOT PAY ELITE FOR THIS. I know Phil took it at college I had its as half of my Religious Education A Levels in the UK but on run it once, hell no. Hell no WTF.. Sorry u seem cool but not here just no please this is my safe place I can relax u know u get approx. 400K awake hours life time and I just wasted quarter of an hour am I missing something. FU man no knowledge relating to poker FU !
This video isn't Elite, It's Essential. And why are you so mad? If you pay for Elite, why are you watching Essential? Seems pretty silly to me. Also, I can't see how religious education could possibly tell you anything about morality. What does worshiping an imaginary being, who asks for you to be cruel to animals, in order to appease him, tell you about morality? I took R.E. at school also...It taught me absolutely nothing, except how not to believe everything that your teacher tells you as fact. Based on your attitude and the way in which you are addressing another human being in these comments, I think this video is EXACTLY what you need, Sir.
Like I read Phil's post about his safe place at college to study poker he was happy there, I'm sorry this video equivalent to a religious converter knocking at the door almost I just don't get why its here :(
Oh man I nearly want to let Phil Laak away with it, because the fact that he actually did that is just so damn hilarious. He looks ridiculous...Whoever thought Colonel Sanders would be at the main. I guess everyone would have found out 10 minutes into day 1 that it wasn't an old man, and he'd have had to sit there looking utterly stupid for no good reason for the remainder of the day?
Having sex with the chicken is more moral than purchasing dead chickens to begin with. I think that's a clearly demonstrable fact. Arguments against are often based in fallacy, and the result of succumbing to cognitive biases. I was always very disappointed with many of my psychology lecturers, because they appeared to fail so miserably at applying many of the things they taught in their every day real life situations. Not all, but far too many. I found those in the area of clinical psychology retained a certain degree of arrogance, and appeared far too certain of their own assertions than the evidence seemed to justify. The very people most educated around how biased the human mind is, consciously and unconsciously, ought to be the very least sure of themselves and the assertions that they make. Perhaps careful is the word I should use. And yet, as the DSM changes drastically time and time again, as disorders appear and are removed from the manual, the certainty of far too many clinicians remains as high as it was when we were categorizing homosexuals as mentally ill. Have you seen the work by social psychologist, Melanie Joy? I'm a huge fan of her work.
Exploring her work now -- appreciate the recommendation!
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